Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (2024)

Kids are smart. Often, smarter than we might like.

And that means they know when you’re talking down to them.

With the internet present in everyone’s pockets thanks to smartphones, kids today have access to a whole world of content that wasn’t available just a few decades ago, when ideas and stories were filtered through dozens of gatekeepers like publishers, editors, librarians, booksellers, and, of course, parents before reaching a kid.

Now, those same kids can just hop online and be instantly taken to any kind of content they want.

Sure, parental software controls and just plain good parenting can prevent a lot of problems with this scenario, but the fact remains: Kids are smart. Kids are savvy. And kids are going to get the kind of content they want to read.

So shouldn’t we just give it to them?

Instead of censoring what we write for young people, shouldn’t we just write what they actually want to read, just like with any market?

That’s a tricky question. It’s natural to want to protect kids from the worst parts of life—from death and violence and abuse, and even from the complications that come from relationships and sexuality.

But kids are going to learn about these anyway, so shouldn’t they come up in the kinds of books that help them adjust to the realities of life? Scrubbing all the complications out of life would just make fiction boring—and then kids are going to go elsewhere.

The children’s literature industry is full of debates, including how to define children’s literature, kidlit, middle grade, and YA fiction. But one of the biggest debates is about what’s okay to include in books for younger readers, and especially in middle grade and YA books. Where do you draw the line between “relatable” and “inappropriate”?

Let’s take a look at some of the arguments and how you can deal with them in your work.

Source: Estop

Swearing and Profanity

There are discussions all over the internet about whether it’s appropriate to include swearing or profanity in books for younger readers.

Now, this doesn’t apply to early-reader and children’s books—I doubt anyone is arguing that the Poky Little Puppy should be swearing up a storm.

But what about mild curse words like “damn” in a book meant for an 11-year-old middle grade reader? Or stronger profanity in a YA book meant for an older teen?

Kids hear swearing all the time—on TV, in movies, at the mall, and possibly even at home and school. They’ve already been exposed to it and, if we’re being honest…those kids can probably swear better than their parents can.

YA author Beth Ann Bauman says she included swearing in her books for a reason: it’s how kids talk. She says that if you want to encourage kids to read, “You have to reflect kids’ world in the truest way you can.” And that often means using the kind of language young people really use…obscenities and all.

But just because kids are exposed to swearing regularly—and even swear themselves—doesn’t mean it’s okay, according to opponents.

Literature is often held to a higher standard than “lesser” forms of media, like TV and movies. It’s a throwback to the days when books were cherished, valuable possessions because they were expensive and hard to come by. It also reflects a certain snooty judgment about mass-market entertainment: if everyone can enjoy it, it must be less valuable or important.

Which isn’t true—movies and TV shows can be art forms just like books can. All of them can tell a great story, and all of them can teach us about ourselves and our world.

According to that argument, books shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than TV when it comes to swearing in the course of a story that a younger person might encounter.

And don’t forget that classic literature for younger readers has used swearing, too—Holden Caufield in Catcher in the Rye had quite the potty mouth!

How to Use It

So what’s okay?

Well, peppering your book with an entire George Carlin routine probably isn’t going to go over very well—even if it’s aimed at adults. Even gritty thrillers don’t necessarily have to be liberally slathered with obscenities in order to make an impact: pick up a Lee Child novel and pay attention to how he uses language. There’s virtually no swearing, but plenty of action and thrills!

Interestingly, a 2012 study found that of 40 YA books that made the New York Times bestseller list in 2008, 88% contained swearing—far more than most video games. And the characters doing the swearing were often rich, attractive, and popular. It’s definitely food for thought!

Let’s face it: teens swear. It’s a way of subtly defying authority and asserting your thoughts and independence without huge consequences. So swearing tends to be one of a young person’s first rebellions…and younger characters who don’t swear at all may seem stilted or unrealistic to the teens who are reading.

When it comes to obscenities in your novels, choose your battles.

If something really, really important is happening to the protagonist in your YA book, then it’s probably okay to slip in a curse word to show just how shocking or upsetting the situation is. If the character’s just eating a bagel? Consider leaving it out.

Alternatively, if you really want to have some swearing in your story but you’re worried that it’ll get your book banned by librarians or booksellers—or parents!—then get creative.

