This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (2024)

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This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (1)Sunny Sea GoldUpdated: Apr. 06, 2023

    Your great- (or great-great) grandparents really did have to walk five miles in the snow to get to school! Here's how American childhood education has evolved since the 19th and early 20th centuries.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (2)

    Underwood Archives/REX/Shutterstock

    School often played second-fiddle to work

    Today’s child-labor laws would be unthinkable to early American families. With the exception of professional or fairly wealthy households, parents often couldn’t make ends meet without children working the family farms, pitching in at family businesses, or getting jobs in mills, mines, or factories outside the home. Some of those jobs are part of the reason why the school year doesn’t start in January.


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    Courtesy Louise Basse/Reminisce

    Some students had to travel very far to school

    Louise Basse and her horse, Jane, navigated seven fields and gates to get to school in Goldendale, Washington, in the early 1900s. Check out these facts that will completely warp your perception of time.


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    School was segregated

    The turn of the century was still long before the dawn of the Civil Rights movement, and school still had a long way to go in terms of offering equal opportunities for all students. According to, in 1910, the vast majority of African American students still lived in the South, where schools were far poorer than in the North. Average school years in the South were only 121 days, and there were no attendance laws. Black teachers’ salaries were dismally low, and public secondary schools for African American students were few and far between. Don’t miss these “facts” about the civil rights movement that actually aren’t true.


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    Glasshouse Images/Shutterstock

    Not all children went to school

    At the turn of the century, only 51 percent of children age five to 19 even went to school. By 1910, the number had grown to a whopping 59 percent, per the National Center for Education Statistics. Numbers were approximately 20 percent lower for non-white students. And most of those students only attended school for a few years to learn basic English and math. In 1900, only 11 percent of high school-age children were enrolled in school at all. These 14 everyday objects looked pretty different 100 years ago, too.


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    Courtesy Clarice Winters/Reminisce

    Students had specific attire that they would wear to school

    In 1908, Clarice Winters’ mother, Marjorie Zimmerman (back row, center), was in her last year at Bellview School in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. See the fashion trends that were popular 100 years ago.


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    Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Night school wasn’t just for adults

    Child labor on farms and in cities was so common in the late 1800s and early 1900s that many states passed laws requiring largish cities to provide evening elementary and high-school education. One school official said at the time that parents were happy that their kids could finally get a basic education without quitting the farm work or outside jobs that they had during the day. Learn what women weren’t allowed to do only 100 years ago.


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    Courtesy Ruth Nuhfer/Reminisce

    They had school sports, but the uniforms were very different

    The Emlenton (Pennsylvania) High School girls’ basketball team posed in 1915 in their game attire. Ruth Nuhfer says her mother, Blanche (Grieff) Barnes, is on the right. As education continues to evolve, see the things your children will be learning in school that you never did.


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    Courtesy Janet Duebner/Reminisce

    Many schools only had one room

    Renata Nelesen and her brother Harold attended this one-room parochial school near Marshfield, Wisconsin, and their father was the teacher, says Renata’s daughter, Janet Duebner of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. He was also pastor of the church and posed with his students for this photo in 1913. Being in one room definitely wouldn’t fly today especially during the pandemic. Check out what you may not see in schools anymore after coronavirus.


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    Courtesy Virla Jean Lynk/Reminisce

    There was still debate team

    Virla Jean (seated at left) was proud of her accomplishments as part of the Farmington (Michigan) High School debate team in 1929. What an extracurricular can do for students is just one of the33 things your child’s teacher wants you to know.


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    Peter Carroll/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock

    Punishment was hands-on

    Misbehaving students in the 1800s and 1900s could get detention or be suspended or expelled from school. But they were also regularly spanked, paddled, lashed, or had palms or knuckles rapped with a ruler. Although corporal punishment in schools is outlawed in most of the United States today, it’s legal in 19 mostly southern states including Louisiana, Georgia, and Arkansas.

    Even preschoolers in these regions can be subject to spanking and swatting in some areas: A national report from the 2015 to ’16 school year shows that about 1,500 young children received physical punishment in preschool or pre-K, mostly at schools in Texas and Oklahoma. Good thing nursing hasn’t changed all that much.


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    Courtesy Magdalene Becker/Reminisce

    Class sizes were around 20

    Magdalene Becker started teaching in 1927 near Murray, Wisconsin. Her first class had 21 students.


