The 19 Most Common Mistakes On Keto Diet: How To Avoid Them (2024)

You’ve decided to start a ketogenic diet, a low-carb diet, high-fat diet that can help you lose weight and improve your health. You’ve seen amazing results from other keto dieters, who claim to have more energy, less inflammation, and even reversed some chronic diseases. You’re excited to give keto a try,butafter some initial success, you’ve hit a wall. You’re not feeling as good as you expected, and you’re wondering if you’re doing something wrong. Are you making some common keto diet mistakes that are holding you back? In this post, you’ll learn the top common mistakes people make on keto and how to avoid them.

You’re not the only one who struggles with keto! It’s not easy to change your eating habits, especially when there’s so much confusing and contradictory information out there. Butdon’t give upon keto just yet! It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong on purpose or that keto is not for you. You might be making some common keto diet mistakes that are slowing down your progress. In this post, you’ll discover the most common mistakes on keto diet and how to avoid them, as well as some tips and tricks that will help you reach your keto goals.

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Not Managing Your Stress Levels

Stress can harm your mental health and your keto success. Stress can trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase your blood sugar, appetite, and inflammation. Stress can also impair your sleep quality, digestion, and immune system. All of these can affect your mood, energy, and ketosis. Stress can also make you more prone to emotional eating, cravings, and bingeing.

How To Fix It:

You can reduce your stress levels by practicing some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or massage. You can also find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as talking to someone, writing in a journal, listening to music, or engaging in a hobby. You can also avoid or limit the sources of stress in your life, such as toxic people, unrealistic expectations, or excessive commitments.

Not Sharing Your Achievements or Struggles With Someone

Keto can be a lonely journey, especially if you don’t have anyone to support you, encourage you, or celebrate with you. You may feel isolated, misunderstood, or judged by others who don’t understand or approve of your lifestyle. You may also bottle up your emotions, stress, or challenges, and feel like you have to do everything on your own. This can affect your mental health and well-being, and make you more likely to give up or cheat on keto.

How To Fix It:

You don’t have to go through keto alone. You can find someone who can listen to you, empathize with you, and cheer you on. This can be a friend, a family member, a partner, or a coach. You can also join relevant keto support groups on Facebook or Reddit, where you can connect with other keto dieters, share your experiences, ask questions, and get advice. You can also follow keto influencers, bloggers, or podcasts, who can inspire you, educate you, and entertain you. Sharing your achievements or struggles with someone can help you feel more motivated, confident, and happy on your keto journey.

Not Tracking Macros or Calculating Macros Correctly

Tracking macros can seem like a boring chore, but it’s a vital skill to master when you start keto. Macros are the amounts of carbs, protein, dietary fat, and daily calories you eat every day. By tracking them, you can learn which foods are keto-friendly and how much you should eat to reach ketosis. You don’t have to track forever, but it’s a good idea to do it for the first few weeks or months. It can also help you break through a weight-loss plateau if you get stuck.

How To Fix It:

Do an initial weigh-in on the scale, then use an online macro calculator to determine the exact macronutrient breakdown to fuel your body. Using a food tracking app such as CarbManager or MyFitnessPal, input your macros and set the calorie deficit to 0%,YES 0%at the beginning until you are fully fat-adapted and then, you can increase it to no more than 33%. Be sure to re-adjust your macros with every 10lbs (5kg) lost!

The first step is to weigh yourself and use an online macro calculator to find out your ideal macro ratios. Then, use a food tracking app like CarbManager or MyFitnessPal to log everything you eat and drink. Set your calorie deficit to 0% at first, until you become fat-adapted. Then, you can increase it to no more than 33%. Remember to adjust your macros every time you lose 10lbs (5kg)!

If you prefer a more convenient and fun way to track your macros, you might want to check out thisketo journalthat I sell on Amazon. It’s a paper journal that has everything you need to plan, track, and succeed on keto. It has sections for your goals, measurements, recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, daily logs, and more. It also has tips, tricks, and motivational quotes to keep you inspired. It’s a great way to stay organized and accountable on your keto journey. You can get it here:

My Keto Diet Journal for Beginners

Not Planning Ahead

We live in a world where carbs and sugar are everywhere. They can tempt you and trigger cravings, especially when you’re hungry or stressed. That’s why meal planning ahead is crucial for keto success. When you have a plan, you don’t have to think too much or make impulsive decisions. You can stick to your keto goals and avoid pitfalls.