Make up your own swear words and toss those around in the book. Think of Battlestar Galactica’s “frakking toasters.” Heck, maybe you’ll even end up becoming the next slang meme!

Drugs and Alcohol

Part of pushing your boundaries as a teen often involves doing things that are forbidden. In many cases, that means smoking, drinking, or trying out drugs of some kind.

About 20% of youths between ages 12 and 20 in the United States report having had alcohol in the past year. That means that most teens know someone who drinks. Same with smoking pot: anywhere from 6–20% of teens have at least tried pot, depending on your sources.

And then there’s prescription pain meds, cocaine, heroin, or even just cigarettes—there’s all kinds of substances that can be used in real life, and therefore that might appear in a novel.

How to Use It

It’s entirely possible to leave all alcohol and drug use out of a novel you’re writing for younger audiences—many, many middle grade and YA books don’t include any substance use at all.

If your particular plot and characters call for it, though, be sure to show the consequences of substance use. Because there will be consequences somewhere down the line, and part of creating a realistic book involves admitting that.


Sadly, violence is a fact of life in our world.

We all hope that our children will never experience violence personally, but we have to admit that it’s out there, and that people deal with it every day.

Beyond that, violence makes for compelling action in a novel: there has to be some sort of threat or challenge for the protagonist to deal with, and the threat of violence is a classic.

Where would we be without a host of YA characters risking injury or death to save their families, friends, or worlds? Scary, violent situations come up in many beloved books for younger readers, including Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, Divergent, and more.

But there’s differences between depictions of violence. There’s the kind of BIFF! POW! action you see in old comic books versus the danger and pain portrayed in Lord of the Rings, and then there’s the kind of gratuitous torture and horror seen in media like the Saw movies.

These are all very different approaches, and some might be more appropriate for certain audiences than others.

How to Use It

The type of violence you use in your book will depend on your comfort level, the needs of the plot, and the audience you’re targeting.

A book for younger middle grade readers probably shouldn’t have anything too explicit—you’re not going to want to give kids nightmares with Game of Thrones-style torture and dismemberment.

At the same time, not everything has to be conducted “off camera” and left up to the imagination. You might briefly mention a character being injured in a battle or, in a contemporary setting, that the protagonist’s best friend showed up with a black eye from being abused or bullied.

The important thing in middle grade novels is to show the consequences of violence, and to demonstrate alternatives to violence…not to give lavish descriptions of bloody acts.

Because YA books are meant for an older audience, you can often include more details about the violence—these readers may be more mature and more able to process what you’re throwing at them without either becoming desensitized or terrified.

Still, use your good judgment: if you’re writing a series of brutal, super-bloody scenes, are you really writing a YA book? Or is it an adult horror novel that happens to have a younger character or two thrown in?

That’s fine, but you’ll want to adjust your marketing—a blood-soaked torture thriller with one or two teenagers in it should potentially be aimed at an adult audience, rather than a youth one.

Targeting your marketing that way will help avoid angry parents who thought their kid was going to be reading something rather different, and will also help you home in better on the people who are actually craving what you write.


The topic that upsets the most people in middle grade and YA books is, without a doubt, sex.

There’s a common perception that kids need to be sheltered from the concept of sex long after they’ve learned to swear and been exposed to depictions of violence. Often, parents who have no problem with their kids seeing superheroes beat each other up freak out when romance goes from kissing to something more.

This leaves authors in a sticky situation. Exploring romance—and sex—are part of growing up, and they’re natural topics for including in books for readers who are in the process of growing up.

But parents (and other gatekeepers) often don’t want their kids to see frank discussions of sex and sexuality.

What’s an author to do?

How to Use It

First and foremost, remember who your audience is. If you’re trying to serve tweens or teens, remember that. Their parents’ opinions matter, but it’s the kids’ thoughts that really count.

Even if teens aren’t having sex every minute of the day like some pop media might have us believe, you can bet they’re thinking about it—hormones run high during the teen years, and sex and romance are on most kids’ minds.

Plus, around two-thirds of people lose their virginity in their teens, making this a topic of interest to YA writers who want to explore subjects that matter to younger readers.