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    Courtesy Floyd Streeper/Reminisce

    Teachers were just as inspiring back then

    Floyd Streeper (second from right) said his first-grade teacher, Miss McCune, in Onslow, Iowa, gave him a solid foundation for learning in 1929.


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    Courtesy Martha Dudley/Reminisce

    Many students were eager to start learning

    Martha Dudley was eager to start school in 1926. That’s her little brother O.R. and sister Lillie Ruth waving in the background.


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    Courtesy Alice Marks/Reminisce

    Kids just starting school were afraid to leave their parents

    Alice Marks looks more relaxed in this October 1928 photo than she felt for the first two weeks of school, which was her first time being separated from Mom and Dad. Make sure your child is as ready as they can be with these school essentials most people forget to buy.


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    Underwood Archives/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Some children really did walk 5 miles to school

    In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was no public or school transportation across most of the United States. In rural areas, schools were meant to serve children who lived within a four- or five-mile radius—what was considered “walking distance” back then. Some kids walked, while others rode horses or drove buggies to school.


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    Courtesy Mary Ann Kunselman/Reminisce

    Some bus rides were long

    Mary Ann Kunselman (center), twin sister Martha, and brother Shelton had the longest ride on this bus in the 1920s because they got off at the last stop. Don’t miss the 12 secrets your school bus driver won’t tell you.


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    Courtesy Evelyn Cochran/Reminisce

    Schools were much smaller

    Evelyn Cochran attended this school in Passport, Illinois, from 1915 to 1923.


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    Courtesy Elizabeth Norton/Reminisce

    Buses used to be drawn by horses

    “The horse-drawn bus was painted yellow with a door in the back. Grandpa parked it next to the barn, where kids would play in it,” recalls Elizabeth Norton. “That’s my sister Alta and brother Charles in the wagon in 1923.” Learn more about how horses also pulled mail carriers and what else mail delivery looked like 100 years ago.


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    Courtesy Belle Brown/Reminisce

    Some students had their mother as their teacher

    Belle Brown was Belle Barnes when she attended Edgewood School. That’s her in the lower right corner in 1924. Her mother was the teacher.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (21)

    Underwood Archives/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    The school year was a lot shorter

    Today the school year stretches from late-August or September through mid-June—about nine months. In the late 1800s, kids in rural areas were in school for only five, because parents needed children to help with harvest and planting seasons. The school year got longer in the early 1900s as educating children became required by law and more public schools were built. But farm kids were often absent in spring and fall.


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    Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Girls learned domestic skills like sewing

    Women’s charities and other women-led groups pushed to include basic domestic skills like sewing and mending in girls’ education. These were marketable skills and helped less affluent girls get domestic service jobs like housekeeping and laundering. The women who pressed for domestic education in schools also believed the skills would also improve the home lives of the girls, some of whom were impoverished and would come to school in torn old clothes. Learn what proper hygiene looked like 100 years ago. Hint: it’s not so different.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (23)

    Underwood Archives/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    “Open-air school” was a thing

    In the early 20th century, outdoor and “open-air” schools became a popular trend for children with lung disease or other health problems. The school buildings were often a tent with open sides, or just classrooms with huge windows that were left wide open, even in winter. It was thought that the sunshine and fresh air would help the kids breathe easier and give them more energy. Find out the things your school principal won’t tell you—but you’ll definitely want to know.


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    Courtesy Max Philpott/Reminisce

    Discipline was enforced

    Max Philpot (front row, on left) and his buddy wondered who’d feel the discipline stick first. He did after he was caught fighting. This picture of their 1850s log school, later covered in siding, was taken in 1922.


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    Courtesy Willard Bailey/Reminisce

    Students skipped school sometimes

    Willard Bailey and his friends at Inglewood High School in 1926 had a “senior skip” day with a Western flavor, as they dressed up like cowboys and rode a wagon around town. Willard is at top right.


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    Courtesy Edmund Wright/Reminisce

    Some classrooms could fit in their teacher’s car

    This could have been the 1923 class photo for the Lucas School, a few miles south of Satanta, Kansas. It shows all the students, including Edmund Wright (left), in their teacher’s car.


