This Day, June 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

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1233(21stof Sivan, 4993): Today, for the first time, Jews were ordered to weardistinctive clothing was mandated in Spain. The following year Pope Gregory IXdeveloped guidelines for this, sent in the form of a letter to the King ofNavarra: "Since we desire that Jews be recognizable and distinguished fromChristians, we order you to impose upon each and every Jew of both sexes asign, viz, one round patch of yellow cloth of linen to be worn on the uppermostgarment." 1365:Urban V issued “Sicuti judaeis non debet” a Papal Bull that forbade people frommolesting Jews or forcing them to be baptized. 1422: In Castello di Petroia, Guidantinio da Monterfeltro gavebirth to his illegitimate son Federico da Montefeltro, who “protected hisJewish subjects during his reign in Urbino from 1444 to 1482. 1494:Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the New Worldbetween the two countries. Considering the Inquisition and the Expulsion fromIberia, this division could have meant that Jews would have been banned fromthe Western hemisphere. Fortunately forthe Jews, Protestant Holland and Anglican England (as well as France) did notrecognize the treaty and had other plans for dividing the lands of the NewWorld. 1594(18thof Sivan 5354): Roderigo Lopez a Marrano physician was hanged in England. Bornin 1525, he supposedly arrived in England as Francis Drake's prisoner of war.He rose in importance to become Queen Elizabeth's physician (1586). Accused byother members of the court of being a Spanish spy who was trying to poison theQueen, he was arrested but the Queen refused to carry out the death sentence.In June 1594 she finally consented and he was hanged. Throughout his trial hewas vilified as being a "Jew". According to someaccounts, Lopez was a foolish person who got in way over his head playingpolitics at the Court of Queen Elizabeth. In the days of Good Queen Bess,the rule of thumb was "when in doubt, hang 'em." 1651(18thof Sivan, 5411): Polish Talmudist Abraham Rapoport, the “son of Israel JelrielRapoport of Cracow and son-in-law of Mordecai Schrenzel of Lemberg who “waspresident of the Council of Four Lands, and was administrator of the moneycollected for the poor in the Holy Land” passed away today. 1654:Louis XIV was crowned King of France. Louis’ record in dealing with the Jewswas, uneven to say the least. In keepingwith the mercantilist policies of his minister Colbert, Louis issued a charterof liberty for Jews under royal authority in 1671. Among other things, this opened up the portof Marseilles as a harbor where Jews could trade freely, much to theconsternation of the local Christian merchants.When the merchants complained, Louis (in a reply probably written byColbert) responded: “Commercial envy will always impel the Christian merchantsto persecute Jews. But you should beabove such motives that issue from personal interests. You should take into consideration thebenefits the government derives from the industrial activity of the Jews, whichcomprises all the parts of the world thanks to their association with theircoreligionists.” This benign attitude did not last forever. As Colbert fell from favor and Louis grewmore pious as he grew older, he acceded to demands to ban Jews from variousparts of his empire. In 1710, “Heordered Jews ‘to leave the kingdom without any belongings,’ and told localofficials to take any and all means to expel Jews ‘because that is our wish.’” 1692: Port Royal, Jamaica is hit by a catastrophicearthquake; in just three minutes, 1600 people are killed and 3000 areseriously injured. Jew first started arriving in Port Royal in 1663, eightyears after the British took the island from the Spanish. Sadly, there islittle documentation of Jewish life in Port Royal, but earthquake survivorEdmund Heath's account of the infamous 1692 event, notes the existence of aJew's street and synagogue which records locate on New Street running parallelto Cannon Street. The Jewish legacy in Port Royal also includes a cemetery atHunt's Bay. During the 17th century it was not unusual to see Jewish familiescarrying their loved ones by boat across the harbor to be buried. 1699:“By an agreement dated today, the council of Worms pledged itself to grant theJews certain concessions, and this arrangement was confirmed by Joseph I.” 1772(6thof Sivan, 5532): Shavuot 1733:George Frideric Handel completed “Athalia,” an oratorio based on a play of thesame name by Racine. Both works depictthe life of the widow of the King of Judah whose murderous ways make her “aJewish Lady MacBeth.” 1737(8thof Sivan, 5497): Levi Ulff whom “the king had appointed his Court and order theroyal regiments to secure their ribbons” from his ribbon factory which had beenmoved to Charlottenburg in 1714 passed away today. 1753(5thof Sivan, 5513): Erev Shavuot 1753: In GreatBritain, an Act of Parliament styled “The Jewish Naturalization Act 1753”received royal assent today. The Act gave foreign-born Jews to becomenaturalized by making application to Parliament. This meant that foreign born Jews would enjoythe same rights as native born English Jews. While the act enjoyed support inthe House of Lords, it was repealed in 1754 due to opposition from the Toriesin the House of Commons. [Ed. Note – When the “Jew Bill was introduced in the19th century, the pros and cons would be just the opposite with theCommons supporting the bill and the Lords opposing it. 1764(7thof Sivan, 5524): Second Day of Shavuot; Yizkor recited as Boston deals with theaftermath of an outbreak of smallpox. 1772(6thof Sivan, 5532): First Day of Shavuot 1779:Eighty-year-old William Warburton, the Bishop of Gloucester passed away. His major work was The Divine Legation ofMoses in which he uses the absence of the mention of the afterlife in the Torahas a proof that Moses received a divine revelation which he then uses to defendChristianity against the beliefs of the deists. 1780:The Army was called out today to quell the “Gordon Riots” and among otherthings arrested Lord George Gordon, the future convert to Judaism, on chargesof high treasons – charges of which he would be found not guilty. 1787:Birthdate of Amsterdam native Mozes Aron Coronel, the husband of Ribca Abendaand father of Aaron Coronel. 1790(25thof Sivan, 5550) Beer Nehm Rindskopf, the thrice married son of Nehm JosephRindskopf and Hindle Rindskopf passed away today in Frankfurt, Germany. 1791(5thof Sivan, 5551) Ererv Shavuot observed on the same day General Lafayette wrotefrom Paris to Thomas Jefferson “lamenting” the fact that Jefferson had leftFrance since he could have been so helpful in drafting the Constitution whichLafayette feared would not solve the woes of his country that was being rockedthe Revolution that had begun in 1789. 1797: The Treatyof Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of Americaand the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary) “which was submitted to theSenate by President John Adams, received ratification unanimously from the U.S.Senate” today including Article which reads “the Government of the UnitedStates of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion… 1798(23rdof Sivan, 5558): In Pesaro, Italy Jews were murdered following the retreat ofthe French Army. The day became a fastday 1804:Dutch born Ann Magnus and Isaac Nathan Lear buried their unnamed child today. 1806:Today, “the wealthy leaders of the Sephardic” community “of Bordeaux” expressedtheir fear of the “evil that had manifested itself among their poor and soughtto prevent the infection by religious education during the old regime and alsoby vocational training after the emancipation.” 1806:Today, “the Philanthropic Society of the Bordeaux Jews maintained that poorJewish children could at least be taught arts and manual trades, for Jews werelonger exclude from these economic opportunities.” 1810(5thof Sivan, 5570): Erev Shavuot observed on the day when the first issue ofGazeta de Buenos Ayres, the first newspaper to open in post-Colonial Argentinawas published today leading to this date being honored as Journalist Day in acountry that became famous for the positive relations between the future Popeand the local rabbis. 1810:Richa Isaacs, the daughter of Abraham Isaacs, Jr. married Abraham Levy Today. 1815:The Jews of Saxony “were permitted to give a reception of King FrederickAugust, the Just. 1820:“Isaac B. Barrett and Rachel J. Barret” gave birth to Esther Barrett who becameEsther G. Poznanski when she married “Gustavus Poznanski” with whom she hadfour children. 1821(7thof Sivan, 5581): Second Day of Shavuot 1828:In Berlin, Wilhelm Wolff Beer and Doris Beer gave birth to Julius Alfred Beer. 1829(6thof Sivan, 5589): Shavuot 1829:At New Street Covent Garden, Simon Marcus and Eleanor Levy gave birth to theirsixth child, Matilda Marcus. 1834(29thof Iyar, 5594): Parashat Bamidbar 1837:Birthdate of Alois Schicklgruber, the son of an unwed mother who would changehis name to Alois Hitler, the father of Adolph Hitler. 1840(6thof Sivan, 5600): Shavuot 1842(29thof Sivan, 5602): Rabbi Baruch Gougenheim, the French born son “Sara and JacobWolff Guggenheim” and the “husband of Rosel Rosette Rosele Gougenheim” passedaway today. 1843:In Denmark, the Supreme Court sentenced Meïr Aron Goldschmidt “to prison (6 times 4 days), a fine, and future censorship” for criticism ofthe king that appeared in the satirical magazine “The Corsair” which he foundedand served as chief editor. 1845: Birthdate of “Hungarian violinist Leopold Auer,” 1848(6thof Sivan, 5608): As Europe is rocked by revolutions, Jews observe Shavuot. 1850:In Germany, Jacob and Eliza Weil Bodenheimer gave birth to Shreveport, LAresident Harriette Bodenheimer, who married Captain Simon Levy in 1866. 1851(7thof Sivan, 5611): Second Day of Shavuot; Shabbat observed on the same day thatVolume 6, Number 38 of the Scientific American was published with articlesabout the “Fall of Bridge Near Frankfort, Kentucky” and an “Improved Flour andGrain Dressing Machine.” 1852:Birthdate of David Kaufman, the native of Moravia who became one of the leadingscholars in the fields of history and the philosophy of religion. 1853(1stof Sivan, 5613): Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1853(1stof Sivan, 5613: Hertz Wolf (Fritz) Oppenheim, the Hanover, Germany son of WolfJacob Simon Oppenheim and Gutrad Gertrud Jachet Oppenheimer, and the husband ofCatharine Oppenheim passed away today in Charleston, SC. 1854:Benjamin Marks and Mary Aaron were married today at the Great Synagogue inLondon. 1854:In Philadelphia, PA, Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers gave birth to New Yorkresident Isaac Guggenhim the husband of Carrie Sonneborn, “director of theAmerican Smelting and Refining Company, the National Park Bank” and a “memberof the firm of M. Guggenheim’s Sons. 1865:Two days after he passed away, 84 year old Raphael “David” Picard, the Prussianborn son of Juda Lieb Leham Bicker and Keyla Catherin Wolf Ulmann was buredtoday at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.” 1867(4thof Sivan, 5627): Seventy-eight-year-old “Italian Hebraist” who had beenprincipal of the Jewish school at Florence and who had taught Professor FaustoLasino, passed away today. 1868:In Lauterbach, Germany Babette and Gabriel Worms gave birth to future NewYorker Emil Worms, the husband of Clara Worms. 1870:The attorney representing Sigmund, Joseph and Julius Walberg who are “chargedwith making false revenue returns as brokers” made a motion for discharge. 1870:The news that a congregation in Charlottesville had voted to join the ReformMovement was greeted with applauses at today meeting of the Rabbinical Councilbeing held in Cincinnati, Ohio. 1870:The Rabbinical Council adopted a resolution providing for a “uniform reading”of the Torah over a three year period at Sabbath services. The selections should omit “antiquated laws.” 1871:In Cincinnati, Ohio, a meeting of the Rabbinical Council, the governing body ofthe Reform Movement, the Prayerbook Committee was authorized to publish theirnew work as soon as it was ready. 1871:“Russian Tyranny and Jewish Resistance” published today reported that Jews inPoland have resisted the government orders to do away with their traditionalattire, hair styles and beards. Sincethe Jews are not following the news edicts, the police are stepping in toshorten the long coats favored by some Jews and cutting off their “curls.” Lengthening the short pants of the Jews hasbeen more of a problem. But the greatestchallenge is getting rid of the beards.In one rural town, the police grabbed an 80-year-old Jew and begancutting his beard. He cried out and whenhis co-religionists came to his aid, they were pounced on, forced into chairs,and sheared in “a hurried and rough manner” that was deemed less than“pleasant.” While the Warsaw Police haveavoided such extreme measures up until now, they will adopt them to ensure thatthe government’s edicts are carried out. 1872:Birthdate of painter and musicologist Rodolphe d'Erlanger. 1873:Birthdate of Austrian native Maximilian Marion Apfel who in 1887 came theUnited States where he graduated from the New York College of Pharmacy was anactive member of the Hebrew Free Loan Society. 1873:“Hebrew Orphans’ Excursion” published today reported that the managers of theHebrew Orphan Asylum and Free schools have made plans provide the youngsters intheir care with excursions this summer starting on June 23. 1874(22ndof Sivan, 5634): Eighty-seven-year-old Karaite archeologist Abraham ben SamuelFirkovich passed away today. 1875:“Ancient Libraries” published today provides a series of interesting sketchesof the great libraries of the world including the following comments about theJews and their ancient literature. Theauthor assumes that the Biblical city Kiryat Sefer took its name from the factthat it was a repository for works written by or inspired by Moses as well as“rhapsodies of prophets, the verses of poets, works of historians and darksayings of proverbial philosophers.Prominent among these must have been the contributions of the great KingSolomon who spoke 3,000 proverbs, whose songs were 1,005” who spoke with“scientific method and precision about beasts, fowl creeping things and fishesas well as plants including the Cedarsof Lebanon and hyssop growing out of the walls.The author assumes that these Jewish libraries were “swept out ofexistence” and much of the literature was lost except for fragmentaryreferences which can be found in books which have been preserved for religiouspurposes. 1875(4thof Sivan, 5635): Babette Marx, the wife of Alexander Blum with whom she livedin Algiers and then moved back to Frankfurt to live with her sister EstherKosel, passed away today. 1876:Alois Schiclgruber is officially recognized as the son of Johann Georg Hiedlerand his name is changed to Alois Hitler, a linguistic move that could not havebeen anything but useful to the future Nazi murderer. 1877:Birthdate of Louise Kahn Hirschman. 1877:Today,Leopold de Rothschild laid the foundation stone for the New West End Synagogue,which was founded by Sir Samuel Montague, 1878(6thof Sivan, 5638): First Day of Shavuot 1878:Rabbi Gustav Gotthel is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at Temple Emanuel inNew York City 1878:Rabbi Adolph Huebsch is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at Ahavaht Chesed onLexington Avenue & 55th Street 1878:Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at B’nai Jeshrun on34th Street. 1878:Rabbi Frederick De Sola Mendes is scheduled to Shavuot Services at ShaarayTefillah on 44th Street. 1878:A man named Dixon was hung today in Vicksburg, MS, having been convicted ofbrutally murdering a 45 year old Jewish peddler named Bachman while he wastraveling on the steamboat Fair Play in December of 1877. 1880: The New York Times published a reviewof The Poetry of the Talmud by Simon Seckles. 1880:Fifty-two-year-old General Frederick Vilmar commander of the 2ndBrigade of the New York National Guard whom Julius J. Lyons, the son of RabbiJacques Lyons served as Judge Advocate from 1875-1876 passed away today. 1881:In Essex, NJ, Moises/Moritz Tintner and Adeline Tintner gave birth to JTSordained Rabbi Benjamin Abner Tinter, the holder of an AB, MA and Ph. D. fromColumbia who was “the first American-born rabbi and the first graduate of theJewish Theological Seminary to serve Congregation B’nai Jeshurun and who in1930 was elected state chaplain of the American Legion, Department of New York, 1881: OliverHazard Perry Belmont graduated from the Naval Academy. His father was August Belmont, the Jewishfinancer for whom the Belmont Stakes is named.His mother was the daughter of Oliver Hazard Perry and was not Jewish. 1881:At the Republican State Convention, Louis Seasongood, a Jewish leader fromCincinnati is among those being considered as the party’s nominee forLieutenant Governor. Seasongood had beendefeated by General Hickenlooper for the position two years ago. 1881:It was reported today from St. Petersburg, that the “excitement against theJews here has abated but has not entirely disappeared.” [Editor’s note – what charming euphemisms foranti-Semitic riots; as can be seen from the entries below, there was noabatement. ] 1882:It was reported today that the Mansion House Committee for the Relief ofRussian Jews has collected over eighty-two thousand British Pounds of which ithas spent all but 25 thousand pounds.The Committee is going to send representatives to Hamburg to oversee thedeparture of the Russian Jews from the German seaport. 1882:At today’s session of the Republican State Convention being held in Columbus,the party adopted the following resolution. “We condemn the terriblepersecutions inflicted upon the Jews of Russia and other sections of Europe,and while he heartily approved the action of the Government in its efforts toameliorate the condition of these unfortunate people, we earnestly solicit acontinuance of its most energetic efforts to that end.” 1884:Birthdate of NYC native and NYU trained attorney Morris Alfred Vogel. 1885:Birthdate of Lithuania native Benyomen Flaysher, who in 1903 came o the UnitedStates where “he received ordination into the rabbinate at the Yeshiva of RabbiYitskhok Elchonon, studied law at La Salle University and at New YorkUniversity” and began publishing articles in Yiddish newspapers including “Dosyidishe likht (The Jewish light), Yidishe tageblat (Jewish daily newspaper),and Morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal), among others.” 1886:Three days after she had passed away, 49-year-old Emilie Henriette Levis theGerman born wife of Julius Levis with whom she had had five children was buriedtoday at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.” 1886:“Indignant Rabbis” published today described the refusal of Mr. Taylor, theprincipal of Central High School in Philadelphia, PA to excuse the Jewishstudents for missing the upcoming final exams which have been scheduled on thedays of Shavuot. Despite pleas from thecity’s rabbis to reach some kind of accommodation, Taylor has remained adamantwhich means the Jewish children could fail through no fault of their own. 1888:In Minneapolis, MN, Albert and Pauline Cooperman gave birth to St. LouisUniversity trained eye, ear, nose and throat specialist Harold O. Cooperman andhusband of Anna Rabinovich, who was an associate surgeon at Minneapolis GeneralHospital and a president of the Menorah Society. 1889:“To Celebrate Two Anniversaries” published today took note of the fact that theyear 1892 “will witness the four hundredth anniversaries of the expulsion ofthe Hebrews from Spain and the discovery of America and described plans alreadybeing made by those meeting at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue to honorboth of these events. 1890:In Bloomington, Illinois, “a gas jet, which had served as the eternal light” atthe Moses Montefiore Congregation “ignited a fire on the altar” that destroyed“so much of the Temple’s interior that it had to be completely redecorated. 1890:In Philadelphia, Dr. Solomon da Silva Solis-Cohen and Emily Grace Solis-Cohengave birth to Leo Solis-Cohen, M.D. 1891:“The committee for the relief of Russian Jews reports” that many of the Jewsarriving at Charlottenburg “were wounded while fleeing from the Russianpolice.” Even more Jews were killed and the exodus is assuming such vastproportion” that the German Government will be forced to intervene “sinceprivate charity will soon be powerless to cope with the demands”. 1891:“Friends of the Jews Who Want Them Not” published today described “theindignation of Western Europe” to “Russia’s barbaric expulsion of the Jews”which is beginning to be mixed with a desire “to pass the exiled horde” on tosome other nation or nations. “The various organizations and committees whichhave been formed” in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London “to look out for thecomfort and safety of the Jews after they leave Russia” reportedly spend alarge amount of their funds on purchasing “passage tickets to America” 1891:“The Field of Future of Wars” published today described the little knowneastern portion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a primitive place where “thevillage inns – low drinking places at best – are generally kept by Jews, whoentice by all means in their power, the peasants to come an consume as much‘wodka’ as possible.” 1891:“High Sheriff Benjamin Disraeli” published today reports that “an Irishantiquarian has just discovered that the ‘Benjamin D’Israeli, Esq.,’ who wasHigh Sheriff of the Count of Carlow in 1810, was an uncle of LordBeaconsfield.” He died in 1814 and isburied in St. Peter’s Church in Dublin. [Editor’s Note – If this report isaccurate and if this High Sheriff Disraeli was Jewish, it makes one wonder whatoath he swore when he took the office. 1892:Twenty-seven-year-old CCNY grad and NYU trained attorney Joseph L.Buttenweiser, the Philadelphia born son of “Laemmlein Buttenweiser and LeahButtenweiser” married Lean Weil today. 1892:“Jewish Historical Society” published today described the organizationalmeeting of the American Jewish Historical Society at JTS which included anacrimonious debate between laymen and rabbis touched off by the fact that thereport of the Committee on Organization did not recommend a rabbi for any ofthe officer positions. The debate becameso heated that Rabbi Kaufman Kohler “jumped up and left the room.” 1893:Fifty-nine-year-old American actor Edwin Booth whose portrayal of Shylock wasthat critics said, “there is no other actor who realize so well as he all themeaning of the character – the bitter hatred, the firmness of purpose, the deeppassion, the unswerving faith and the tenderness of his undemonstrativeaffection for his child” passed away today. 1893:Birthdate of Samuel Pinanski, the native of Boston who was President of theAmerican Theatres Corporation and an officer of the Hebrew Free Loan Society. 1894: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Rutgers University trainedattorney Jules Tepper, the decorated WW I veteran and leader of the EssexCounty (NJ) Republican Club who raised three children – Shirlee, Rita andLeonard – with “his wife the former Lillian M. Schoenbrun. 1894:In Richmond, VA, Solomon and Hannah Rothschild gave birth to University ofPennsylvania and University of Michigan trained actuarial scientist and WW IU.S. Army Captain, Stanford Z. Rothschild the husband of Marie Lowenstein, who was alsoa lecturer at Johns Hopkins and member of the Hebrew Congregation in Baltimore. 1894:In Rengshausen, Hessen, Germany, Abraham Höflich and Bertha Beilchen Höflichgave birth to Nathan Höflich, the husband of Hilde Höflich and father of GerdaHöflich who was murdered Majdanek at the age of 48. 1895(15thof Sivan, 5655): Forty-four-year-old Berlin born composer and conductor MartinRoder who came to the United States in1892 “to take charge of the vocal department in the New England Conservatory atBoston” passed away today. 