If no one at all in your middle grade or YA book is thinking about romance, kissing, dating, or sex…then you may have forgotten what it’s like to be a teen. And that won’t make for a book that teens can identify with!

Laura Harris, the Penguin Group Australia director of Books for Children and Young Adults, says that including sex in books for younger readers is like writing anything else—you have to decide if it’s actually important to the plot: “If sex is true to the characters, you need to have it there; you shouldn’t avoid it.”

So go ahead and write about all those tricky situations that come up when you’re first starting to get interested in dating and everything that goes along with it.

Just be sensitive to how you’re portraying romance and sex. A novel for 12-year-olds probably shouldn’t include the kind of graphic sexuality that comes up in 50 Shades of Grey…even thought that book can technically be considered a new adult novel.

Take scenes “off camera,” allowing them to fade to black instead of following each step of the process and describing someone’s “throbbing member.”

This is one situation when “show, don’t tell” doesn’t really apply—instead of showing kids having sex, which can be really uncomfortable and maybe even push some legal boundaries, focus on what leads up to the act and what the consequences are. Let the actual act happen in the reader’s imagination only. Less is more!

Are kissing, touching, and other acts that fall short of actual sex okay to portray?

Same response: be sensitive to how you’re showing what. Few people would object to showing young characters kissing and holding hands, but explicit descriptions of what was called “heavy petting” back in the Fifties might be too much for some.

And remember, these suggestions go forall relationships you might want to portray—straight, gay, questioning, gender-nonconforming, or alien-human (if that’s your thing).

Parents vs. Kids

Notice that in most of these cases, it’s adults who are objecting to explicit content, “edgy” writing, or other terms for including the realities of swearing, violence, and sex in books meant for younger readers.

Those younger readers? They don’t really care. They just want a good story—and they want it to be something they can relate to.

Keep that in mind when you’re writing—although parents can kick up a fuss about what’s “appropriate” for younger readers, it’s those younger readers who are your real audience when you’re writing middle grade or YA fiction.


One compromise that’s been suggested to help balance the desires of parents to protect their children and the desires of children to push their boundaries is to create a rating system for middle grade and YA fiction.

This would allow parents—and librarians and booksellers, who have an even harder job balancing what young readers want with what parents want for them—to see at a glance the kind of content that might be in a book.

Think of the movie rating system: you might not want your 8-year-old watching an R-rated movie, but you might consider allowing them to check out something that’s PG-13 if it’s rated that way for swearing and unrealistic violence, not for an on-camera sex scene.

But book censorship is a delicate subject, and many authors and librarians think that rating systems come close to censorship. Beth Yoke, executive director of the Young Adult Library Services Association, suggests that mandatory ratings systems might brush up against First Amendment rights to free speech, not to mention pushing young readers away from some books, rather than encouraging them to read whatever appeals to them.

All this means it’s not likely that we’ll ever see a formal, mandatory book rating system like we have for movies.

How to Use It

If you’re concerned about complaints from parents or others about potentially edgy content in your middle grade or YA books, though, consider adding a rating or disclaimer of your own.

It doesn’t have to be a label on the cover—a note in the online description or on the back of the book will do nicely.

Parents will probably appreciate the heads-up, and kids might actually be more eager to read your book after finding out that it’s got blood, guts, and swearing going on!

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is, there is no hard and fast rule for what’s appropriate for younger readers.

Every person is different, and that goes for youths as well as adults. Everyone’s tolerance for swearing, violence, sex, and more is different—and parents will probably disagree with their kids about what’s acceptable.

You’ll need to figure out what you’re personally comfortable with. Some writers who target adult audiences don’t like to include any swearing, sex, or other edgy content—they write what’s called clean fiction.

That’s great! There’s a huge audience for this kind of work, and people across all ages and demographics enjoy it.

If you like to walk on the darker side of things, or even if you just think swearing is fun, then go right ahead.

But be mindful of how you write, why you’re including edgy or explicit content and if you might be going overboard. No matter what age range you’re writing for, edgy content should never take over from a well-developed plot and characters—it should enhance the story you’re telling, not distract from it.

Keep in mind that while most stories with very young protagonists are middle grade or YA fiction, not all of them are. It’s possible that you’re actually writing an adult-category novel that has a teen character, rather than a novel meant for young teens.