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    Courtesy Ken Cole/Reminisce

    Students were taught how to properly hold and use scissors

    Using scissors is obviously what these children were waiting for in this 1922 photograph at the Presumpscot School in Portland, Maine. Ken Cole is in the last row, on the right.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (28)

    Underwood Archives/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Grades 1 to 8 learned together in a one-room schoolhouse

    Most American kids in the 1800s and early 1900s went to one-teacher, one-room schoolhouses for first through eighth grade. Depending on the population of the nearby area, there could be anywhere from a handful of students to more than 40. The youngest kids sat in the front and the oldest in the back, with the teacher on a raised platform at the front of the class.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (29)

    Underwood Archives/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Lunch pails were actual metal pails

    The only school supplies children had in the early 1900s were chalk and tiny chalkboards called slates, and sometimes textbooks, according to a report from the Library of Congress. They used slates like notepaper and worksheets are used in elementary level classrooms today—to work math problems, practice writing, and spelling, and just about everything else. As for lunchtime, children often carried their lunch to school in a metal pail (hence the term “lunch pail”) or woven baskets.


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    Courtesy Viola Stoddard/Reminisce

    School plays were always a hit

    The art and drama department of Howell (Michigan) High School put on a production of The Wishing Well for two nights to a packed house in March 1928. Viola Stoddard (back row, sixth from right) was in the chorus.


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    Courtesy Marjorie Leborgne/Reminisce

    Kindergarten wasn’t available in every town

    “It was the first day of school in 1920 for me (in the hair ribbon) and my brother, Raymond,” says Marjorie Leborgne. “Raymond was 5 and going into first grade because there was no kindergarten in Kingston, New York, where we lived. I was 7 and starting third grade. Our sister Alma was 3 and too young for school. She stayed home with our mother, who is behind us.” See just how family time was different 100 years ago with these vintage photos.


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    Courtesy Ione Pinsker/Reminisce

    They had limited instruments for music class

    “In 1926, I was a 12-year-old musician with the junior orchestra at Mark Twain School in Webster Groves, Missouri,” says Ione Pinsker (second row, right of the triangle). “By the time they got to me, the only instrument remaining was the viola, which I disliked, but I had promised to finish the semester on any available instrument. My real education was learning to appreciate music.” Don’t miss these powerful reasons why teachers love their jobs.


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    Courtesy James Burdette Smith/Reminisce

    Students put on pageants

    Back in 1922, eight second-graders put on this Washington’s birthday pageant at McAlister School in Lawrence, Kansas. That’s James Burdette Smith at far left in the back row.


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    Courtesy Mary Smith/Reminisce

    A lot of students loved their teachers

    “This 1924 picture is of my first-grade class at Warren School in Decatur, Illinois,” says Mary Smith. “I’m second from the left in the first row, and my brother, Paul, is second from the left in the second row. The teacher was Miss Pearson, whom I dearly loved. Check out these inspirational teacher quotes that will make you love them even more.


    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (35)

    Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock

    Teeth and fingernails were inspected for dirt

    In the late 1800s, immigrant families from Poland, Germany, Italy, Russia, and other countries were vigorously educated in the American cleanliness culture, Suellen Hoy wrote in Chasing Dirt: The American Pursuit of Cleanliness. Children’s fingernails, hair, faces, and teeth were inspected for dirt and they were taught how to “properly” wash up with soap and use toothpicks to scrape the dirt from under their nails. Teachers at overcrowded urban schools also worried about contagious disease and often “quarantined” kids with sniffles and other symptoms.


    Originally Published: January 13, 2021

    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (36)

    Sunny Sea Gold

    Sunny is a veteran health science and wellness journalist with more than 20 years of experience. Her work has appeared in O: The Oprah Magazine, Health, Eating Well, Parents, Fast Company, WebMD, TeenVogue, Redbook, Glamour, Seventeen and Men's Fitness.

    She's held staff editor positions at Glamour, Seventeen and Redbook, been a contributing editor for Parents and earned three prestigious National Magazine Award nominations.

    Her book Food: The Good Girl's Drug is about binge-eating disorder in young women.

    This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago (2024)


    What were schools like 100 years ago? ›

    Rural areas made the one room schoolhouse famous—in many of these, the grades studied together in a single room, and were taught by one teacher. In urban areas, of course, schools were larger and students worked in separate classrooms according to their grade level.