1896:In New York, “Dr. Isaac M. Haldeman” delivered a sermon at the First BaptistChurch in which he said “that the Jews had been persecuted by all the civilizednations of the world, so that they were driven to lying, cheating and othervices. No tongue could describe thetortures inflicted on them – not by pagans, but by Christians…” 1896:Professor Isaac Franklin Russell of NYU Law School delivered a lecture at theHebrew Institute on “Tom Paine.” 1896:“Mayor Strong Asked to Aid Peddlers” published today described the plight oftwo Jewish peddlers who have been “driven from the streets by police” becausethey like so many others have deprived of their livelihood i.e. selling collarbuttons and suspenders from various street corners. 1896:The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Band will perform at a strawberry festival thisafternoon sponsored by the Lebanon League which is raising funds for theLebanon Hospital at Westchester and Cauldwell Avenues. 1896:“Beginnings of a Prime Minister” published today described the handicaps thatBenjamin Disraeli had to overcome in making his way to the top of the Englishpolitical ladder. It noted that he did“not have the advantages of wealth or connected enjoyed by so many of hisrace. His father was a “renegades” whoeducated his son at “second class private schools” where he was not able tomake the friendships and associations that “wealthy Jews nowadays” make at“public schools and universities.” 1897(7thof Sivan, 5657): Second Day of Shavuot 1897:No Orthodox Jew voted in the judicial elections held in Chicago today sincemarking the ballot would violate the prohibition against writing on a Jewishfestival. 1897:Birthdate of Austrian born composer and conductor, George Szell. He was bestknown for his long, successful career as musical director of the ClevelandSymphony Orchestra. He held the positionfrom 1946 until 1970. 1897:“Myer S. Isaacs, President of the Board of Trustees of the Baron de HirschFund, has received a draft for $400,000, from the Baroness de Hirsch, as thefirst advance on the donation of $1,000,000 recently made by the Baroness toassist the poor of New York City.” 1898:It was reported today that “gangs of peasants attacked and plundered he shop atFrystak and wounded several Jews’ while the police in this Galician town “firedon the mob killing six of the rioters and wounding five more.” 1898:Three days after he had passed away, 51-year-old Lewis John Somers, the son ofAnn and Judah George Somers was buried today in London at the Plashet JewishCemetery. 1899:During ten days of meetings at The Hague that would end on June 17 Herzl metseveral of the most representative Russian leaders. Baroness Bertha Von Suttnerintroduced him to Russian State Counselor Ivan von Bloch who is responsible forthe calling of the Conference. The meetings resulted in Herzl's name beingbrought favorably to the attention of the Czar. Herzl also met with Nouri Bey,General Secretary of the Turkish Foreign Office who promises to get together agroup of officials to arrange an audience with the Sultan. 1900:It was reported today that during the commencement exercise for the UniversityCollege and Applied Science at NYU, the Hebrew Language Prize had been awardedto Henry Noble MacCracken, the son of the school’s chancellor. 1901:Birthdate of Sam Katzman, an American film producer and director who beganworking in the industry at the age of 13 when it was centered on the eastcoast. He moved west with the industryand enjoyed a successful 40 year career in film. He passed away in 1973. 1902(2ndof Sivan, 5662): Parashat Bamidbar 1902:Today reports from London said that “Vienna newspapers are calling attention tothe passage of small groups of Rumanian Jewish immigrants passing throughVienna en route to the United States” because “they are fleeing to escapepoverty and distress” found in a country where “the disabilities they havesuffered practically exclude most of them from the opportunities enjoyed byChristians” when it comes to “earning a livelihood.” 1903:Chicago businessman, David Labowitch, the Hungarian born son of Rifka Gunwardand Leopold Labowitch, married Ida Shutan after which he served as President ofTemple Mizpah and a director of the Jewish Charities of Chicago. 1903:Chess Master Julius Finn, the Russian born son of Dora Markel and Chaim BerFinn and treasurer of the Bronx Maternity Hospital married Dora Berson today. 1903:In Pittsburgh, PA, the sixth annual convention of the Federation of AmericanZionists is scheduled to continue for a second day. 1903:Jacob Massel of Glasgow and Isaac Allen of New York addressed today’s meetingof the Ladies’ Zion Society at New Brighton Synagogue on what has beendesignated as “Convention Day.” 1904(24thof Sivan, 5664): Moishe Finkel took his own life after shooting his wife andactor David Levinson who was a romantic rival.Born in 1850, Finkel was a leading member of the Yiddish theatre in theUnited States. His tempestuous personal life would have fine material fortragedy or melodrama. His professionallife was intertwined with such greats of the Yiddish theatre as Jacob Adler andBoris Thomashefsky. And he was the father-in-lawof famed Hollywood actor, Paul Muni. 1904:“The week long Seventh Annual Convention of the Federation of AmericanZionists” during which resolutions were approved “for the founding of Yiddishmagazine, for the development of the work of the ‘Mizrach,’ for theestablishment of Hebrew classes and a system of tuition for Jewish children andfor the general supervision of the education of Jewish throughout the country”came to a close today at Germania Hall in Cleveland, OH.continued to meet for athird day at Germania Hall in Cleveland, OH. 1904:In South Carolina, Rabbi J.J. Simenhoff officiated at the marriage of ClarenceMintz and Tillie Selman. 1905:“Oscar Hammerstein said” tonight “that negotiations between his representativesin Paris and Mme. Sarah Bernhardt for her appearance in vaudeville next seasonpositively had not been given up” and that he “expects to bring over a numberof well-known European artists.” 1906:“At a dinner given” tonight at Clinton Hall by the officers of the UnitedHebrew Charities to some fifty well-to-do residents of the east side, NathanBijur, one of the officers said that the organization was now staggering alongunder a deficit of $40,000 and that unless that amount and more was raised byAugust 10 the doors of the society’s main building and of several subordinatehouses would have to close.” 1907:The “owner of six dwelling-houses in the parliamentary and metropolitan boroughof Islington” was ordered to appear today before Joseph H. Polka, Esquire, onthe justices of the peace for the county of London 1908:Founding of Kinneret 1908:Twenty-eight-year-old “Dr, Jacob Haas, an electric physician with a lucrativepractice on the east side” did not marry his niece Fannie Thaller, the daughterof Max Thaller today, as planned by the two because Dr. Haas had attempted tocommit suicide at the end of May when he was overwhelmed by her family’sopposition to the union. 1909:In Croatia, Rabbi Avraham Marmorstein, the son of Yehuda Leib (Leopold)Marmorstein and Rivka (Regina) Marmorstein, and his wife Antonia TobaMarmorstein gave birth of EmilMarmorstein 1910:Eighty-six-year-old Goldwin Smith the British born Canadian academic who was apolitical opponent of Benjamin Disraeli, passed away. “A pathologicalanti-Semite, Smith disseminated his hatred in dozens of books, articles andletters. Jews, he charged, were "parasites," "dangerous" totheir host country and "enemies of civilization." His biliousanti-Jewish tirades helped set the tone of a still unmoulded Canadian societyand had a profound impact on such young Canadians as W.L. Mackenzie King, HenriBourassa and scores of others. Indeed in 1905 in the most vituperativeanti-Jewish speech in the history of the House of Commons, borrowing heavilyfrom Smith, Bourassa urged Canada to keep its gates shut to Jewish immigrants. 1911:Following “the recent publication of President Taft’s censure of ColonelGerrard, who opposes the” promotion of Jewish enlisted men, “resolutionsdemanding investigations in the Army and Navy to deter whether Jews arediscriminated against were introduced in the House today by RepresentativeEdwards of Georgia.” 1912:Evening schools to be opened in New York City for Turkish Jews to learn Englishduring the summer months. 1912:In Kharkoff, the police instituted “proceedings against Zionists for belongingto an illegal organization and supporting institutions abroad.” 1912:Russian Minister Count Sergei Witte denied accusations by his opponents “thatin 1890 he had sent millions to America to assist Jewish bankers.” 1912:Several fires, of unknown origin, destroyed “large portion of townlets” nearPodolia, Lublin and Kalish “leaving several hundreds of Jewish familieshomeless. 1913:In Chicago, The Frist American Conference on Social Insurance which Lee K. Frankelhas attended as a delegate from New York came to an end. 1914:The Federation of Oriental Jews held its second annual meeting today PS 91 inNYC. The federation is made up ofrepresentatives of 28 different organizations which have approximately 3,000members. The federation estimates thatthere are between 10,000 and 15,000 Oriental Jews living in New York. The term refers to Sephardic Jews most ofwhom are recent immigrants from areas that have been under Ottoman ruleincluding Greece. Unlike their northernand eastern European co-religionist, they do not speak Yiddish, relying insteadon Ladino for much of their colloquial conversation. 1914:Twenty-one men received diplomas and five were ordained as Rabbis at today’sgraduation exercises held by the Jewish Theological Seminary at the AeolianHall. Louis Marshall presided over theevent and read a speech prepared by Dr. Solomon Schechter who was unable to bepresent because of ill health. 1914:Simon F. Rothschild delivered the opening address at today’s ceremonydedicating the newly constructed building in Brownsville that will house theHebrew Educational Society. Among otherspeakers were Felix Warburg, Abram Elkus and from the world of New Yorkpolitics, Controller William A. Pendergast. 1914:Over a thousand people attended today’s opening of a new building to house theHarlem Hebrew School The school was begun five years and is supported by theYeishva Torah Chaim of Harlem. Almost500 children attend the school which provides courses in Hebrew, the Bible andJewish history before and/or after public school hours. 1915:“Today, the Exchange Telegraph Company has received a dispatch from Berlin byway of Amsterdam saying the BerlinerTageblatt declares that the German anti-Semitic organs are starting a newcampaign to prevent Jews from becoming officers in the army after the war.” 1915:Dr. Cyrus Adler, the President of Dropsie College warned against the latestattempt to separate the synagogue from the Hebrew School. Such an action “can only result in anexaltation of ‘Hebraic culture’ as against ‘Jewish knowledge and Judaism.’ Asecularized Hebrew school is as much a paradox as a non-religious Jewish stateand a tragedy which will eventually destroy the synagogue and render asunderthe Jewish home.” 1915:In Atlantic City, NJ, the delegates attending the national convention of theOrder of B’rith Abraham are scheduled to vote on resolutions endorsing themeeting of a “Jewish national congress” “composing all the fraternities of therace in this country” and demanding that the 11,000,000 Jews of Europe “beaccording all the rights of free men” when the World War is over. 1915:In Atlantic City, NJ, the delegates attending the national convention of theUnited States Grand Lodge, Independent Order of B’rith Abraham “adoptedresolutions declaring Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to be the‘great humanitarian’ extending ‘grateful appreciation’ to President Wilson forhis veto of the Immigration Bill which would have closed the gates of Americato their brethren and declaring for the immediate calling of a nationalconference of Jews in America.” 1915:“It was announced that Dr. Abraham Galante of Constantinople has been invitedto New York as the Chief Rabbi of the Oriental Jewish Communities in the UnitedStates.” 1915:No reason was given for failure of the State Prison Commission in Georgia toannounce “its decision today on the pleas of Leo M. Frank for commutation ofhis sentence” as had been expected by the large crowd that had gathered at thecapital. 1915:As of today, the officers of the Federation of Oriental Jews of America areHonorary President Edward Valensi, President Joseph Gedalecia, First VicePresident Samuel Coen, Second Vice President Ezra Barcola, Third Vice PresidentMoses Shalom, Executive Secretary Albert J. Amateau, Recording Secretary RobertFranco, Treasurer David Carasso and Controller Jacob Farhi. 1916(6thof Sivan, 5676): As the Jews on both sides of the conflict observe Shavuot theGermans take Fort Vaux during the Battle of Verdun, the contest of wills thathad begun in February and would last until December. 1916:“The investigation being conducted into alleged discrimination against Jews inthe New York National Guard” continued today during which “most of theofficers…who were called to the stand repeatedly denied that they held anyprejudices against Jews or that the question as to the exclusion of Jews hadever been discussed among the officers of their companies.” 1916:Samuel Strauss, a member of the Board of Directors of the Educational Alliancetold those attending the school’s confirmation exercises “that unless the Jewsof this country made themselves more responsive to conditions of goodcitizenship and service to America, America will become a place from which wewill have to move on again in our eternal wanderings.” 1916:The Republican National Convention which Samuel S. Koening attended as adelegate from New York opened today in Chicago. 1916:Ruth Klauber and Philip Reinsberg were married today in Chicago. 1917(17thof Sivan, 5677): Twenty-two-year-oldJoseph Bernstein, the Bradford, Yorkshire born son of Leah and AaronGeorge Bernstein and a member of theBradford Hebrew Congregation was killed today while fighting with Britishforces in France after which he was buried in Ypres. 1917:In Petrograd, at the opening session of the Zionist Congress, PresidentTschlenow read a telegram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs “announcing thatinformation received regarding the atrocities committed by the Turks againstthe peaceful population of Palestine was of such a nature that it had beenconsidered advisable to communicate with the Allies, with a view to jointrepresentations to the Turkish Government through neutral Powers.” 1918:In Berlin, the Tageblatt stated “editorially that the wording of the so-calledJewish emancipation clauses of the Treaty of Bucharest” were “accepted withoutsufficient examination by the representatives of the Central Powers” and makeit possible for the Romanian government to evade “its pledges with new tricks.” 1918:“Zionists purchased Sarona, “a German Templer Colony established in 1871” whichis located between Jaffa Petah Tivkva. 1918:Two days after she had passed away, 21-year-old Hettie Marcus, the daughter ofSamuel and Kitty Marcus was buried in London at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.” 1918:Italian Foreign Minister Baron Sidney Costantino Sonnino informed “NahumSokolow that his Majesty’s Government is pleased to confirm the declarationalready mad through representatives in Washington, the Hague and Salonica, tothe effect that they will gladly use their best endeavors to facilitate theestablishment in Palestine of a Jewish national center, it being understoodthat this shall not prejudice the legal or political status enjoyed by Jews inall other countries. 1919(9thof Sivan, 5679): Parashat Nasso 1919:Conditions of Jews in the Palestine cities of Safed, Tiberias and Kfra Saba aredescribed as bad. The death rate is appalling.Thousands of Jews arestarving. 1919:“During opening sitting of the Zionist Congress at Petrograd 1919:Birthdate of Yohanan Aharoni the Frankfurt born Israeli archeologist who servedas chairman of the Department of Near East Studies and chairman of theInstitute of Archeology at Tel-Aviv University. 1920:Eduard Bernstein, a leading German social democrat whose “Jewish parents, wereactive in the Reform Temple on the Johannistrasse where services were performedon Sunday” began serving as a Member of the Reichstag from Brandenburg. 1920:Today marked the third day of Temple Emanu-El’s fund raising fair and bazaarwhich was being held at the Y.M.H.A. building in Brooklyn 1921:In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Russian-Jewish immigrant “Samuel and Anna Refkin” gavebirth to Isadore Irving Refkin, the U.S. Army enlisted man who served as a spyand a saboteur in WW II. (As reported by Sam Roberts) 1921:In Utena, Lithuania, Nissan and Bella (Grossbard) Lown gave birth to JohnsHopkins trained doctor Bernard Lown, the husband of Louise Lown and the fatherof Anne, Frederic and Naomi Lown, who invented the first effective heartdefibrillator and was one of a group of co-founders of an internationalorganization that won the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for its campaign againstnuclear war…” 1921:President Warren Harding is scheduled to meet with Albert D. Lasker and discusshis appointment to serve as Chairman of the Shipping Board. 1922:It was reported today that Harvard officials were surprised on June 6 “to learnthat Governor Cox had decided to appoint a legislative committee of seven toinvestigate, among other things, that the charge that the university isdiscriminating again the Jews.” 1923:In Jerusalem, Yechiel Halperin and his wife gave birth to Uzziel Halperin whogained fame as “linguist and social activist” Uzzi Ornan. 1924(5thof Sivan, 5684): Parashat Bamidbar; erev Shavuot. 1924:“Sites and cities of Jewish interest in Palestine are not pointed out to theirfull advantage to tourists to the Holy Land, according to Abraham L.C. Goodall,a native of Palestine who announced today a series of distinctly Jewish toursto that country,” the first of which will begin on July 5. 1925:Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luwish are scheduled to host at reception this evening atthe Jewish Centre in Brooklyn in honor of the engagement of their daughterMiriam to Louis B. Seidman. Areception is scheduled to be held this evening at the Jewish Centre in Brooklyncelebrating the engagement 1926:The body of Meyer London, one of only two Socialists to serve in the House ofRepresentatives “was taken to the Forward building, where it lay in state while25,000 men, women, and children filed past the casket, paying their respects.” 1926:“Louis Greenspan…whose automobile struck Meyer London was arraigned” today “inthe Homicide Court on a short affidavit…charging suspicion of homicide.” 1927(7thof Sivan, 5687): Second Day of Shavuot 1927:Dr. Nathan Krass of Temple Emanu-El was the principal speaker at a dinnertonight at the Hotel Astor was which was a fund raiser for the Los AngelesSanatorium of the Jewish Relief Association. 1928:Birthdate of Sirma native Herman Klein whose family was deported to Auschwitzwhen he was sixteen years old. 1928:Patrolman Rudolph Aaronson of the 32-APrecinct was placed on leave without pay for one day today. 1928:In New York, Ethel (née Newman) and Ira Strouse gave birth to composer andlyricist Charles Strouse whose first Broadway show was the 1960 hit “Bye ByeBirdie.” 1929:The Lateran Treaty which normalized relations between Italy and the Vatican isratified. The agreement gave Mussolini,the Italian Prime Minister, a greater measure of respectability. The Mussolini Connection would set the tonefor the Vatican’s relationship with Hitler when he came to power. Italy's anti-Jewish laws of 1938 prohibitedmarriages between Jews and non-Jews, including Catholics. The Vatican viewedthis as a violation of the Concordat, which gave the church the sole right toregulate marriage between Catholics. But this was not enough of an issue todisrupt the relationship between Rome and the Vatican. 1929:The original Broadway production of Blackbirds, a musical revue with lyrics byDorothy Fields “opened at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, France. 1930(11thof Sivan, 5690): Parashat Naso 1930:It was reported today that Thomas Jefferson High School students Louis Kushnerand Abraham Schuchman had won medals at the sixth annual Inter High SchoolFrench contest in New York City. 1931:In his annual address to the convention of B’nai B’rith which was being held inAtlantic City, Abraham L. Wolk of Pittsburg, the president of the grand lodge,urged B’nai B’rith to sponsor a regular radio broadcast about Jewish culturaland historical lore which he said would “bring about a better understanding ofthe race and closer relations between the Jews and Christians.” 1932: In Melsungen, Germany, Nathan Höflich andHilde Höflich gave birth to Gerda Hoflich who was murdered at the age of nineat Sobibor. 1932(3rdof Sivan, 5692): Sixty-three-year-old Polish “neurologist and psychiatrist’Edward Flatau who wrote of the first modern books on migraines passed awaytoday in Warsaw. 1933:Today, Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald addressed the opening session of theAnglo-Palestine Exhibition in London. 1933:“The Seven Deadly Sins,” “a satirical ballet chante” composed by Kurt Weill premieredtoday in Paris. 1933:Today, “one week to the day after he had been arrested on a charge of allegedlyputting a false interpretation upon new concerning police actions in a raid onthe Jewish section of Berlin, Otto Schick, editor of the Berlin bureau of theJewish Telegraphic Agency was breed by the Nazi authorities.” 1934:Caviar featuring Nanette Guilford as Elena opened on Broadway at the ForrestTheatre today. 1934:Birthdate of San Jose, CA native “Samuel Lipman a pianist and critic who wasthe publisher of The New Criterion, a conservative journal of the arts” and thehusband of Jeaneane Lippman. (As reported by William Honan) 1935(6thof Sivan, 5695): Shavuot 1936(17thof Sivan, 5696): Seventy-one-year-old German actor Hermann Picha passed awaytoday in Berlin. 1936:Leon Blum the first Socialist and the first Jew to serve as Prime Minister ofFrance presented his list of ministerial appointments to the Chamber ofDeputies. Blum was attacked in anti-Semitic diatribe by right wing deputy namedXavier Vallet who will later serve as an official with the Vichy Government. 1936: Five Arabswere killed and many were wounded this afternoon in a clash with British troopsand policemen after an attack on several Jewish-owned buses outside Jerusalem.A British soldier and a British police corporal were seriously wounded. 1936:“A large Jewish-owned timber depot in the heart of Jerusalem was set afire byArabs tonight and the flames spread to several nearby stores. The damage to the timber depot was put at$40,000.00. 1936:“Nazi pamphlets printed in Arabic were distributed in Acre blaming the Britishfor “favoring” the Jews. 1936:A young American tourist who would come to be known as President John F.Kennedy arrives in Jerusalem during a visit to the Middle East. 1936:A reception organized by James W. Gerard, the former Ambassador to Germany, inhonor of anti-Hitler Professor Georg Bernhard, is scheduled to be held tonightat the Hotel New Yorker. 1945: Today,Jan Peerce and the “RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sylvan Levin”recorded “Bluebird of Happiness” a 1934 ditty comped by Sandor Harmati, “withwords by Edward Heyman. 1945(26thof Sivan, 5705): Eighty-one-year-old Dr. Charles Isaiah Hoffman, Rabbi Emeritusof Oheb Shalom Synagogue passed away today.Born in Philadelphia, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvaniaand practiced law from 1886 until 1900 when he began studying for the Rabbinateat JTS. Six months after his graduationin 1904, he filled the pulpit of the Newark, NJ congregation while helping tocreate several Jewish periodicals including “The Jewish Exponent.” [Editor’snote – Dr. Hoffman’s decision to pursue the pulpit as “a second career” was asuncommon in his day as it apparently has become common in our own times.] References