How To Fix It:

One of the best ways to plan ahead is to meal prep. This means cooking your keto meals in bulk and storing them in the fridge or freezer. You can also prepare some protein or snacks to have on hand. Another tip is to make a shopping list before you go to the grocery store and stick to it. You can also track your macros in advance, so you know what to eat the next day.

If you’re going out to eat, do some research beforehand. Look at the restaurant menu online and choose a keto-friendly option. Or, ask for modifications or substitutions if needed. You can also plan for social situations by bringing your own keto snacks or drinks. Or, politely decline any offers of non-keto foods.

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Not Staying Hydrated

Water is essential for life, and even more so on keto. When you cut carb intake, you also lose water and electrolytes from your body. This can cause dehydration, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, constipation, and other symptoms. Water can also help you flush out excess ketones, which can be acidic and harmful to your kidneys. Plus, water can help you feel full and reduce your appetite.

How To Fix It:

The simple solution is to drink enough water. Aim for 3-4L or 0.8-1 gallon of water per day. You can also count electrolytes, green tea, and herbal tea towards your water intake. Just avoid any drinks that have carbs, sugar, or artificial sweeteners.

Not Supplementing Electrolytes Properly

Electrolytes are minerals that help regulate your body’s functions, such as heartbeat, muscle contraction, muscle cramps, and nerve transmission. They include sodium, potassium, and magnesium. When you go keto, you lose electrolytes along with water, which can cause an imbalance. This can result in the “keto flu”, a common side effect of keto that can make you feel sick and weak.

How To Fix It:

To prevent or treat keto flu, you need to replenish your electrolyte imbalance. One way to do that is to add more salt to your food. Salt is a source of sodium, which is the most important electrolyte on keto. You can also eat foods that are rich in potassium and magnesium, such as avocados, salmon, leafy greens, or even pickle juice. Another option is to use an electrolyte powder that you can mix with water and drink.

Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is often overlooked on keto, because some people think that too much protein can kick them out of ketosis. This is a myth. Protein is essential for your health and well-being. It helps you build and maintain muscle, repair tissues, and support your hair and nails. It also helps you feel full and satisfied, which can help you lose weight.

How To Fix It:

Make sure you eat enough protein every day. A good rule of thumb is to eat 0.8-1g of protein per kilogram of body weight, or up to 1.6g if you’re very active. You can use a macro calculator to find out your ideal protein intake. Or, just include a healthy source of protein at every meal. Some examples are eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, and seeds.

However, be careful not to overdo it with dairy products, as they can also be a source of carbs and inflammation. A lot of people may find that too much dairy can stall their weight loss or cause digestive issues.

Focusing Too Much On The Scale

The scale can be a useful tool to measure your progress, but it can also be a source of frustration and stress. The scale doesn’t tell you the whole story. It doesn’t show you how much fat you’ve lost, how much muscle you’ve gained, or how your body composition has changed. It also doesn’t account for the natural fluctuations in your weight due to water retention, hormones, digestion, and other factors. Your weight can vary from day to day, even when you’re doing everything right.

How To Fix It:

Don’t let the scale dictate your mood or your motivation. Don’t weigh yourself too often, or obsess over the number. Instead, focus on other ways to measure your success, such as how you feel, how your clothes fit, how your energy levels are, and how your health has improved. You can also use other tools, such as a tape measure, a body fat caliper, or a progress photo, to track your changes. Remember, keto is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Be patient and trust the process.

The 19 Most Common Mistakes On Keto Diet: How To Avoid Them (3)

Lack of Vitamins and Minerals

When you go keto, you might be tempted to cut out all carbs, even the ones that come from healthy fruits and vegetables. This can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for your health and well-being. Vitamins and minerals help your body function properly, support your immune system, protect your skin, and prevent diseases. They also help you digest and absorb the nutrients from your food.