    How is education 100 years ago compared to today? ›

    Students had less schooling.

    A hundred years ago the average person spent far fewer years in studying at school. The median number of years of schooling an adult had 100 years ago was 8.7. Today, the average American 25 years or older has 13.5 years of schooling.

    What was school like 150 years ago? ›

    Paper and books were hard to get, so textbooks were often shared. To do math problems or write out answers, students used slates during class. These were like mini handheld blackboards. Kids would write on them with chalk and then wipe off the slates for the next lesson.

    What was school like in the 1900s? ›

    Education in the 1900's

    Public schools were free, and mostly children that were not rich attended this school. Boys and girls were at the same school, and there was a class for each grade level that had around 20-30 kids in each class. The teachers were definitely harder on public school kids than they were private.

    How was school like in the past? ›

    In some areas, school was once taught in a single room.

    A single teacher taught grades one through eight together. The youngest students—called Abecedarians, because they would learn their ABCs—sat in the front, while the oldest sat in the back. The room was heated by a single wood stove.

    How was school like in the 1800s? ›

    In the 1800's the homesteaders did not have schools as nice as we have today. They had dirt floors, and rough plank desks or benches. The building was quite small, and the ceiling, walls, and roof were all made with sod, straw, and mud. Straw was obviously more limp and didn't last very long.

    How was school different 50 years ago? ›

    Personalization and student-centered learning - Schools in the 1950s were more teacher-centered, with the teacher providing most of the instruction and the students being expected to listen and learn. In contrast, today's schools place a greater emphasis on personalization and student-centered learning.

    How will education be different in 100 years? ›

    Carolyn Stuart, Education Sector Lead at Network for Learning, New Zealand, predicts a future where studying to gain knowledge will be a thing of the past. 'The next 100 years of education will be about adapting and changing to a time when knowledge becomes innate, where education isn't about learning things.

    How is education now different from the past? ›

    Focus on life skills: Education today focuses on developing basic life skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and creative problem-solving skills. Use of technology: Education today relies on modern technology, contributing to enriching the educational process and making it more attractive to students.

    What did school look like 200 years ago? ›

    One-room Schoolhouses Were the Norm

    Rural areas were just too sparsely populated to support multiple classrooms, so towns built one-room schools about 20-by-30 feet large. Young kids, nicknamed Abecedarians, sat in the front and older students in the back. They learned reading, writing, math, geography, and history.

    What was school like in 1700? ›

    Education in the 1700s similarly reflected these religious roots — schools were thoroughly protestant and continued to emphasize religious instruction. In the early years of America's founding, it became clear that education would be necessary in the survival of a democratic society.

    What was school like 100 years ago in Australia? ›

    Most of the school day revolved around learning the "three R's" - reading, writing and arithmetic. The children learnt by rote and were expected to memorise many facts. There were five classes: First to Fifth Class.

    What was it like 100 years ago at school? ›

    Most American kids in the 1800s and early 1900s went to one-teacher, one-room schoolhouses for first through eighth grade. Depending on the population of the nearby area, there could be anywhere from a handful of students to more than 40.

    How was school like in the 1920s? ›

    Public school systems were supported mainly through state and local taxes. That situation resulted in inequality among school districts. Those who lived and went to school in upscale cities and wealthy suburbs had more books, better buildings and equipment, and teachers who were higher paid and often better trained.

    What was school like in 1910? ›

    Public schools in the South were impoverished. Often, schoolhouses were poorly lit and lacking indoor plumbing, and sometimes only a few books were available.

    What was education like in 1920? ›

    By the early 1920's the original curriculum was expanded. The original classes in mathematics, English, history, Latin, German, and French were augmented with sciences, Bible class, current events, physical education, and singing.

    What was life like for children in 1920? ›

    Like their parents and grandparents, children in the 1920s and 1930s were expected to help work the fields, tend to the animals, clear land, plant crops, weed, and harvest. Children were also expected to perform domestic labor such as washing clothes, fetching water, and cooking meals.

    What was life like for a child in the 1900s? ›

    The health of young children was abysmal by modern standards, as about 1 in 4 children in 1900 died by age 5. Likewise, two million children between the ages of 10 and 15 worked in factories, on farms, and on urban streets.


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