421:Theodosius II, the Emperor whose code sought to reinforce Christianity as thestate religion at the expense of Judaism, married Aelia Eudocia Augusta, apagan who converted so that they could be married by the Church.

1099: During the First Crusade, the Christiansbegin the siege of Jerusalem. The armies of the First Crusade (1096-99) reachedthe walls of Jerusalem. The First Crusade would prove to be the most successfulof all of the crusades in terms of meeting the goal of reclaiming the ChristianHomeland from the Moslem infidel.Forgotten in all of this were the true titleholders – the Jews – exceptwhen it came to massacring them. It isironic that events on this same seventh day of June set matters to right.

1191:As he continues on his quest to gain control of Jerusalem for the Christians,Richard l leaves Tyre and heads for Acre where he will lay siege to the city.

1233(21stof Sivan, 4993): Today, for the first time, Jews were ordered to weardistinctive clothing was mandated in Spain. The following year Pope Gregory IXdeveloped guidelines for this, sent in the form of a letter to the King ofNavarra: "Since we desire that Jews be recognizable and distinguished fromChristians, we order you to impose upon each and every Jew of both sexes asign, viz, one round patch of yellow cloth of linen to be worn on the uppermostgarment."

1365:Urban V issued “Sicuti judaeis non debet” a Papal Bull that forbade people frommolesting Jews or forcing them to be baptized.

1422: In Castello di Petroia, Guidantinio da Monterfeltro gavebirth to his illegitimate son Federico da Montefeltro, who “protected hisJewish subjects during his reign in Urbino from 1444 to 1482.

1494:Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the New Worldbetween the two countries. Considering the Inquisition and the Expulsion fromIberia, this division could have meant that Jews would have been banned fromthe Western hemisphere. Fortunately forthe Jews, Protestant Holland and Anglican England (as well as France) did notrecognize the treaty and had other plans for dividing the lands of the NewWorld.

1594(18thof Sivan 5354): Roderigo Lopez a Marrano physician was hanged in England. Bornin 1525, he supposedly arrived in England as Francis Drake's prisoner of war.He rose in importance to become Queen Elizabeth's physician (1586). Accused byother members of the court of being a Spanish spy who was trying to poison theQueen, he was arrested but the Queen refused to carry out the death sentence.In June 1594 she finally consented and he was hanged. Throughout his trial hewas vilified as being a "Jew". According to someaccounts, Lopez was a foolish person who got in way over his head playingpolitics at the Court of Queen Elizabeth. In the days of Good Queen Bess,the rule of thumb was "when in doubt, hang 'em."

1651(18thof Sivan, 5411): Polish Talmudist Abraham Rapoport, the “son of Israel JelrielRapoport of Cracow and son-in-law of Mordecai Schrenzel of Lemberg who “waspresident of the Council of Four Lands, and was administrator of the moneycollected for the poor in the Holy Land” passed away today.

1654:Louis XIV was crowned King of France. Louis’ record in dealing with the Jewswas, uneven to say the least. In keepingwith the mercantilist policies of his minister Colbert, Louis issued a charterof liberty for Jews under royal authority in 1671. Among other things, this opened up the portof Marseilles as a harbor where Jews could trade freely, much to theconsternation of the local Christian merchants.When the merchants complained, Louis (in a reply probably written byColbert) responded: “Commercial envy will always impel the Christian merchantsto persecute Jews. But you should beabove such motives that issue from personal interests. You should take into consideration thebenefits the government derives from the industrial activity of the Jews, whichcomprises all the parts of the world thanks to their association with theircoreligionists.” This benign attitude did not last forever. As Colbert fell from favor and Louis grewmore pious as he grew older, he acceded to demands to ban Jews from variousparts of his empire. In 1710, “Heordered Jews ‘to leave the kingdom without any belongings,’ and told localofficials to take any and all means to expel Jews ‘because that is our wish.’”

1692: Port Royal, Jamaica is hit by a catastrophicearthquake; in just three minutes, 1600 people are killed and 3000 areseriously injured. Jew first started arriving in Port Royal in 1663, eightyears after the British took the island from the Spanish. Sadly, there islittle documentation of Jewish life in Port Royal, but earthquake survivorEdmund Heath's account of the infamous 1692 event, notes the existence of aJew's street and synagogue which records locate on New Street running parallelto Cannon Street. The Jewish legacy in Port Royal also includes a cemetery atHunt's Bay. During the 17th century it was not unusual to see Jewish familiescarrying their loved ones by boat across the harbor to be buried.

1699:“By an agreement dated today, the council of Worms pledged itself to grant theJews certain concessions, and this arrangement was confirmed by Joseph I.”

1772(6thof Sivan, 5532): Shavuot

1733:George Frideric Handel completed “Athalia,” an oratorio based on a play of thesame name by Racine. Both works depictthe life of the widow of the King of Judah whose murderous ways make her “aJewish Lady MacBeth.”

1737(8thof Sivan, 5497): Levi Ulff whom “the king had appointed his Court and order theroyal regiments to secure their ribbons” from his ribbon factory which had beenmoved to Charlottenburg in 1714 passed away today.

1753(5thof Sivan, 5513): Erev Shavuot

1753: In GreatBritain, an Act of Parliament styled “The Jewish Naturalization Act 1753”received royal assent today. The Act gave foreign-born Jews to becomenaturalized by making application to Parliament. This meant that foreign born Jews would enjoythe same rights as native born English Jews. While the act enjoyed support inthe House of Lords, it was repealed in 1754 due to opposition from the Toriesin the House of Commons. [Ed. Note – When the “Jew Bill was introduced in the19th century, the pros and cons would be just the opposite with theCommons supporting the bill and the Lords opposing it.

1758(1stof Sivan, 5518) Rosh Chodesh Sivanobserved as the British lay siege to Louisbourg during the French and IndianWar.

1764(7thof Sivan, 5524): Second Day of Shavuot; Yizkor recited as Boston deals with theaftermath of an outbreak of smallpox.

1772(6thof Sivan, 5532): First Day of Shavuot

1779:Eighty-year-old William Warburton, the Bishop of Gloucester passed away. His major work was The Divine Legation ofMoses in which he uses the absence of the mention of the afterlife in the Torahas a proof that Moses received a divine revelation which he then uses to defendChristianity against the beliefs of the deists.

1780:The Army was called out today to quell the “Gordon Riots” and among otherthings arrested Lord George Gordon, the future convert to Judaism, on chargesof high treasons – charges of which he would be found not guilty.