How To Fix It:

Don’t be afraid to eat low-carb fruits and vegetables on keto. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which can benefit your health and weight loss. Some of the best keto-friendly fruits and vegetables are berries, avocados, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, and mushrooms. You can also use a greenspowder drink or a multivitamin supplement to boost your intake of vitamins and minerals.


The Top Low Carb Keto Fruits to Help You Beat Sugar Cravings

Your Guide To Keto Friendly Vegetables: What To Include And Avoid

Not Getting Enough Sleep

This is a very important mistake to be added to the list of mistakes on the Keto diet!

No matter what diet or lifestyle you choose, getting quality adequate sleep plays a major role inweight losssuccess. A lack of sleep causes our stress hormones to go completely out of whack. This can result in stalling ourweight loss, weight gain, and an increase in cravings.

Sleep is often underrated, but it’s one of the most important factors for your health and weight loss. When you sleep, your body repairs itself, regulates your hormones, and resets your metabolism. When you don’t get enough sleep, you can experience increased hunger, cravings, stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance. All of these can sabotage your keto efforts and make you feel miserable.

How To Fix It:

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night. To improve your sleep quality, follow some simple tips, such as:

  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule and avoid napping during the day.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the evening.
  • Turn off all screens and devices at least an hour before bed.
  • Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet.
  • Do some relaxing activities before bed, such as reading, meditating, or listening to soothing music.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol can be enjoyed occasionally on keto, but it can also interfere with your weight loss and health goals. Alcohol is a toxin that your body prioritizes to get rid of, which means it slows down your fat burning and ketosis. Alcohol can also lower your inhibitions and make you more likely to eat non-keto foods that can kick you out of ketosis.

How To Fix It:

Drink alcohol only on special occasions or celebrations, and have a solid plan for what you will drink, what you will eat while drinking, and what you will eat the next day if you’re hungover. Choose low-carb drinks, such as dry wine, hard liquor, or light beer, and avoid sugary mixers, co*cktails, or liqueurs. Try to limit your alcohol intake to one or two drinks, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Don’t use alcohol as a way to cope with stress, and find other activities that make you happy and relaxed, such as reading, exercising, being in nature, or journaling.

Not Being Aware of Hidden Carbs

Some foods may seem low-carb or keto-friendly, but they can actually contain more carbs than you think. These hidden carbs can add up and prevent you from reaching or staying in ketosis, or stall your progress. Some common sources of hidden carbs are condiments, sauces, dressings, sugar alcohols, keto products, and processed foods.

How To Fix It:

Always read the labels carefully, and look for the net carbs, which are the total carbs minus the fiber and sugar alcohols. Avoid any products that have added sugars, starches, or fillers. Stock your kitchen and pantry with keto-friendly foods, and make your own condiments, sauces, and dressings whenever possible. Don’t assume that something labeled “keto” has macros that fit your lifestyle.

Feelings of Overwhelm & Perfectionism

Starting keto can be exciting and challenging, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. You may want to do everything perfectly and follow all the rules and guidelines. But this can also make you feel stuck, confused, and discouraged. There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to know what to do and what to avoid. It’s important to do your own research and understand the keto basics, but it’s also important to be flexible and adaptable. Keto is not a one-size-fits-all diet, and you don’t have to do it perfectly to see results.

How To Fix It:

Start off simple, and don’t try to change everything at once. You can gradually eliminate carbs from your diet, starting with the obvious ones like sugar, bread, or pasta. Or you can transition into keto by trying a low-carb diet first. Another option is to just eat keto foods for the first few weeks, without worrying about tracking or calories.

Remember that this is a process that takes time and practice. You will make mistakes, and that’s okay. You can learn from them and move on. Don’t compare yourself to others, or to unrealistic standards. Focus on your own progress, and celebrate your achievements. Keto is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Be patient and trust the process.

Forgetting That Food Quality Matters

When you go keto, you may focus more on the quantity of carbs, rather than the quality of food. You may think that as long as you stay within your macros, you can eat whatever you want. But this is not true. The quality of the food you eat matters, not only for your weight loss but also for your health and well-being. Processed meats, packaged keto foods, and vegetable oils may be low-carb, but they are also highly inflammatory and often lack nutrients. They can harm your health and prevent you from feeling your best.

