Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by Kittencalrecipezazz

"Less than 1 gram of fat in each muffin but you wouldn't even know they are low-fat, these are even better the next day, and are just as delicious without the berries, of coarse you can use full-fat sour cream or yogurt, flavored yogurts only add to the taste of these muffins, I like to sprinkle a sugar/cinnamon mixture on top of each muffin before baking but that is optional, see note on bottom for doubling the recipe. For greasing see recipe#78579 --- visit for more low fat recipes!"


Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (2) Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (3)

photo by A Marsteller Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (4)

Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (5) Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (6)

Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (7) Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (8)

Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (9) Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (10)

Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (11) Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (12)

Ready In:


12 muffins



  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 12 teaspoon baking soda
  • 14 teaspoon salt
  • 12 - 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 14 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 14 cups mashed ripe bananas
  • 13 cup sugar (or Splenda, increase the sugar for a sweeter muffin)
  • 14 cup nonfat sour cream (or use low-fat sour cream or use fat-free yogurt)
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla



  • Set oven to 350 degrees.
  • Grease or line 12 regular-size muffin tins with paper liners.
  • In a large bowl mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt cinnamon, nutmeg (if using) and blueberries.
  • In another bowl beat banana, sour cream, sugar, egg and vanilla until just blended; stir into the dry blueberry mixture JUST until combined (do not over mix a few small lumps are fine!).
  • Scoop/divide the mixture between the muffin tins.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the muffins test done.
  • *NOTE* for a double recipe; because of the large amount of baking powder prepare each recipe in two separate bowls, do not double one recipe into one bowl.

Questions & Replies

Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe - (13)

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  1. These are fantastic. Better than traditional muffins with butter, oil etc. Recipe made exactly 12 perfect sized muffins. I used 1/2 cup brown sugar, omitted the salt and threw in 1/2 cup of bran flakes. Awesome!!! Now I only make Kittencal's muffins. Thanks so much!! :)

    Nancy I.

  2. I knew this would be good Kitten but the second time I made a few changes.I am on a 900 calorie low fat diet.I used 1/2 banana,1 egg white,sweetener and buttermilk.No sour cream,sugar or egg yolk.These are very goood and satisfied my taste for sweet.I put a spoon of promise on it while warm and I was surprised that they held together so well with no eggs.Thank you for another great recipe.Now can you figure out a low calorie shrimp gumbo for me??


  3. These were just ok in book, but my Mom liked them quite a bit. I think I'd rather just have a banana muffin. Thanks though!


  4. These were great! I used blackberries instead of blueberries, and I was out of white sugar, so used brown sugar. Used nonfat vanilla yogurt instead of the sour cream. Very tasty!


  5. Just tried this. I used one banana and mulberries and light sour cream. I also added 2 oz of buttermilk as the batter was too dry for me. I sprinkled the tops with brown sugar before baking. Baked for 20m in a convection oven. Probably not low fat now but they are tasty.


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  1. These were great! I used blackberries instead of blueberries, and I was out of white sugar, so used brown sugar. Used nonfat vanilla yogurt instead of the sour cream. Very tasty!


  2. I'm not going to rate these because the thing I didn't like was possibly my fault. I followed the recipe with two exceptions, 1. I used a pinch of orange zest in place of nutmeg. 2. I increased the blueberries by 1/2 cup. What was wrong was that they were too heavy and hardly rose. Because I'm not a baker, I did check the powder and soda I used. I didn't think the extra berries (all fresh, washed, and dried) would affect it......but.....Since I'm not rating I'm posting to help others. Kittencal is tops in the kitchen, so I'm sure I need a baking lesson!

    Happy Harry 2

  3. Oh Wow! These are good. Great for a healthy muffin. I followed the recipe to a T except I used non fat yogurt instead of sour cream and frozen blue berries. The kids loved these. They were more dense than regular muffins, but definitely more moist and fruity. They're so healthy we could eat them for breakfast. I will be making these again. THANK YOU.


  4. I like this recipe. I have been on a mission to bake with yogurt instead of butter, and this was a great recipe for that. I used half whole wheat and half white flour. I did add a little more sugar since I didn't use banana. I mixed wet and dry separate and folded blueberries into final mixture. Did not use nutmeg.. Muffins baked well. I'll make this again! Thanks


  5. Husband really liked these. I used blueberry yogurt instead of sour cream and I also added a little extra sugar. Husband would like pecans in it next time. Very light but not bland.


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Kittencal's 1-Gram Low Fat Banana-Blueberry Muffins Recipe  - (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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