1787:Birthdate of Amsterdam native Mozes Aron Coronel, the husband of Ribca Abendaand father of Aaron Coronel.

1790(25thof Sivan, 5550) Beer Nehm Rindskopf, the thrice married son of Nehm JosephRindskopf and Hindle Rindskopf passed away today in Frankfurt, Germany.

1791(5thof Sivan, 5551) Ererv Shavuot observed on the same day General Lafayette wrotefrom Paris to Thomas Jefferson “lamenting” the fact that Jefferson had leftFrance since he could have been so helpful in drafting the Constitution whichLafayette feared would not solve the woes of his country that was being rockedthe Revolution that had begun in 1789.

1797: The Treatyof Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of Americaand the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary) “which was submitted to theSenate by President John Adams, received ratification unanimously from the U.S.Senate” today including Article which reads “the Government of the UnitedStates of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…

1798(23rdof Sivan, 5558): In Pesaro, Italy Jews were murdered following the retreat ofthe French Army. The day became a fastday

1804:Dutch born Ann Magnus and Isaac Nathan Lear buried their unnamed child today.

1806:Today, “the wealthy leaders of the Sephardic” community “of Bordeaux” expressedtheir fear of the “evil that had manifested itself among their poor and soughtto prevent the infection by religious education during the old regime and alsoby vocational training after the emancipation.”

1806:Today, “the Philanthropic Society of the Bordeaux Jews maintained that poorJewish children could at least be taught arts and manual trades, for Jews werelonger exclude from these economic opportunities.”

1810(5thof Sivan, 5570): Erev Shavuot observed on the day when the first issue ofGazeta de Buenos Ayres, the first newspaper to open in post-Colonial Argentinawas published today leading to this date being honored as Journalist Day in acountry that became famous for the positive relations between the future Popeand the local rabbis.

1810:Richa Isaacs, the daughter of Abraham Isaacs, Jr. married Abraham Levy Today.

1815:The Jews of Saxony “were permitted to give a reception of King FrederickAugust, the Just.

1820:“Isaac B. Barrett and Rachel J. Barret” gave birth to Esther Barrett who becameEsther G. Poznanski when she married “Gustavus Poznanski” with whom she hadfour children.

1821(7thof Sivan, 5581): Second Day of Shavuot

1828(25thof Sivan, 5588): Parashat Sh’lac

1828:In Berlin, Wilhelm Wolff Beer and Doris Beer gave birth to Julius Alfred Beer.

1829(6thof Sivan, 5589): Shavuot

1829:At New Street Covent Garden, Simon Marcus and Eleanor Levy gave birth to theirsixth child, Matilda Marcus.

1834(29thof Iyar, 5594): Parashat Bamidbar

1837:Birthdate of Alois Schicklgruber, the son of an unwed mother who would changehis name to Alois Hitler, the father of Adolph Hitler.

1840(6thof Sivan, 5600): Shavuot

1842(29thof Sivan, 5602): Rabbi Baruch Gougenheim, the French born son “Sara and JacobWolff Guggenheim” and the “husband of Rosel Rosette Rosele Gougenheim” passedaway today.

1843:In Denmark, the Supreme Court sentenced Meïr Aron Goldschmidt “to prison (6 times 4 days), a fine, and future censorship” for criticism ofthe king that appeared in the satirical magazine “The Corsair” which he foundedand served as chief editor.

1845: Birthdate of “Hungarian violinist Leopold Auer,”

1848(6thof Sivan, 5608): As Europe is rocked by revolutions, Jews observe Shavuot.

1850:In Germany, Jacob and Eliza Weil Bodenheimer gave birth to Shreveport, LAresident Harriette Bodenheimer, who married Captain Simon Levy in 1866.

1851(7thof Sivan, 5611): Second Day of Shavuot; Shabbat observed on the same day thatVolume 6, Number 38 of the Scientific American was published with articlesabout the “Fall of Bridge Near Frankfort, Kentucky” and an “Improved Flour andGrain Dressing Machine.”

1852:Birthdate of David Kaufman, the native of Moravia who became one of the leadingscholars in the fields of history and the philosophy of religion.

1853(1stof Sivan, 5613): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1853(1stof Sivan, 5613: Hertz Wolf (Fritz) Oppenheim, the Hanover, Germany son of WolfJacob Simon Oppenheim and Gutrad Gertrud Jachet Oppenheimer, and the husband ofCatharine Oppenheim passed away today in Charleston, SC.

1854:Benjamin Marks and Mary Aaron were married today at the Great Synagogue inLondon.

1854:In Philadelphia, PA, Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers gave birth to New Yorkresident Isaac Guggenhim the husband of Carrie Sonneborn, “director of theAmerican Smelting and Refining Company, the National Park Bank” and a “memberof the firm of M. Guggenheim’s Sons.

1854: The New York Times reportedthatFrederika Bremer has written a warm appeal to the Swedish Parliamenton behalf of the Jews.

1856(4th of Sivan, 5616): Parashat Nasso

1857: The New York Times reported that the WeeklyGleaner: A Voice of Israel, a Jewish newspaper, is now being published inSan Francisco. Rabbi Julius Eckman was the paper's publisher.

1858: "New York City: The Rogue's Portrait Gallery"published today says that Number 169 is a likeness of an old vagabond called"Jew Mike.”

1859(5th of Sivan, 5619): Erev Shavuot

1860: In Vienna, Professor Dr. Simon Spitzer and MarieSpitzer gave birth to Eugenie Spitzer who was married to Mortiz Wottitz andthen Zygmnunt Wartski.

1861: Today subscribers across the country opened the JewishMessenger to read a response by thefledgling Shreveport Jewish community to column entitled "Stand By theflag" written by Rabbi Samuel Isaacs. The resolution, signed by M. Baer,President of the Shreveport community, proclaims: “We solemnly pledge ourselvesto stand by, protect, and honor the flag, with its stars and stripes, the Unionand Constitution of the Southern Confederacy with our lives, liberty, and allthat is dear to us.” In harsh language, Baer identifies Isaacs as “an enemy toour interest and welfare,” and accuses him of raising “hatred anddissatisfaction in our midst and assisting to start a bloody civil war amongstus.”

1865: Ferdinand James Anselm von Rothschild married his cousinEvelina de Rothschild the daughter of Lionel de Rothschild

1865:Two days after he passed away, 84 year old Raphael “David” Picard, the Prussianborn son of Juda Lieb Leham Bicker and Keyla Catherin Wolf Ulmann was buredtoday at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1867(4thof Sivan, 5627): Seventy-eight-year-old “Italian Hebraist” who had beenprincipal of the Jewish school at Florence and who had taught Professor FaustoLasino, passed away today.

1868:In Lauterbach, Germany Babette and Gabriel Worms gave birth to future NewYorker Emil Worms, the husband of Clara Worms.

1870:The attorney representing Sigmund, Joseph and Julius Walberg who are “chargedwith making false revenue returns as brokers” made a motion for discharge.

1870:The news that a congregation in Charlottesville had voted to join the ReformMovement was greeted with applauses at today meeting of the Rabbinical Councilbeing held in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1870:The Rabbinical Council adopted a resolution providing for a “uniform reading”of the Torah over a three year period at Sabbath services. The selections should omit “antiquated laws.”

1871:In Cincinnati, Ohio, a meeting of the Rabbinical Council, the governing body ofthe Reform Movement, the Prayerbook Committee was authorized to publish theirnew work as soon as it was ready.

1871:“Russian Tyranny and Jewish Resistance” published today reported that Jews inPoland have resisted the government orders to do away with their traditionalattire, hair styles and beards. Sincethe Jews are not following the news edicts, the police are stepping in toshorten the long coats favored by some Jews and cutting off their “curls.” Lengthening the short pants of the Jews hasbeen more of a problem. But the greatestchallenge is getting rid of the beards.In one rural town, the police grabbed an 80-year-old Jew and begancutting his beard. He cried out and whenhis co-religionists came to his aid, they were pounced on, forced into chairs,and sheared in “a hurried and rough manner” that was deemed less than“pleasant.” While the Warsaw Police haveavoided such extreme measures up until now, they will adopt them to ensure thatthe government’s edicts are carried out.

1872:Birthdate of painter and musicologist Rodolphe d'Erlanger.

1873:Birthdate of Austrian native Maximilian Marion Apfel who in 1887 came theUnited States where he graduated from the New York College of Pharmacy was anactive member of the Hebrew Free Loan Society.

1873:“Hebrew Orphans’ Excursion” published today reported that the managers of theHebrew Orphan Asylum and Free schools have made plans provide the youngsters intheir care with excursions this summer starting on June 23.

1874(22ndof Sivan, 5634): Eighty-seven-year-old Karaite archeologist Abraham ben SamuelFirkovich passed away today.

1875:“Ancient Libraries” published today provides a series of interesting sketchesof the great libraries of the world including the following comments about theJews and their ancient literature. Theauthor assumes that the Biblical city Kiryat Sefer took its name from the factthat it was a repository for works written by or inspired by Moses as well as“rhapsodies of prophets, the verses of poets, works of historians and darksayings of proverbial philosophers.Prominent among these must have been the contributions of the great KingSolomon who spoke 3,000 proverbs, whose songs were 1,005” who spoke with“scientific method and precision about beasts, fowl creeping things and fishesas well as plants including the Cedarsof Lebanon and hyssop growing out of the walls.The author assumes that these Jewish libraries were “swept out ofexistence” and much of the literature was lost except for fragmentaryreferences which can be found in books which have been preserved for religiouspurposes.

1875(4thof Sivan, 5635): Babette Marx, the wife of Alexander Blum with whom she livedin Algiers and then moved back to Frankfurt to live with her sister EstherKosel, passed away today.

1876:Alois Schiclgruber is officially recognized as the son of Johann Georg Hiedlerand his name is changed to Alois Hitler, a linguistic move that could not havebeen anything but useful to the future Nazi murderer.

1877:Birthdate of Louise Kahn Hirschman.

1877:Today,Leopold de Rothschild laid the foundation stone for the New West End Synagogue,which was founded by Sir Samuel Montague,

1878(6thof Sivan, 5638): First Day of Shavuot

1878:Rabbi Gustav Gotthel is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at Temple Emanuel inNew York City

1878:Rabbi Adolph Huebsch is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at Ahavaht Chesed onLexington Avenue & 55th Street

1878:Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs is scheduled to lead Shavuot Services at B’nai Jeshrun on34th Street.

1878:Rabbi Frederick De Sola Mendes is scheduled to Shavuot Services at ShaarayTefillah on 44th Street.

1878:A man named Dixon was hung today in Vicksburg, MS, having been convicted ofbrutally murdering a 45 year old Jewish peddler named Bachman while he wastraveling on the steamboat Fair Play in December of 1877.

1880: The New York Times published a reviewof The Poetry of the Talmud by Simon Seckles.

1880:Fifty-two-year-old General Frederick Vilmar commander of the 2ndBrigade of the New York National Guard whom Julius J. Lyons, the son of RabbiJacques Lyons served as Judge Advocate from 1875-1876 passed away today.

1881:In Essex, NJ, Moises/Moritz Tintner and Adeline Tintner gave birth to JTSordained Rabbi Benjamin Abner Tinter, the holder of an AB, MA and Ph. D. fromColumbia who was “the first American-born rabbi and the first graduate of theJewish Theological Seminary to serve Congregation B’nai Jeshurun and who in1930 was elected state chaplain of the American Legion, Department of New York,

1881: OliverHazard Perry Belmont graduated from the Naval Academy. His father was August Belmont, the Jewishfinancer for whom the Belmont Stakes is named.His mother was the daughter of Oliver Hazard Perry and was not Jewish.

1881:At the Republican State Convention, Louis Seasongood, a Jewish leader fromCincinnati is among those being considered as the party’s nominee forLieutenant Governor. Seasongood had beendefeated by General Hickenlooper for the position two years ago.

1881:It was reported today from St. Petersburg, that the “excitement against theJews here has abated but has not entirely disappeared.” [Editor’s note – what charming euphemisms foranti-Semitic riots; as can be seen from the entries below, there was noabatement. ]

1882:It was reported today that the Mansion House Committee for the Relief ofRussian Jews has collected over eighty-two thousand British Pounds of which ithas spent all but 25 thousand pounds.The Committee is going to send representatives to Hamburg to oversee thedeparture of the Russian Jews from the German seaport.

1882:At today’s session of the Republican State Convention being held in Columbus,the party adopted the following resolution. “We condemn the terriblepersecutions inflicted upon the Jews of Russia and other sections of Europe,and while he heartily approved the action of the Government in its efforts toameliorate the condition of these unfortunate people, we earnestly solicit acontinuance of its most energetic efforts to that end.”

1884:Birthdate of NYC native and NYU trained attorney Morris Alfred Vogel.

1885:Birthdate of Lithuania native Benyomen Flaysher, who in 1903 came o the UnitedStates where “he received ordination into the rabbinate at the Yeshiva of RabbiYitskhok Elchonon, studied law at La Salle University and at New YorkUniversity” and began publishing articles in Yiddish newspapers including “Dosyidishe likht (The Jewish light), Yidishe tageblat (Jewish daily newspaper),and Morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal), among others.”

1886:Three days after she had passed away, 49-year-old Emilie Henriette Levis theGerman born wife of Julius Levis with whom she had had five children was buriedtoday at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1886:“Indignant Rabbis” published today described the refusal of Mr. Taylor, theprincipal of Central High School in Philadelphia, PA to excuse the Jewishstudents for missing the upcoming final exams which have been scheduled on thedays of Shavuot. Despite pleas from thecity’s rabbis to reach some kind of accommodation, Taylor has remained adamantwhich means the Jewish children could fail through no fault of their own.

1888:In Minneapolis, MN, Albert and Pauline Cooperman gave birth to St. LouisUniversity trained eye, ear, nose and throat specialist Harold O. Cooperman andhusband of Anna Rabinovich, who was an associate surgeon at Minneapolis GeneralHospital and a president of the Menorah Society.

1889:“To Celebrate Two Anniversaries” published today took note of the fact that theyear 1892 “will witness the four hundredth anniversaries of the expulsion ofthe Hebrews from Spain and the discovery of America and described plans alreadybeing made by those meeting at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue to honorboth of these events.

1890:In Bloomington, Illinois, “a gas jet, which had served as the eternal light” atthe Moses Montefiore Congregation “ignited a fire on the altar” that destroyed“so much of the Temple’s interior that it had to be completely redecorated.

1890:In Philadelphia, Dr. Solomon da Silva Solis-Cohen and Emily Grace Solis-Cohengave birth to Leo Solis-Cohen, M.D.

1891:“The committee for the relief of Russian Jews reports” that many of the Jewsarriving at Charlottenburg “were wounded while fleeing from the Russianpolice.” Even more Jews were killed and the exodus is assuming such vastproportion” that the German Government will be forced to intervene “sinceprivate charity will soon be powerless to cope with the demands”.

1891:“Friends of the Jews Who Want Them Not” published today described “theindignation of Western Europe” to “Russia’s barbaric expulsion of the Jews”which is beginning to be mixed with a desire “to pass the exiled horde” on tosome other nation or nations. “The various organizations and committees whichhave been formed” in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London “to look out for thecomfort and safety of the Jews after they leave Russia” reportedly spend alarge amount of their funds on purchasing “passage tickets to America”

1891:“The Field of Future of Wars” published today described the little knowneastern portion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a primitive place where “thevillage inns – low drinking places at best – are generally kept by Jews, whoentice by all means in their power, the peasants to come an consume as much‘wodka’ as possible.”

1891:“High Sheriff Benjamin Disraeli” published today reports that “an Irishantiquarian has just discovered that the ‘Benjamin D’Israeli, Esq.,’ who wasHigh Sheriff of the Count of Carlow in 1810, was an uncle of LordBeaconsfield.” He died in 1814 and isburied in St. Peter’s Church in Dublin. [Editor’s Note – If this report isaccurate and if this High Sheriff Disraeli was Jewish, it makes one wonder whatoath he swore when he took the office.

1892:Twenty-seven-year-old CCNY grad and NYU trained attorney Joseph L.Buttenweiser, the Philadelphia born son of “Laemmlein Buttenweiser and LeahButtenweiser” married Lean Weil today.

1892:“Jewish Historical Society” published today described the organizationalmeeting of the American Jewish Historical Society at JTS which included anacrimonious debate between laymen and rabbis touched off by the fact that thereport of the Committee on Organization did not recommend a rabbi for any ofthe officer positions. The debate becameso heated that Rabbi Kaufman Kohler “jumped up and left the room.”