How To Fix It:

Focus on whole foods as much as possible. Whole foods are foods that are minimally processed, and close to their natural state. They are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which can benefit your health and weight loss. Some examples of whole foods are meats, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, and low-carb vegetables. Pay attention to high-quality fats from sources such as coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, and fatty meats and fish.

Not Eating Enough Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that your body can’t digest, but it has many benefits for your health and weight loss. Fiber can help you improve your digestion, prevent constipation, and support your gut bacteria. It can also help you feel full and satisfied, and reduce your blood sugar spikes after meals. Many people don’t eat enough fiber on keto, because they avoid high-carb foods that are also high in fiber.

How To Fix It:

You can get enough fiber on keto by eating low-carb vegetables, nuts, seeds, and psyllium husk. Low-carb vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they can add variety and flavor to your keto meals. Some of the best low-carb vegetables are leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, and mushrooms. Nuts and seeds are also good sources of fiber, as well as healthy fats and protein. You can snack on them, or use them to make keto breads, granolas, or desserts. Psyllium husk is a natural fiber supplement that can help you increase your fiber intake. You can add it to your smoothies, soups, or baked goods.

Eating Too Many Calories

Keto is not a diet where you can eat unlimited amounts of food and still lose weight. Calories still matter, and you need to eat less than you burn to lose weight. Keto foods can be very calorie-dense, especially if they are high in fat. If you eat too many calories, you will not lose weight, or you may even gain weight.

How To Fix It:

You need to eat at a moderate calorie deficit to lose weight on keto. A calorie deficit is when you eat less calories than you burn. You can use a calorie calculator to find out how many calories you need to eat per day, based on your age, height, weight, activity level, and goals. Then, you need to track your calories using a food tracking app or a keto journal. You can also use a food scale or measuring cups to weigh or measure your portions. Try to eat mostly whole foods, and avoid processed foods, keto products, and treats that can add extra calories.

Not Exercising Enough

Exercise is not only good for your body, but also for your mind and mood. Exercise can help you burn more fat, build more muscle, and improve your insulin sensitivity. It can also help you reduce stress, boost your energy, and enhance your mental health. You don’t have to do intense or long workouts, but you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. You can also do some resistance training to preserve your muscle mass and strength.

How To Fix It:

You can find an exercise that you enjoy and that fits your schedule and preferences. You can do cardio, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming. You can do strength training, such as lifting weights, doing bodyweight exercises, or using resistance bands. You can also do flexibility or balance exercises, such as yoga, pilates, or tai chi. The key is to be consistent and have fun. You can also track your exercise using a fitness app or a keto journal.

Too Many Keto Products & Treats

Keto-friendly snacks and treats can be a nice way to enjoy some of your favorite foods without the carbs. But they can also be a trap if you rely on them too much or overdo it. Keto products and treats are still processed foods, and they may contain sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners, or other ingredients that can affect your blood sugar, digestion, and appetite. They can also make you crave more sweets, and prevent you from reaching or staying in ketosis.

How To Fix It:

Be mindful of how often and how much you use keto products and treats. They should be occasional indulgences, not staples of your diet. If you find yourself depending too much on keto products, take a break from them for a week or two and focus on whole foods. For example, instead of using a low-carb wrap, use a lettuce wrap. Instead of a packaged keto treat, make your own fat bomb or have a tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

Quitting Too Soon

Keto is not a magic pill that will make you lose weight overnight. It takes time and consistency for your body to adapt to burning fat and ketones for fuel. If you keep switching between keto and carbs, you will never reach or stay in ketosis. Your body will always prefer to burn glucose first, and you will miss out on the benefits of keto. You may also experience keto flu symptoms every time you start over, which can make you feel discouraged and frustrated.

How To Fix It:

Be patient and persistent with keto. It may take a few weeks or months for your body to become fully fat-adapted and for you to see results. Don’t give up or cheat on keto, because it will only delay your progress and make you feel worse. If you hit a weight loss stall, don’t panic. It’s normal and it happens to everyone. Just adjust your macros if needed, stay at 20g net carbs, drink more water, and trust the process. Remember, keto is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. You will achieve your goals as long as you don’t give up.

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The 19 Most Common Mistakes On Keto Diet: How To Avoid Them (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.