1893:Fifty-nine-year-old American actor Edwin Booth whose portrayal of Shylock wasthat critics said, “there is no other actor who realize so well as he all themeaning of the character – the bitter hatred, the firmness of purpose, the deeppassion, the unswerving faith and the tenderness of his undemonstrativeaffection for his child” passed away today.

1893:Birthdate of Samuel Pinanski, the native of Boston who was President of theAmerican Theatres Corporation and an officer of the Hebrew Free Loan Society.

1894: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Rutgers University trainedattorney Jules Tepper, the decorated WW I veteran and leader of the EssexCounty (NJ) Republican Club who raised three children – Shirlee, Rita andLeonard – with “his wife the former Lillian M. Schoenbrun.

1894:In Richmond, VA, Solomon and Hannah Rothschild gave birth to University ofPennsylvania and University of Michigan trained actuarial scientist and WW IU.S. Army Captain, Stanford Z. Rothschild the husband of Marie Lowenstein, who was alsoa lecturer at Johns Hopkins and member of the Hebrew Congregation in Baltimore.

1894:In Rengshausen, Hessen, Germany, Abraham Höflich and Bertha Beilchen Höflichgave birth to Nathan Höflich, the husband of Hilde Höflich and father of GerdaHöflich who was murdered Majdanek at the age of 48.

1895(15thof Sivan, 5655): Forty-four-year-old Berlin born composer and conductor MartinRoder who came to the United States in1892 “to take charge of the vocal department in the New England Conservatory atBoston” passed away today.

1896:In New York, “Dr. Isaac M. Haldeman” delivered a sermon at the First BaptistChurch in which he said “that the Jews had been persecuted by all the civilizednations of the world, so that they were driven to lying, cheating and othervices. No tongue could describe thetortures inflicted on them – not by pagans, but by Christians…”

1896:Professor Isaac Franklin Russell of NYU Law School delivered a lecture at theHebrew Institute on “Tom Paine.”

1896:“Mayor Strong Asked to Aid Peddlers” published today described the plight oftwo Jewish peddlers who have been “driven from the streets by police” becausethey like so many others have deprived of their livelihood i.e. selling collarbuttons and suspenders from various street corners.

1896:The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Band will perform at a strawberry festival thisafternoon sponsored by the Lebanon League which is raising funds for theLebanon Hospital at Westchester and Cauldwell Avenues.

1896:“Beginnings of a Prime Minister” published today described the handicaps thatBenjamin Disraeli had to overcome in making his way to the top of the Englishpolitical ladder. It noted that he did“not have the advantages of wealth or connected enjoyed by so many of hisrace. His father was a “renegades” whoeducated his son at “second class private schools” where he was not able tomake the friendships and associations that “wealthy Jews nowadays” make at“public schools and universities.”

1897(7thof Sivan, 5657): Second Day of Shavuot

1897:No Orthodox Jew voted in the judicial elections held in Chicago today sincemarking the ballot would violate the prohibition against writing on a Jewishfestival.

1897:Birthdate of Austrian born composer and conductor, George Szell. He was bestknown for his long, successful career as musical director of the ClevelandSymphony Orchestra. He held the positionfrom 1946 until 1970.

1897:“Myer S. Isaacs, President of the Board of Trustees of the Baron de HirschFund, has received a draft for $400,000, from the Baroness de Hirsch, as thefirst advance on the donation of $1,000,000 recently made by the Baroness toassist the poor of New York City.”

1898:It was reported today that “gangs of peasants attacked and plundered he shop atFrystak and wounded several Jews’ while the police in this Galician town “firedon the mob killing six of the rioters and wounding five more.”

1898:Three days after he had passed away, 51-year-old Lewis John Somers, the son ofAnn and Judah George Somers was buried today in London at the Plashet JewishCemetery.

1899:During ten days of meetings at The Hague that would end on June 17 Herzl metseveral of the most representative Russian leaders. Baroness Bertha Von Suttnerintroduced him to Russian State Counselor Ivan von Bloch who is responsible forthe calling of the Conference. The meetings resulted in Herzl's name beingbrought favorably to the attention of the Czar. Herzl also met with Nouri Bey,General Secretary of the Turkish Foreign Office who promises to get together agroup of officials to arrange an audience with the Sultan.

1900:It was reported today that during the commencement exercise for the UniversityCollege and Applied Science at NYU, the Hebrew Language Prize had been awardedto Henry Noble MacCracken, the son of the school’s chancellor.

1901:Birthdate of Sam Katzman, an American film producer and director who beganworking in the industry at the age of 13 when it was centered on the eastcoast. He moved west with the industryand enjoyed a successful 40 year career in film. He passed away in 1973.

1902(2ndof Sivan, 5662): Parashat Bamidbar

1902: Birthdate of old New York native, Cornell graduate andUniversity of Vienna trained physician Dr. Alexander B. Gutman, the “notedmedical researcher and professor emeritus of medicine at the Mount. SinaiHospital” and husband of “the former Daisy Rieger” who “was a major in the ArmyMedical Reserve Corps and, from 1943 to 1946 and a consultant to theOffice of the Air Surgeon” as well as the associate editor of Cecil and Loeb's Textbookof Medicine .

DR,A, B, GUTMAN, A CANCER EXPERT - The New York Times (

1902:Today reports from London said that “Vienna newspapers are calling attention tothe passage of small groups of Rumanian Jewish immigrants passing throughVienna en route to the United States” because “they are fleeing to escapepoverty and distress” found in a country where “the disabilities they havesuffered practically exclude most of them from the opportunities enjoyed byChristians” when it comes to “earning a livelihood.”

1903:Chicago businessman, David Labowitch, the Hungarian born son of Rifka Gunwardand Leopold Labowitch, married Ida Shutan after which he served as President ofTemple Mizpah and a director of the Jewish Charities of Chicago.

1903:Chess Master Julius Finn, the Russian born son of Dora Markel and Chaim BerFinn and treasurer of the Bronx Maternity Hospital married Dora Berson today.

1903:In Pittsburgh, PA, the sixth annual convention of the Federation of AmericanZionists is scheduled to continue for a second day.

1903:Jacob Massel of Glasgow and Isaac Allen of New York addressed today’s meetingof the Ladies’ Zion Society at New Brighton Synagogue on what has beendesignated as “Convention Day.”

1904(24thof Sivan, 5664): Moishe Finkel took his own life after shooting his wife andactor David Levinson who was a romantic rival.Born in 1850, Finkel was a leading member of the Yiddish theatre in theUnited States. His tempestuous personal life would have fine material fortragedy or melodrama. His professionallife was intertwined with such greats of the Yiddish theatre as Jacob Adler andBoris Thomashefsky. And he was the father-in-lawof famed Hollywood actor, Paul Muni.

1904:“The week long Seventh Annual Convention of the Federation of AmericanZionists” during which resolutions were approved “for the founding of Yiddishmagazine, for the development of the work of the ‘Mizrach,’ for theestablishment of Hebrew classes and a system of tuition for Jewish children andfor the general supervision of the education of Jewish throughout the country”came to a close today at Germania Hall in Cleveland, OH.continued to meet for athird day at Germania Hall in Cleveland, OH.

1904:In South Carolina, Rabbi J.J. Simenhoff officiated at the marriage of ClarenceMintz and Tillie Selman.

1905:“Oscar Hammerstein said” tonight “that negotiations between his representativesin Paris and Mme. Sarah Bernhardt for her appearance in vaudeville next seasonpositively had not been given up” and that he “expects to bring over a numberof well-known European artists.”

1906:“At a dinner given” tonight at Clinton Hall by the officers of the UnitedHebrew Charities to some fifty well-to-do residents of the east side, NathanBijur, one of the officers said that the organization was now staggering alongunder a deficit of $40,000 and that unless that amount and more was raised byAugust 10 the doors of the society’s main building and of several subordinatehouses would have to close.”

1907:The “owner of six dwelling-houses in the parliamentary and metropolitan boroughof Islington” was ordered to appear today before Joseph H. Polka, Esquire, onthe justices of the peace for the county of London

1908:Founding of Kinneret

1908:Twenty-eight-year-old “Dr, Jacob Haas, an electric physician with a lucrativepractice on the east side” did not marry his niece Fannie Thaller, the daughterof Max Thaller today, as planned by the two because Dr. Haas had attempted tocommit suicide at the end of May when he was overwhelmed by her family’sopposition to the union.

1909:In Croatia, Rabbi Avraham Marmorstein, the son of Yehuda Leib (Leopold)Marmorstein and Rivka (Regina) Marmorstein, and his wife Antonia TobaMarmorstein gave birth of EmilMarmorstein

1910:Eighty-six-year-old Goldwin Smith the British born Canadian academic who was apolitical opponent of Benjamin Disraeli, passed away. “A pathologicalanti-Semite, Smith disseminated his hatred in dozens of books, articles andletters. Jews, he charged, were "parasites," "dangerous" totheir host country and "enemies of civilization." His biliousanti-Jewish tirades helped set the tone of a still unmoulded Canadian societyand had a profound impact on such young Canadians as W.L. Mackenzie King, HenriBourassa and scores of others. Indeed in 1905 in the most vituperativeanti-Jewish speech in the history of the House of Commons, borrowing heavilyfrom Smith, Bourassa urged Canada to keep its gates shut to Jewish immigrants.

1911:Following “the recent publication of President Taft’s censure of ColonelGerrard, who opposes the” promotion of Jewish enlisted men, “resolutionsdemanding investigations in the Army and Navy to deter whether Jews arediscriminated against were introduced in the House today by RepresentativeEdwards of Georgia.”

1912:Evening schools to be opened in New York City for Turkish Jews to learn Englishduring the summer months.

1912:In Kharkoff, the police instituted “proceedings against Zionists for belongingto an illegal organization and supporting institutions abroad.”

1912:Russian Minister Count Sergei Witte denied accusations by his opponents “thatin 1890 he had sent millions to America to assist Jewish bankers.”

1912:Several fires, of unknown origin, destroyed “large portion of townlets” nearPodolia, Lublin and Kalish “leaving several hundreds of Jewish familieshomeless.

1913:In Chicago, The Frist American Conference on Social Insurance which Lee K. Frankelhas attended as a delegate from New York came to an end.

1914:The Federation of Oriental Jews held its second annual meeting today PS 91 inNYC. The federation is made up ofrepresentatives of 28 different organizations which have approximately 3,000members. The federation estimates thatthere are between 10,000 and 15,000 Oriental Jews living in New York. The term refers to Sephardic Jews most ofwhom are recent immigrants from areas that have been under Ottoman ruleincluding Greece. Unlike their northernand eastern European co-religionist, they do not speak Yiddish, relying insteadon Ladino for much of their colloquial conversation.

1914:Twenty-one men received diplomas and five were ordained as Rabbis at today’sgraduation exercises held by the Jewish Theological Seminary at the AeolianHall. Louis Marshall presided over theevent and read a speech prepared by Dr. Solomon Schechter who was unable to bepresent because of ill health.

1914:Simon F. Rothschild delivered the opening address at today’s ceremonydedicating the newly constructed building in Brownsville that will house theHebrew Educational Society. Among otherspeakers were Felix Warburg, Abram Elkus and from the world of New Yorkpolitics, Controller William A. Pendergast.

1914:Over a thousand people attended today’s opening of a new building to house theHarlem Hebrew School The school was begun five years and is supported by theYeishva Torah Chaim of Harlem. Almost500 children attend the school which provides courses in Hebrew, the Bible andJewish history before and/or after public school hours.

1915: As oftoday, the officers of the Hebrew Association for the Blind included PresidentBenjamin Berinstein, a lawyer” who as a blind student at Columbia made a namefor himself as a debater and member of Phi Beta Kappa, Vice President JacobSalmovitz, Recording Secretary Catherine Cohen, Trustee Henry Shapiro andSergeant-at’Arms Harry Kantrowitz.

1915:“Today, the Exchange Telegraph Company has received a dispatch from Berlin byway of Amsterdam saying the BerlinerTageblatt declares that the German anti-Semitic organs are starting a newcampaign to prevent Jews from becoming officers in the army after the war.”

1915:Dr. Cyrus Adler, the President of Dropsie College warned against the latestattempt to separate the synagogue from the Hebrew School. Such an action “can only result in anexaltation of ‘Hebraic culture’ as against ‘Jewish knowledge and Judaism.’ Asecularized Hebrew school is as much a paradox as a non-religious Jewish stateand a tragedy which will eventually destroy the synagogue and render asunderthe Jewish home.”

1915:In Atlantic City, NJ, the delegates attending the national convention of theOrder of B’rith Abraham are scheduled to vote on resolutions endorsing themeeting of a “Jewish national congress” “composing all the fraternities of therace in this country” and demanding that the 11,000,000 Jews of Europe “beaccording all the rights of free men” when the World War is over.

1915:In Atlantic City, NJ, the delegates attending the national convention of theUnited States Grand Lodge, Independent Order of B’rith Abraham “adoptedresolutions declaring Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to be the‘great humanitarian’ extending ‘grateful appreciation’ to President Wilson forhis veto of the Immigration Bill which would have closed the gates of Americato their brethren and declaring for the immediate calling of a nationalconference of Jews in America.”

1915:“It was announced that Dr. Abraham Galante of Constantinople has been invitedto New York as the Chief Rabbi of the Oriental Jewish Communities in the UnitedStates.”

1915:No reason was given for failure of the State Prison Commission in Georgia toannounce “its decision today on the pleas of Leo M. Frank for commutation ofhis sentence” as had been expected by the large crowd that had gathered at thecapital.

1915:As of today, the officers of the Federation of Oriental Jews of America areHonorary President Edward Valensi, President Joseph Gedalecia, First VicePresident Samuel Coen, Second Vice President Ezra Barcola, Third Vice PresidentMoses Shalom, Executive Secretary Albert J. Amateau, Recording Secretary RobertFranco, Treasurer David Carasso and Controller Jacob Farhi.

1916(6thof Sivan, 5676): As the Jews on both sides of the conflict observe Shavuot theGermans take Fort Vaux during the Battle of Verdun, the contest of wills thathad begun in February and would last until December.

1916:“The investigation being conducted into alleged discrimination against Jews inthe New York National Guard” continued today during which “most of theofficers…who were called to the stand repeatedly denied that they held anyprejudices against Jews or that the question as to the exclusion of Jews hadever been discussed among the officers of their companies.”

1916:Samuel Strauss, a member of the Board of Directors of the Educational Alliancetold those attending the school’s confirmation exercises “that unless the Jewsof this country made themselves more responsive to conditions of goodcitizenship and service to America, America will become a place from which wewill have to move on again in our eternal wanderings.”

1916:The Republican National Convention which Samuel S. Koening attended as adelegate from New York opened today in Chicago.

1916:Ruth Klauber and Philip Reinsberg were married today in Chicago.

1917(17thof Sivan, 5677): Twenty-two-year-oldJoseph Bernstein, the Bradford, Yorkshire born son of Leah and AaronGeorge Bernstein and a member of theBradford Hebrew Congregation was killed today while fighting with Britishforces in France after which he was buried in Ypres.

1917:In Petrograd, at the opening session of the Zionist Congress, PresidentTschlenow read a telegram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs “announcing thatinformation received regarding the atrocities committed by the Turks againstthe peaceful population of Palestine was of such a nature that it had beenconsidered advisable to communicate with the Allies, with a view to jointrepresentations to the Turkish Government through neutral Powers.”

1918:In Berlin, the Tageblatt stated “editorially that the wording of the so-calledJewish emancipation clauses of the Treaty of Bucharest” were “accepted withoutsufficient examination by the representatives of the Central Powers” and makeit possible for the Romanian government to evade “its pledges with new tricks.”

1918:“Zionists purchased Sarona, “a German Templer Colony established in 1871” whichis located between Jaffa Petah Tivkva.

1918:Two days after she had passed away, 21-year-old Hettie Marcus, the daughter ofSamuel and Kitty Marcus was buried in London at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.”

1918:Italian Foreign Minister Baron Sidney Costantino Sonnino informed “NahumSokolow that his Majesty’s Government is pleased to confirm the declarationalready mad through representatives in Washington, the Hague and Salonica, tothe effect that they will gladly use their best endeavors to facilitate theestablishment in Palestine of a Jewish national center, it being understoodthat this shall not prejudice the legal or political status enjoyed by Jews inall other countries.

1919(9thof Sivan, 5679): Parashat Nasso

1919:Conditions of Jews in the Palestine cities of Safed, Tiberias and Kfra Saba aredescribed as bad. The death rate is appalling.Thousands of Jews arestarving.

1919:“During opening sitting of the Zionist Congress at Petrograd

1919:Birthdate of Yohanan Aharoni the Frankfurt born Israeli archeologist who servedas chairman of the Department of Near East Studies and chairman of theInstitute of Archeology at Tel-Aviv University.

1920:Eduard Bernstein, a leading German social democrat whose “Jewish parents, wereactive in the Reform Temple on the Johannistrasse where services were performedon Sunday” began serving as a Member of the Reichstag from Brandenburg.

1920:Today marked the third day of Temple Emanu-El’s fund raising fair and bazaarwhich was being held at the Y.M.H.A. building in Brooklyn

1921:In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Russian-Jewish immigrant “Samuel and Anna Refkin” gavebirth to Isadore Irving Refkin, the U.S. Army enlisted man who served as a spyand a saboteur in WW II. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1921:In Utena, Lithuania, Nissan and Bella (Grossbard) Lown gave birth to JohnsHopkins trained doctor Bernard Lown, the husband of Louise Lown and the fatherof Anne, Frederic and Naomi Lown, who invented the first effective heartdefibrillator and was one of a group of co-founders of an internationalorganization that won the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for its campaign againstnuclear war…”

1921:President Warren Harding is scheduled to meet with Albert D. Lasker and discusshis appointment to serve as Chairman of the Shipping Board.

1922:It was reported today that Harvard officials were surprised on June 6 “to learnthat Governor Cox had decided to appoint a legislative committee of seven toinvestigate, among other things, that the charge that the university isdiscriminating again the Jews.”

1923:In Jerusalem, Yechiel Halperin and his wife gave birth to Uzziel Halperin whogained fame as “linguist and social activist” Uzzi Ornan.

1924(5thof Sivan, 5684): Parashat Bamidbar; erev Shavuot.

1924:“Sites and cities of Jewish interest in Palestine are not pointed out to theirfull advantage to tourists to the Holy Land, according to Abraham L.C. Goodall,a native of Palestine who announced today a series of distinctly Jewish toursto that country,” the first of which will begin on July 5.

1925:Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luwish are scheduled to host at reception this evening atthe Jewish Centre in Brooklyn in honor of the engagement of their daughterMiriam to Louis B. Seidman. Areception is scheduled to be held this evening at the Jewish Centre in Brooklyncelebrating the engagement

1926:“The Chicago Rabbinical Association unanimously passed a resolution condemningdances and card parties which take place either Friday evening or during theSabbath and urged the abolition of that practice” and “also decided that allJewish school children be urged to stay away from school on the first days ofthe Holidays.” (JTA)

1926:The body of Meyer London, one of only two Socialists to serve in the House ofRepresentatives “was taken to the Forward building, where it lay in state while25,000 men, women, and children filed past the casket, paying their respects.”

1926:“Louis Greenspan…whose automobile struck Meyer London was arraigned” today “inthe Homicide Court on a short affidavit…charging suspicion of homicide.”

1927(7thof Sivan, 5687): Second Day of Shavuot

1927:Dr. Nathan Krass of Temple Emanu-El was the principal speaker at a dinnertonight at the Hotel Astor was which was a fund raiser for the Los AngelesSanatorium of the Jewish Relief Association.

1928:Birthdate of Sirma native Herman Klein whose family was deported to Auschwitzwhen he was sixteen years old.

1928:Patrolman Rudolph Aaronson of the 32-APrecinct was placed on leave without pay for one day today.

1928:In New York, Ethel (née Newman) and Ira Strouse gave birth to composer andlyricist Charles Strouse whose first Broadway show was the 1960 hit “Bye ByeBirdie.”

1929:The Lateran Treaty which normalized relations between Italy and the Vatican isratified. The agreement gave Mussolini,the Italian Prime Minister, a greater measure of respectability. The Mussolini Connection would set the tonefor the Vatican’s relationship with Hitler when he came to power. Italy's anti-Jewish laws of 1938 prohibitedmarriages between Jews and non-Jews, including Catholics. The Vatican viewedthis as a violation of the Concordat, which gave the church the sole right toregulate marriage between Catholics. But this was not enough of an issue todisrupt the relationship between Rome and the Vatican.

1929:The original Broadway production of Blackbirds, a musical revue with lyrics byDorothy Fields “opened at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, France.

1930(11thof Sivan, 5690): Parashat Naso

1930:It was reported today that Thomas Jefferson High School students Louis Kushnerand Abraham Schuchman had won medals at the sixth annual Inter High SchoolFrench contest in New York City.

1931:In his annual address to the convention of B’nai B’rith which was being held inAtlantic City, Abraham L. Wolk of Pittsburg, the president of the grand lodge,urged B’nai B’rith to sponsor a regular radio broadcast about Jewish culturaland historical lore which he said would “bring about a better understanding ofthe race and closer relations between the Jews and Christians.”

1932: In Melsungen, Germany, Nathan Höflich andHilde Höflich gave birth to Gerda Hoflich who was murdered at the age of nineat Sobibor.

1932(3rdof Sivan, 5692): Sixty-three-year-old Polish “neurologist and psychiatrist’Edward Flatau who wrote of the first modern books on migraines passed awaytoday in Warsaw.

1933:Today, Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald addressed the opening session of theAnglo-Palestine Exhibition in London.

1933:“The Seven Deadly Sins,” “a satirical ballet chante” composed by Kurt Weill premieredtoday in Paris.

1933:Today, “one week to the day after he had been arrested on a charge of allegedlyputting a false interpretation upon new concerning police actions in a raid onthe Jewish section of Berlin, Otto Schick, editor of the Berlin bureau of theJewish Telegraphic Agency was breed by the Nazi authorities.”

1934:Caviar featuring Nanette Guilford as Elena opened on Broadway at the ForrestTheatre today.

1934:Birthdate of San Jose, CA native “Samuel Lipman a pianist and critic who wasthe publisher of The New Criterion, a conservative journal of the arts” and thehusband of Jeaneane Lippman. (As reported by William Honan)

1935(6thof Sivan, 5695): Shavuot

1936(17thof Sivan, 5696): Seventy-one-year-old German actor Hermann Picha passed awaytoday in Berlin.

1936:Leon Blum the first Socialist and the first Jew to serve as Prime Minister ofFrance presented his list of ministerial appointments to the Chamber ofDeputies. Blum was attacked in anti-Semitic diatribe by right wing deputy namedXavier Vallet who will later serve as an official with the Vichy Government.

1936: Five Arabswere killed and many were wounded this afternoon in a clash with British troopsand policemen after an attack on several Jewish-owned buses outside Jerusalem.A British soldier and a British police corporal were seriously wounded.

1936:“A large Jewish-owned timber depot in the heart of Jerusalem was set afire byArabs tonight and the flames spread to several nearby stores. The damage to the timber depot was put at$40,000.00.

1936:“Nazi pamphlets printed in Arabic were distributed in Acre blaming the Britishfor “favoring” the Jews.

1936:A young American tourist who would come to be known as President John F.Kennedy arrives in Jerusalem during a visit to the Middle East.

1936:A reception organized by James W. Gerard, the former Ambassador to Germany, inhonor of anti-Hitler Professor Georg Bernhard, is scheduled to be held tonightat the Hotel New Yorker.

1937:The Palestine Post reported that theLondon Evening Standard protested editorially against the long delay in thepublication of the report of the Royal (Peel) Commission on Palestine, whileall sectors of the Palestine population "waited for a real peace."The House of Commons was told that no fees were paid to the Commission members,but one of them continued to draw his salary of £4,500 a year, as president ofthe Industrial Court. The cost of the commission's subsistence allowances,traveling and other expenses amounted to £2,837, 18 shillings and 3 pence.

1937: “Twohundred rabbis, most of them alumni, were welcomed” today “by Dr. Cyrus Adler,president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America at the 37thannual convention of the Rabbinical Assemly of America which opened” thismorning where support for the “general spirit of the New Deal,” “the loyalistforces in Spain” and the Wagner Labor Relations Law” were expressed.

1937:The Palestine Post reported thatrefugees from Nazi Germany recalled the circ*mstances of the secret executionin Berlin of an American Jew, Helmut Hirsch, who was accused of spying.

1938: InShaker Heights, Ohio, Saul and Dorothy Goldstein gave birth to MichaelGoldstein, the student of opera turned “music publicist” and music journalist.(As reported by Vincent M. Mallozzi)

1939: AlbertEinstein wrote to Wilfred Israel saying, I was extremely glad with yourfriendly letter and especially with the fact that you are finally safe. Whatyou have done was truly heroic, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling that youare too good for this world, but even more so for the environment, in which youinsisted on staying for so long. With the hope of seeing you again once more inthis life, heartily regards to you and yours,”

1939: “Anothership attempting to land 260 illegal (Jewish) immigrants north of Haifa wascaptured today.

1939:Birthdate of New York native Mark Reiner, the NYU basketball player named“Player of the Year” in 1961 whose coaching career at Brooklyn College wasmarred by allegations of impropriety brought by former athletic director JosephMargolis in 1986.

1939: Today,with supplies running low and with a complete breakdown in negations, CaptainSchroeder told the passengers of the SS St. Louis that they would be returningto Europe, and barring some unforeseen consequences, that would mean Germany.

1939:Palestine was today the scene of further Jewish and Arab terrorism. One lifewas lost in the retaliation and counter-retaliation, and six Jews and one Arabwere injured, in addition to considerable damage to government property. Thetension continues to run high. A bomb was exploded today on the main railwayline 150 yards from the main station.There were four other bombing attacks in Tel Aviv during the rest of theday.

1940(1stof Sivan, 5700): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1940: :Following the Farhud, today, “the reinstated monarchist Iraq government set upa committee of enquiry to investigate the events which “according to PeterWien, made every effort to present the followers of the Rashid Ali movement asproxies of Nazism.

1940: “Afterthe evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk, DavidBen-Gurion, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, wrote to his wife from London aboutChurchill’s speech following the evacuation. “I know that you cannot standagainst Hitler with speeches, Withoutplanes and tanks and bombs and cannons we will not destroy the ‘MechanizedAttila’…But Churchill’s speech was undoubtedly the steadfast and stubbornpersistence of the English nation to stand and fight to the end.” “The phrase ‘Mechanized Attila’ had beencoined by Leon Blum the first Jew to serve as Prime Minister of France. After quoting Churchill’s speech thatincluded the immortal words “we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight onthe landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shallfight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” Ben Gurion writes his wife thatthese words ‘were not merely a jest.This is the spirit of the rebellious England and in it a guarantee forbetter days – even if not the soonest.

1941(12 ofSivan, 5701): Parashat Nasso

1941: Today,days after the Farhud, “thereinstated monarchist Iraqi government set up a committee of enquiry toinvestigate the events.”

1941: It wasreported today that “despite all the obstacles and difficulties arising out ofthe war situation, the Joint Distribution Committee is today functioningthroughout Europe” with “help being extended in Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia,France and Holland and possibilities of immigration being made available to theJews still remaining in Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Slovakia.”

1941: Release date for “Shining Victory” the first film directed byIrving Rapper written by Howard Koch with music by Max Steiner.

1942(22nd of Sivan, 5702): The Jewish ghetto at Krakow, Poland, is liquidated; 6000Jews from the city are murdered at Belzec.

1942(22nd of Sivan, 5702):A Jewish woman who has escaped from theWarsaw Ghetto into the city proper is dragged back to the ghetto and shot.

1942:TheJewish Yellow Star is made mandatory in Occupied France

1942(22nd ofSivan, 5702): Alan Blumlein died when his Halifax bomber crashed. TheBritish-born radar and electronics expert was on active duty with the Royal AirForce (RAF). He was part of an elitegroup of specialist working on the electronic counter measures and devices thathelped to give the Allies an edge over the Axis in the dark days of World WarII. His death was described in TheDaily Telegraph as a national loss. Air Chief Marshall Sir Phillip Joubertdescribed it as a catastrophe for the war effort, and Sir Archibald Sinclair,Secretary of State for Air, wrote that ‘it would be impossible to over-rate theimportance of the work on which they were engaged’, which had undoubtedly savedthousands of lives.”

1943Dr.Klaus Clauberg reports from Auschwitz that the apparatus to sterilize 1000Jewish women a day is being set in place.

1944: In theUnited States, premiere of “Christmas Holiday” directed by Robert Siodmak witha screenplay by Herman J. Mankeiwicz.

1944:Thefirst phase of the deportation and mass murder of the Hungarian Jews iscomplete. Nearly 290,000 Jews have been killed in 23 days.

1944: At theheight of the deportation of Hungarian Jews, Hannah Szenes crossed the borderinto Hungary.

1944: JoelBrand arrived at Aleppo today where two men, who later were identified asBritish intelligence, “pushed him into a waiting Jeep with its engine running.”

1945: InBrooklyn, attorney Bernard Fink and the former Sylvia Caplan gave birth toattorney and social activist Elizabeth Marsha Fink.

1945: Today,twenty-five-year-old Zelman Cowan, the future Governor-General of Australia,married 19-year-old Anna Wittner, with whom he “had four children, Shimon,Yosef Kate and Ben.”

1945: Today,Jan Peerce and the “RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sylvan Levin”recorded “Bluebird of Happiness” a 1934 ditty comped by Sandor Harmati, “withwords by Edward Heyman.

1945(26thof Sivan, 5705): Eighty-one-year-old Dr. Charles Isaiah Hoffman, Rabbi Emeritusof Oheb Shalom Synagogue passed away today.Born in Philadelphia, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvaniaand practiced law from 1886 until 1900 when he began studying for the Rabbinateat JTS. Six months after his graduationin 1904, he filled the pulpit of the Newark, NJ congregation while helping tocreate several Jewish periodicals including “The Jewish Exponent.” [Editor’snote – Dr. Hoffman’s decision to pursue the pulpit as “a second career” was asuncommon in his day as it apparently has become common in our own times.]

1946: InManhattan, “Sam Steinfeld, who worked in the import-export field and the formerFaye Litsky” gave birth to Allan Howard Steinfeld who succeeded Fred Lebow ashead of the New York City Marathon. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

1947: TheOujda and Jerada pogrom which took place in northeastern Morocco begantoday.

1948: EdvardBeneš resigns as President of Czechoslovakia rather than sign a Constitutionmaking his nation a Communist state. Beneš was one of the most decent anddemocratic leaders of his time. As aleader of the Czech government-in-exile during World War II he condemned thetreatment of European Jewry and supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1948:Mordechai Weingarten the Jewish community leader who had participated in thenegotiations that resulted in the surrender of the Old City to the Arabs wasplaced under house arrest when he returned to western Jerusalem.

1949: “BernardBaruch” is scheduled to “present an award to Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, the UnitedNations Palestine mediator at a dinner” tonight “at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotelsponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews.”

1950: Mrs.Martha Sharp, the wife of a Unitarian minister from Chicago and the vicechairman of Children to Palestine, visited the children’s village of Ben Shemenin Kfar Vitkin, thirty miles north of Tel Aviv. A grant of $25,000 from herorganization is being used to build housing for children who escaped from theEuropean Holocaust and have known no real home.The Village is named after Reverend Samuel A. Eliot, “the organizer ofthis interfaith rescue movement.

1950: TheMizrahi Women’s Organization of American hosts the second day of a two-daydonor luncheon series for 3,000 members of its metropolitan branches toinitiate an all-year silver jubilee celebration. Mizrahi in Israel has grown from a singlehome for adolescent girls in Jerusalem to a networked of 49 projects including13 institutions for children.

1950: “ArmoredCar Robbery” directed by Richard Fleischer was released today in the UnitedStates.

1952(14thof Sivan, 5712): Parashat Nasso

1952: It wasreported today that Dr. Franz Kallmann of Columbia University delivered “anaddress at the opening of the 42nd annual meeting of the AmericanPsychopathological Association at the Park Sheraton where the two-day meetingis devoted to a discussion of ‘Depression.’”

1953:Birthdate of Joan Stein, a Tony-winning theater and television producer whohelped to launch several long-running L.A. stage productions, including"Love Letters," "Forever Plaid" and Steve Martin's"Picasso at the Lapin Agile."

1953(24thof Sivan, 5713): Seventy-seven-year-old Julius I. Peyser the World War Iveteran, lawyer, banker and Zionist who graduated from Georgetown Universityand taught at George Washington University passed away today.

1953(24thof Sivan, 5713): “A youngster was killed, and three others were wounded, in ashooting attacks on residential areas in southern Jerusalem.”

1954(6thof Sivan, 5714): Shavuot

1954:Forty-one-year-old WW II code-breaker Alan Turing, who “sponsored two Jewishrefugee children from Austria and helped educate them in the UK” passed awaytoday.

1956:Sixty-five-year-old actor Sam Jaffee married 32 year old Betty Ackerman withwhom he would co-star in the television series “Ben Casey” and with whom he hadhappy marriage until his death in 1984.

1956: DavidSaul Marshall completes his services 1st Chief Minister ofSingapore.

1956(28thof Sivan, 5716): Eighty-year-old French author Julien Benda whose most famouswork was The Betrayal of the Intellectuals passed away today.

1957(8thof Sivan, 5717): Eighty-seven-year-old Paterson, NJ businessman Samuel Cohen,the founder of Samuel Cohen and Sons glass and hardware business and thehonorary president of the Paterson Hebrew Free Loan Association who was thefather of four children – Edith, Mary, Abram and Joseph – passed away today.

1958(19thof Sivan, 5718): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1961:Holocaust survivors provided shocking testimony at today’s session of the trialof Adolf Eichmann. [Editor’s note – In a time when there a myriad of HolocaustMemorial Museums dotting the landscape and the Shoah was talked of only inhushed tones, the following article by Homer Bigart provides what, for its timewas a blinding revelation.

1961: In theU.S. premiere of “The Curse of the Werewolf” a horror film with music byBenjamin Frankel.

1961: The World Wrestling Championship in which BorisGurevich won a Silver Medal came to an end today in Japan

1961(23rd of Sivan, 5721): Sixty-one-year-oldMilton Charles Calechman, the “son of Abraham Calechman” and “brother of HaroldCalechman” passed away today after which he was buried in the “B’nai JacobMemorial Park” in New Haven, CT.

1962: “Lulu,” an Austrian crime drama featuring Leon Askin,the son of Holocaust victims, in the role of “Medizinialrat Dr. Goll” wasreleased today in Austria.

1964: Today, at Rodeph Sholom Synagogue, Rabbi Harry Nelsonofficiated at the wedding of Barbara Ann Solomon and Edward Julian Pasternak.

1964: Third baseman Stephen Allan “Steve” Hertz, the futuremanager of the Tel Aviv Lightning, played his last major league as a member ofthe Houston Colt .45s.

1965: The$64,000 Question premiered on CBS-TV. Louis Cowan who has worked to rescue Jewsfrom Germany before the war, created the show. Hal March, a Jewish comic andactor whose real name was Harold Mendelson was the show’s host. Charles Revson, the Jewish Canadian CosmeticKing, had his company, Revlon, sponsor the show.

1965(7th of Sivan, 5725): Second Day Shavuot

1965(7th of Sivan, 5725): Twelve days before his 75thBirthday McGillUniversity alum and Harvard Ph.d. Abraham Aaron Roback the Goniondz, Russia, born son of“Isaac and Libby (Rahver) Roback” d psychologist, and contributor toYiddish journals who was a faculty member at several schools including ClarkUniversity, MIT, Radcliffe and Harvard passed away today. (Some show his deathdate as June 5)\

1965(7th of Sivan, 5725): Shavuot; Yizkor

1965: “A statement authorizedAugustin Cardinal Bea, chairman of the Vatican Secretariat for ChristianUnity, declaring that the forthcoming session of the Ecumenical Council ‘wouldconfirm the declaration repudiating the charge of deicide against the Jewishpeople’ was published in Rome today.” (JTA)

1965(7th of Sivan, 5725): Comedic actress Judy Holiday passes away at theage of 43 on the same day Jews are reciting Yizkor

1966(19th of Sivan, 5726): Eighty year old Jacob M. Budish,the Russian born American author and academic who specialized in the Labormovement passed away today.

1966(19th of Sivan, 5726): Sixty-seven-year-old NYC native andColumbia University trained dentist Dr. Louis W. Scaletter, the husband of thelate Martha Gitlin Sscaletter and the father of physicians Howard and RaymondScalettar passed away today.

1967: Six months after premiering in Japan, “El Dorado” a cowboy movieco-starring James Caan was released in the United States today.

1967 (28 Iyar,5727): Dorothy Parker passes away. BornDorothy Rothschild in 1893, Dorothy("Dottie" or "Dot") Parker was an American writerand poet best known for her caustic wit, wisecracks, and sharp eye for 20thcentury urban foibles.

1967: Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem uniting the cityfor the first time since the establishment of the state. Todayat 10:15, with the radio confirmation, "The Temple Mount is in ourhands," the Israeli flag was raised above the Western wall.

1967 (28 Iyar, 5727): Yom Yerushalayim (JerusalemUnification day). Prior to the 6-Day War, Israel had sent repeated requests toKing Hussein of Jordan appealing to him remain outside the conflict (trying,therefore, to prevent a three-front war). Due to Arab League pressure, Jordanbegan to shell Jerusalem on June 5. When the Jordanian force crossed thecease-fire line at Government House, Israel retaliated. General Uzi Narkisbrought in Colonel Motta Gur to lead the attack in Eastern Jerusalem.

1967: “DavidRubinger, an Austrian-born photojournalist, chronicled the birth of the modernstate of Israel, its leaders, its triumphs” took the iconic photo, of theIsraeli paratroopers Zion Karasanti, Yitzhak Yifat and Haim Oshri at theWestern Wall today.

1967: Israeli forces captured Jericho, Bethlehem,Sharm-el-Sheikh, and lifted the blockade of the Gulf of Eilat. The entireJordanian bulge on the western bank of the Jordan came under Israeli control.Hostilities between Israel and Jordan came to an end upon their acceptance ofthe cease-fire demanded by the Security Council of the U.N., 1967.

1967: On thethird day of fighting, the IAF destroyed hundreds of Egyptian vehicles tryingto flee across the Sinai in convoys and trapped thousands more in narrow Sinaipasses.

1967: By theend of the third day Jordan's air force of 34 combat aircraft had essentiallyceased to exist and the Jordanian military was no longer in the fight.

1967: Asuccessful joint attack by armor units and elements of the Golani led to thecapture of Nablus this afternoon.

1969(21stof Sivan, 5729): Parashat Beha’aloctcha chanted for the first time during thepresidency of Richard Nixon.

1970: MyrnaLamb’s musical “Mod Donna” closed today at the Joseph Papp Public Theatre inNew York today.

1970: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held today for seventy-eight year old Broadway andYiddish Theatre star Menasha Skulnik followed by burial “in the Yiddish TheatreAlliance section of the Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, Queens.”

1971:Singer-songwriter Carole King achieved stardom with the release of her album Tapestry

1972: German Chancellor Willy Brandt visited Israel

1973(7th of Sivan, 5733): Second Day of Shavuot;Yizkor

1974: Refusniks Valery and Galina Panov obtained exitvisas.

1975: "Whispering Grass (Don't Tell The Trees)"“a popular song written by Fred Fisher and his daughter Doris Fisher” reachedthe “number one in the UK Singles Chart” today.

1977: THE MARCH ON PARIS 1914—of Generaloberst Alexander von Kluck — andHis Memory of Jessie Holladay," which opened today at the Whitney Museumof American Art, is the wittiest, most appealing film yet made by WalterGutman, the stock-market analyst, art critic and patron, painter, philosopherand lover of beauty who, at 74, is one of the more exuberant of independentAmerican filmmakers.”

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that according to Aviation WeekIsrael was having second thoughts about buying the American F-16 fighter, andplanned to design its own fighter plane. Egypt started digging a tunnel underthe Suez Canal, about 20 km. north of Suez city.

1978: Sixmonths after opening in Japan, “Capricorn One” directed and written by PeterHyams, starring Elliot Gould and with music by Jerry Goldsmith was released inthe United States today.

1978:President Carter nominated Louis Hl. Pollack to serve a Judge on the UnitedStates District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

1980(23rdof Sivan, 5740): Parashat Sh’lach

1980(23rdof Sivan, 5740): Sixty-six-year-old Montreal born, American raised painter,printmaker and muralist Philip Guston passed away today in Woodstock, NY.

1981(5thof Sivan, 5741): Erev Shavuot

1981: The Israeli air force attacks and destroys the Iraq nuclear reactorat Osiriq. Both the United States and leaders in the Israeli oppositioncondemned Menachem Begin. After Operation Desert storm the American Statedepartment belatedly praised his actions, admitting it had saved countlesslives.

1982(16th of Sivan, 5742): Ninety-one-year-oldPortage, PA native Hyman “Goldie” Goldstein the Dickinson College footballplayer described by legendary coach Pop Warner as “being a star kicker, passerand ball carrier” possessing “the rare quality of fine judgment andgeneralship” who went on to serve in the Navy during WW I and pursue a legalcareer in Carlisle, PA passed away today.

1983: It was reported today that “Leaders of an official anti-ZionistCommittee set up six weeks ago” have said “that they were satisfied that Jewishemigration had effectively stopped because most Soviet Jews who wanted to leavehave gone.”

1984(7th of Sivan, 5744): Second Day of Shavuot

1984: “The Revolt of Job,” “a gently told story of one Jewish couple'sattempt to defeat their family's extinction in the Holocaust by adopting anon-Jewish boy, a child who would survive to carry on their line” is scheduledto have its last screening at the Vandam Theatre in New York. (As reported bySeth Mydans)

1985: “Perfect” a romantic film featuring Laraine Newman and Jann Wennerwas released in the United States today.

1987: An article published today entitled “Celebrating the East End’sJewish Heritages” provides a brief overview of the history of the Jews whosettled in London and a schedule of the events for this summer's Jewish EastEnd Celebration.

1991: U.S. premiere of “City Slickers” a mid-life crisis comedy starringBilly Crystal, featuring Josh Mostel, Lindsay Crystal and Jake Gyllenhaal witha script by Lowell Ganz.

1992(6th of Sivan, 5752): For the last time Shavuot iscelebrated during the Presidency of George Brush.

1993:Yitzhak Rabin completes his term as Interior Minister

1993:Prof. Shimon Shetreet completed his term as Science and Technology Minister ofIsrael

1993:Shulamit Aloni replaced Moshe Shahal as Minister of Communication.

1993: Aryeh Deri begins his term as Interior Minister.

1993:Moshe Shahal succeeded Amnon Rubenstein as Energy and Water Resources Minister

1995: Uzi Baram completes his term as Minister of InternalAffairs.

1996(20thof Sivan, 5756): Max Factor passed away.Factor arrived in the United States at the start of the 20thcentury. He was a pioneer in thecosmetics industry who parlayed his work with Hollywood movie stars into hisown cosmetics company, the name of which survives under the Max FactorCosmetics label.

1997(2ndof Sivan, 5757): Parashat Bamidbar

1997(2ndof Sivan, 5757): Seventy-five-year-old Dr. Stanley Schacter, the Columbia Universityprofessor who “was one of the few social psychologists to be elected to theNational Academy of Sciences.” (As reported by Karen Freeman)

1998:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including The Process: 1,100 Days ThatChanged the Middle East by Uri Savir

1999: Marigold Merlyn Baillieu Myer (Lady Southey AC) theyoungest daughter of Sidney Meyer and Margery Merlyn Baillieu Myer “became aMember of the Order of Australia (AM) for her service to the community in thesupport of health care, medical research and the arts.”

2000:In “Bittersweet Homecoming for a Well-Traveled Exile” published today RichardBernstein provided a review of Stonedial by George Konrad whose “maincharacter” is “Janos Dragoman, a Jew who returns to the Hungarian city of hisyouth…”

2001:David Wright Miliband assumed office as a Member of Parliament for SouthShields.

2002: Sevensoldiers were buried today at the Hadera military cemetery today. They were part of a group of 17 Israelis,including 13 soldiers who were killed when a stolen car packed with explosivespulled alongside a public bus and exploded near the northern town of Megiddo.

2003(7th of Sivan, 5763: Second Day of Shavuot and Shabbat

2003(7th of Sivan, 5763): John Jay Dystel, the son Marion Dysteland publisher Oscar Dystel passed away today.

2004: The Supreme Court ruled that the 88-year-old niece and heirof an Austrian Jewish art collector can pursue her lawsuit against the Austriangovernment and its national art gallery for the return of six paintings byGustav Klimt that belonged to her family before the Nazi takeover.

2005:A mortar shell fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza struck a greenhouse inthe Israeli settlement of Ganei Tal today, killing three workers-- twoPalestinians and a Chinese laborer-- and wounding five more. Who werePalestinians from Khan Yunis,

2006: Hebrew Book Week begins. Despite the name, the “week” will last for 10 days. Thisyear's theme is “Developing the Galilee and the Negev.”

2006:The Central Council of Jews, Germany’s main Jewish organization electedCharlotte Knobloch as its leader. The 73year old Holocaust survivor from Munich is the first woman to hold this post.

2007:In “Rebuilding Jewish Life in New Orleans,” published today Bruce Nolanddescribes how “financial incentives and other effort are starting to pay off”in a post-Katrina World.

Twenty-threeand single, Katie Tutwiler is another of those idealistic young people pouringinto post-Katrina New Orleans. Tutwiler moved to New Orleans fresh out ofcollege last summer, tugged by a moral call to join the city's great story ofpost-hurricane reconstruction. Although she is only nominally Jewish, Tutwilerhas been aggressively courted by the area's Jewish community. She received a$1,000 moving grant and was offered a year's free dues to a synagogue and aone-year membership to a Jewish community center. The recruiting effort may bepaying off. Tutwiler, a self-described religious "seeker" shoppingfor a religious identity, has signed up with Birthright Israel for a free tripto Israel this summer, even as her personal exploration also includes attendingCatholic Masses. Tutwiler is in play, so to speak, and thus qualifies as aposter child for the New Orleans Jewish community's year-old "newcomersprogram," which to date has devoted an estimated $180,000 to recruit youngJews to rebuild the city's Jewish community, and the larger city as well.Prominent African American leaders such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson have lobbiedfor the "full right of return" of all displaced city residents,including poor black people stranded in other cities. But there has not been aspecific effort to lure black residents back to New Orleans, where they made uptwo-thirds of the population before Katrina. The newcomers program is just oneof the initiatives in a five-year "strategic plan" New Orleans Jewsrecently fashioned as part of a $24 million blueprint to revitalize a small butsturdy community that had been shrinking and graying even before Katrina madelandfall in 2005. The plan's first goal is to recruit young Jews to New Orleansand nourish them here through the newcomers program. But plans are afoot tofashion incentives to retain at least 50 of the area's 400 to 500 Jewishcollege students who graduate each year, Michael Weil, executive director ofthe Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, said. Besides recruiting, thereare 11 goals in the strategic plan, Weil said, including maintaining ties withan estimated 3,500 permanently dislocated Jewish New Orleanians; buildingsupport systems to nourish Jewish families; fostering collaboration among localJewish institutions; developing Jewish education; and a national fundraisingand public relations campaign. "It's ambitious, it's doable and we'regoing to make it happen," said Weil, an economist and strategic plannerwho worked in Israel before he was hired by the federation in 2006. Thenewcomers program that aided Tutwiler so far has distributed incentives to 116Jewish individuals or families, said Jennifer Samuels, who helps run theprogram. Weil estimated that the total number of Jewish newcomers, includingthose who didn't apply for incentives or haven't yet been identified, is closerto 850. The day Katrina made landfall, the area's Jewish community wasestimated to be about 9,500 (less than 1 percent of the metro area population),down from an estimated 13,000 nearly 25 years ago. Research by Louisiana StateUniversity sociologist Frederick Weil and others estimated that Katrina reducedthe area's Jewish population to about 6,000 in the summer of 2006. They believethe number rebounded to 7,000 to 8,000 earlier this year. Tutwiler said herdecision to come to New Orleans was born out of a desire to join a wounded butstill fascinating community, and was not triggered by financial incentives. Asthe daughter of an Episcopalian father and a nonobservant Jewish mother, shesaid she grew up in a home with no strong religious influence. She knows onlythe opening phrases to a few common Hebrew prayers, and until recently, she didnot know there was a synagogue in her hometown of New Iberia, La., about 100 mileswest of New Orleans. "I'm Jewish," she said, "but not quite inthe fold." Tutwiler heard about the Jewish incentives program from hergrandmother, Catherine Kahn, a New Orleans resident and board member at TempleSinai, who urged Tutwiler to check it out. Now Tutwiler sometimes accompaniesher grandmother to temple and has begun to inquire about her Jewish heritage.In that sense she is quite typical, Michael Weil said. "There's a patternhere" among newcomers, Weil said. "They tend to be on the margins ofmainstream Jewish life. These are not your regular synagogue-goers. TheirJudaism is more virtual than real. They're less actively involved. But they'remotivated. They see themselves as pioneers." He said their willingness tohelp rebuild the city often is part of a deeply Jewish imperative toward publicservice called "tikkun olam" or "repairing the world.""You'd think that when you're hit with a major disaster it would knock youflat and you wouldn't have the strength to get up again," Weil said."But what this community has said is, we're not accepting that. We thinkwe're important, and we have a future, and we intend to go to some significantplace, and we'll do whatever it takes to get there."

2007:A revival of “Babes in Arms is a 1937 musical comedy with music by RichardRodgers, lyrics by Lorenz Hart and book by Rodgers and Hart” opened today atthe Chichester Festival Theatre.

2007:In London, Israel Connects presents “Portraits of Israel.” The exhibition is a collection of thephotographs of Rudi Weissenstein taken from 1932 through 1999. Weissenstein wasthe official photographer at the signing of the Israeli Declaration ofIndependence in 1948.

2007(21stof Sivan, 5767): Eighty-three-year-old poet and translator Michael Hamburgerpassed away today.

2008:In Washington, D.C. The JCC presents “David Buchbinder's Odessa/Havana.”An exciting Jewish-Cuban musical fusion,Odessa/Havana is led by award winning trumpeter and composer David Buchbinderand includes some of today’s most accomplished jazz musicians.

2008:As a foretaste of celebrating Shavuot, in Cedar Rapids, at Temple Judah,traditional Shabbat morning services at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids features a“Sundaes on Saturday” Kiddush.

2008(4thof Sivan, 5768): Ninety-one-year-old Dr. Montague Ullman passed away today.

2008;Sportscaster Jim McKay passed away at the age of 86. “His professionalism andsensitivity melded in 1972. During the Munich Olympics, as he left the hotelsauna and was about to go into the swimming pool on his only day off, hereceived word that Arab terrorists had invaded the Israeli living quarters inthe Olympic Village. Mr. McKay hurried to the studio, and for 16 consecutivehours he anchored ABC’s extraordinary news coverage, with field reporting fromPeter Jennings, Howard Cosell and others. The episode ended with the murder of 11Israeli athletes, coaches and trainers. When that word reached Mr. McKay, hesaid he thought that he would be the person who told the family of DavidBerger, an Israeli-born weight lifter whose family lived in Shaker Heights,Ohio, “if their son was alive or dead.” He looked at the lens and said,“They’re all gone.” When ABC finally signed off, Mr. McKay, physically andemotionally spent, returned to his hotel room. Only then did he realize he hadbeen wearing a wet swimsuit beneath his trousers. The next day, Mr. McKayreceived this cable from an old CBS colleague: “Dear Jim, today you honoredyourself, your network and your industry. Walter Cronkite.” Mr. McKay’s work atMunich won him an Emmy Award for news coverage, the first for a sportscaster,and the George Polk Award. Through the years, he won 12 more Emmys.”

2009:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Red and Me by Bill Russell,Red Orchestra by Anne Nelson and the recently published paperbackedition of Audition: A Memoir by Barbara Walters.

2009:The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/orof special interest to Jewish readers including American Passage: TheHistory of Ellis Island by Vincent J. Cannato.

2010:The New Yorker is scheduled to publish its “20 Under 40” list of fictionwriters worth watching that included Jewish authors Jonathan Safran Foer, 33; Rivka Galchen, 34; NicoleKrauss, 35; Gary Shteyngart, 37; David Bezmozgis, 37.

2010:Sirius/XM Radio star and Broadway pianist Seth Rudetsky is scheduled to performat the Washington Jewish Music Festival.

2010(6thof Sivan, 5770):Rabbi Mordecai Eliyahu passed away.

2010(6thof Sivan, 5770): Eighty-seven-year-old Rabbi Jacob Milgrom considered by many theworld’s foremost authority on the biblical Book of Leviticus passed away todayin Jerusalem.,

2010:Shahar Pe'er, an Israeli professional tennis player,was ranked Number Fourteen today which was her career-high rating as a single’splayer.

2010: Former Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin has beenacquitted of allowing minors to work at the Postville slaughterhouse. Today,Jurors acquitted him of all 67 counts of child labor violations.

2010: The funeral for Steve Averbach, the former Monmouth Countyresident who was paralyzed in an attempt to thwart a suicide bomber inJerusalem in 2003 was scheduled to take place today in Israel.

2010:Navy commandoes foiled a major terrorist attack fromthe Gaza coast shortly before dawn today morning, and the Air Force strafed arocket launching cell

2010(25th of Sivan, 5770): Rabbi Mordecai Eliyahu former chief rabbi who encouragedIsraelis to oppose removal of settlements and blamed Reform Jewry for theHolocaust passed away at the age of 81.

2010: Joe Schlesinger, the Canadian television journalist andauthor “received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Queen's University inKingston and delivered the convocation speech to a part of the graduating classof 2010 from Queens Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He declared that the studentswould forget a good part of what they learned but they can find out what theyneed to know in the realm of facts by ‘googling it’!”

2011: Congregation Beth Israel in Glendale, Wisconsin, isscheduled to present a program entitled “The Levite & His Concubine.”

2011(5th of Sivan, 5771): Erev of Shavuot

2011(5th of Sivan, 5771): Ninety-one-year-old MietekPemper, the secretary who actually compiled what became known as “Schindler’sList” passed away today. (As reported byDouglas Martin)

2011(5th of Sivan, 5771): Eighty-eight-year-old LeonardB. Stern, the man who created “Mad Libs” passed away today in California. (Asreported by Margalit Fox)

2011: Bradlee Birchansky and Jon Burstain, two outstanding youngmen, are scheduled to be confirmed this evening during Shavuot services atTemple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2011: Carolyn Goldmark Goodman, the wife of Oscar Goodman “waselected Mayor of Las Vegas with 60 percent of the vote.”

2011:Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) introduced a resolutioncalling for the withholding of U.N. funding if the General Assembly recognizesa Palestinian state.

2011:U.S. President Barack Obama said today he and GermanChancellor Angela Merkel agreed that any Palestinian effort to seek UNrecognition for statehood should be avoided.

2012: The Carmen at Masada Opera Festival is scheduled to open,

2012: The Anat Cohen Quartet is scheduled to perform inWashington, DC.

2012:Israel’s Defense Ministry announced today that itwill erect between 20,000-25,000 tents for African migrants at variousdetention centers by the end of the year.

2013:“Fill the Void,” a film about an orthodox Chasidic family from Tel Aviv, isscheduled to open at several theatres across theUnited States including the Clay in San Francisco, the Bethesda Row Cinema inBethesda, MD and Shrilington 7 Theatres in Arlington, VA.

2013: Tel Aviv hosted its 15th annual Gay Pride Festival today,with a record-breaking 100,000 spectators and participants attending thecelebrations, including droves of tourists from all over the world.

2013: Yediot Aharonot reported today that the US recentlyconducted a test of its bunker buster bomb, destroy a replica of an undergroundnuclear facility in an effort to show Israel and other ally states that it iscapable of striking Iran’s nuclear plants.

2014:The Tel Aviv International Student Film, which this year has enjoyed theunexpected support of Steve Tisch of the New York Giants is scheduled to cometo an end. (As reported by Debra Kamin)

2014:“Paradise Cruise,” a film about an Israeli photographer and her rebelliousboyfriend, is scheduled to be shown at Windmill Studios.

2014:The traditional minyan at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids celebrates the 80thbirthday of Murray Wolf.

2014:Today, “Pope Francis entreated social media followers to pray for Middle Eastpeace” just one day before the Presidents of Israel and the PA are to visit theVatican and join the Pontiff in a special prayer for peace.

2014:“Hatnua MK Amram Mitzna said today that he will make every effort to convincehis party members to leave the coalition and bring an end to the government ofPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.” (As reported by Spencer Ho)

2015:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Words Without Music: A Memoir by Philip Glass, Jonas Salk:A Life by Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs, The New World, a novelco-authored by Eli Horowitz and Coup de Foudre “a thinly — or possiblybarely — veiled account of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair, in whichStrauss-Kahn was accused of sexually assaulting a housekeeper at a New YorkCity hotel” by Ken Kalfus.

2015:“The Members Book Club” at the National Museum of American Jewish History isscheduled to discuss Binocular Vision by Edith Pearlman.

2015:“Touchdown Israel” and “Sallah Shabati” are scheduled to be shown at the IsraelFilm Center Festival.

2015:“A Walk on the Moon” starring Diane Lane is scheduled to be shown at theBorscht Belt Film Festival.

2015:The Darom Film Festival is scheduled to open at Sderot.

2015:“Lincoln and the Jews,” an exhibition sponsored by the New York HistoricalSociety “inspired by the publication of Lincoln and the Jews: A Historyco-authored by Jonathan D. Sarna is scheduled to come to an end today.

2015:“A court awarded filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici NIS 800,000 ($260,000) in damagestoday in a libel case against a former Israel Antiques Authority curator JoeZias who had accused the three-time Emmy award winner of falsifying material ina documentary about the origins of Christianity.”

2015:“Israeli jets struck target in the Gaza Strip early this morning “hours afterrocket from the coastal Palestinian territory exploded in southern Israel.”

2015:In Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah is scheduled to host “Secret Jewish Services in aNazi POW Camp - Stalag Luft 1” during which Ron Levine will give a presentationdiscussing how his father, Henry Sanford Levine, led weekly Shabbos and HighHoly Day secret Jewish services in a Nazi POW camp, Stalag Luft 1. Henry Levinewas a navigator on a B-17 that was shot down over Nazi Germany. After theGestapo located him they transferred him to Stalag Luft 1, where he became aPOW. Ron’s father made a wooden Mogen David while imprisoned. It is made of twotriangles not permanently attached so they could be kept separately as twoinnocuous triangles. Triangles meant nothing to a Nazi guard. A Mogen Davidcould get you killed. Ron has the Mogen David in his possession. Towards theend of the war, special barracks were built for the Jewish POWs so they couldbe transferred to the Death Camps. The Russians liberated the camp before theJewish POWs could be executed.

2016:“Every Word has Power,” a “concert film shot at Lincoln Center, featuringmusician Basya Schechter (of Pharaoh’s Daughter) adapting ten of RabbiHeschel’s poems into song” is scheduled to be shown at the 17thAnnual Washington Jewish Music Festival.

2016:“Man in the Wall” and “Encirclements” are scheduled to be shown at the IsraelFilm Center Festival in Manhattan.

2016:The work of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz is scheduled to be honored at the22nd Aleph Society Dinner at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

2016: In Portland, the Mittleman Jewish CommunityCenter is scheduled to present Rabbi Jonathan Porath speaking on “How Jews ofAmerica Saved Jews of Europe During the Shoah: The Story of the JointDistribution Committee.”

2016:Women of the Wall Executive Director Leslie Sachs was detained by police thismorning for carrying “a Torah scroll into the prayer plaza in contravention ofOrthodox regulations imposed at the site.”

2016:“Between Kermanshah To Majdanek” is scheduled to be shown at the Cinema SouthFilm Festival in Sderot.

2017(13thof Sivan, 5777): Seventy-seven year old Ed Victor, the Bronx born son ofRussian Jewish immigrants who transformed himself into a leading Londonliterary agent passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

2017:It was reported today that “Naomi Alderman’s The Power has become thefirst science fiction novel to scoop the Baileys prize for women’s fiction.”

2017:“La Putyka, a Czech circus, is scheduled to perform “Slapstick Sonata” and “LaPutkya,” a cornucopia of acrobatics, theater, live music and puppets at ZionSquare” today.

2017:In Alexandria, VA, Beth El Hebrew Congregation is scheduled to host “What MakesJewish Music Jewish? – a special musical morning with NPR’s Miles Hoffman.”

2017:Brooklyn Institute for Social Research & Center for Jewish History arescheduled to host the first session of Hannah Arendt: The Origins ofTotalitarianism taught by Dr. Samantha Hill.

2017:Novelist Dora Horn is scheduled to lead a tour of the Yeshiva UniversityMuseum’s exhibition “City of Gold, Bronze and Light: Jerusalem between Word andImage” in she “explores Jerusalem's role in the work and imagination of modernJewish writers.”

2018:“Dov Boros, a survivor of the ghetto in Budapest, Ida Kersz who was saved by aPolish Catholic family and Dr. Adina P. Sella who found safety in Italy duringthe Holocaust” are scheduled to speak at the Israel at 70 celebration hosted bythe Illinois Holocaust Museum and Educational Center.

2018:JW3 is scheduled to host two screenings of “Entebbe” in London.

2018:“The Power of Protest: The Movement to Free Soviet Jews, a special travelingexhibit created by the National Museum of American Jewish History, is scheduledto be for the last time at the State Historical Museum of Iowa today.

2019(4thof Sivan, 5779): Jewish Math Time – in the evening, count the 49thand final day of the Omer

2019:As students complete their exams, the Oxford Jewish Society is scheduled tohost Kabbalat Shabbat Services followed by a Friday night dinner.

2019:“CIJA Pride Shabbat is scheduled to take place is Edmonton, Alberta.

2019:In Los Angeles, the Royal Theatre is scheduled to host a screening of “The SpyBehind Home Plate” followed by a Q and A with director Aviva Kempner

2019:On the secular calendar, 52nd anniversary of the liberation of eastJerusalem and the re-unification of the city after 19 of illegal occupation bythe Jordanians.

2020:The Maine Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “TheSpy Behind Home Plate” online today.

2020:The Brooklyn Film Festival which has hosted an on-line screening of the U.S.premier of the Israeli film “On the Side” is scheduled to come to an end today.

2020:David Broza is schedule to welcome us into his living room on-line where hewill be performing “His most popular songs alongside some rare ones.”

2020:The New England Yachad is scheduled to present on-line “YAYA Chavurah.”

2020: During the virtual presentation of “Roots ofYiddish Comedy,” Klezmer teacher, Yiddishist and singer Jeanette Lewicki isscheduled to talk about how early Yiddish comedians spread Jewish values.Includes records, music and live performance.”

2020:Live on Zoom, the American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to a virtualclass of Soapbox Yoga.

2020:Live on Zoom, the American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present“Yemenite Men and Women and their Music.”

2020:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Away From Chaos: The MiddleEast and the Challenge of the West by Gilles Kepel and Trumpocalypse:Restoring American Democracy by David Frum.

2021:A Virtual Exhibition of the Barbara C. Freedman Artists’ Beit Midrash isscheduled to open at the Streicker Center.

2021:Joanne Greenaway, the Chief Executive, LSJS is scheduled to share the Torah she learned from the greatRabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l.

2021:Rabbi Charna Rosenholtz is scheduled to lecture on “Jewish Renewal: Principlesand Practices with Congregation Nevei Kodesh.

2021:The National Library of Israel is scheduled to host a lecture on Minhag Italia.

2021:Leah Hochman is scheduled to “talk about her survivor experience in bothYiddish and English at on the second day of The 2021 FJMC InternationalConvention.

2021:The JCC of Greater Boston 17th Annual Golf Benefit is scheduled to take placetoday.

2021:The Facebook Live Worldwide Premier of “Upheaval” that tells the story of the“journey of Menachem Begin is scheduled to take place today.

2022:The LBI Book Club will host Helen Epstein, the first tenured woman Professor ofJournalism at NYU and the “author of numerous books about her family includingthe trilogy Children of the Holocaust(1979); Where She Came From: A Daughter's Search for Her Mother's Historyand The Long Half-Lives of Love and Trauma.

2022:The Illinois Holocaust Museum, Congregation Kol Hadash; Temple Chai; The Mitchell Museumof the American Indian are schooled to host an online lunch and learn “Jewishand Indigenous People of Australia” that examines the role indigenous peopleplayed in opening Australia to Jewish refuges escaping Nazi-occupied Europe…”

2023:Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana is scheduled to begin his trip to Morocco today which will be the first officialvisit by a Knesset speaker to the parliament of a Muslim country. (As reportedby Lazar Berman)

2023:The Center for Jewish History Gala “honoring Professor Michael Meyer, Ph.D. andall CJH Fellows, past & present is scheduled to take place this evening.

2023:Temple Judea is scheduled to host a screening of “Matter of Size.”

2023:The Lappin Foundation is scheduled to resent a screening of the documentary“Shared Legacies: The African American-Jewish Civil Rights Alliance.”

2023:Cantor Schwartz is scheduled to host an “evening celebrating the rich fabric ofthe Israeli people and their music in an event which will feature specialguests Bat Ella, Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson, Gili Yalo, and Michael Feigenbaum,and will include Cantor Davis, all accompanied by an augmented PAS Ensembledirected by David Enlow.”

2024:The 26th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival is scheduled tohost a screening of “Looking For Chloe” and “a Full-Course Shabbat Dinner withRabbi Benjamin Malul.”

2024:Temple Zion is scheduled to host NishmatHayyim: The Breath of Life Project which “presents weekly sessions to helpdeepen and continue the meditative discipline together, cultivating wisdom,compassion, happiness, and the ability to respond to this complex life andworld.”

2024: The Berkeley Community Chorus and Orchestra is scheduled to perform concertfeaturing Ernest Bloch’s “Avodat Hakodesh/Sacred Service” and Maurice Durufle’s“Requiem.”

2024(1stof Sivan, 5784): Rosh Chodesh Sivan; for more see

2024:As June 7th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 245 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.