Market it that way—rather than selling it as a YA book and risking the wrath of angry parents, market it to adults. If teens really want to read it, they’ll find it.

If you’re targeting younger readers, consider adding a rating or warning to your work if you often include situations that might make parents uncomfortable.

Mostly, though, just be aware of your audience. That’s always the best policy.

How do you deal with edgy topics in your writing?

For more on writing fiction, check out these articles:

  • Found Dialogue: Using the Art of Eavesdropping for Better Fiction
  • 8 Reasons You Should Be Writing Short Stories

Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (8)

Kate Sullivan

Kate Sullivan is an editor with experience in every aspect of the publishing industry, from editorial to marketing to cover and interior design.

In her career, Kate has edited millions of words and helped dozens of bestselling, award-winning authors grow their careers and do what they love!

  1. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (9)

    Patty SeregAlexanderon December 19, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    Why are publishers and editors encouraging profanity, sexuality and obscenity in material for our children? Why do authors feel the need to write books that promote victim hood and answer it by the character committing suicide? I am looking for books that are pro Christian and pro family! Can you recommend an author?

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (10)

      Samanthaon June 10, 2022 at 11:20 am

      Because that is what some kids want to and like to read. Reading opens people’s eyes to experiences that they might not ever experience. I read a book where a character committed suicide and I was able to understand what that was and grasp understanding (and curiosity) about mental illness and problems like that. Just because a few parents are uncomfortable with kids reading things like that doesn’t mean every parent is, if you don’t want your kids reading that don’t let them read it. My parent’s rule was I can read what I want (obviously not 50 Shades of Grey but) and if something made me uncomfortable I could just stop it no questions asked and if I wanted to talk they would have an honest conversation with me about it.

      • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (11)

        Kaelyn Barronon June 22, 2022 at 10:16 pm

        Thanks for sharing your experience, Samantha! I agree that each parent should be able to decide what they let their kids read, and I also agree that many kids want to read YA books that explore “edgy” content because these books more accurately reflect the real world that we all encounter, even as early as middle school.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (12)

      Kaelyn Barronon June 22, 2022 at 10:22 pm

      Hi Patty! Thanks for your comment. When it comes to the content of YA books, I have to agree with Samantha’s comment below. Parents can set rules for the types of content they’ll allow their kids to read, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with publishers publishing “edgy” content with profanity, sexuality, obscenity, etc., because whether we like it or not, these are themes that teens and young readers do encounter in the real world. Many of them want to read stories they can relate to, not an idealistic portrayal of a world that’s free of the complicated realities they actually face. That said, we do have a list of funny books for teens that are more lighthearted :)

  2. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (13)

    Gray Robersonon October 16, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    Hi I’m writing a novel it has cussing the main character is in the mafia there’s mentions of sex and drugs and alcohol should I put it under YA or a NA

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (14)

      Kaelyn Barronon October 18, 2021 at 9:14 pm

      Hi Gray! I don’t think those things alone should disqualify it from YA. Does your book focus on young characters and themes that relate or appeal to teens?

  3. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (15)

    Cherylon September 20, 2021 at 2:37 am

    Hi, how would you handle childhood sexual abuse in a YA novel? It would be something that happened in the past but was affecting the young person in the present. I can give more details via email if that helps but I don’t want to give my story away in this comment.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (16)

      Cole Salaoon September 25, 2021 at 7:13 am

      Personally, I’d frame it as what drives a character to become better, as if they’re trying their hardest to get away from their dark past. You could make it an obsession of theirs too, something that pushes them so much that they ignore some aspects of their lives, which in turn has a negative impact on their current selves.

  4. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (17)

    Ashley J St Laurenton August 19, 2021 at 8:38 pm

    Hi I was thinking about writing about about polyamory in a ya book but I know teens date around anyway. Is this topic too taboo?

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (18)

      Kaelyn Barronon August 20, 2021 at 11:06 pm

      Hi Ashley, thanks for your comment! I think that today it’s no longer the taboo topic it was even a few years ago. Lots of successful YA books are opening up discussions about sexuality and gender identity now

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (19)

      scooon September 9, 2021 at 11:29 am

      Polyamory means a woman is married to multiple persons, and I doubt a YA reader will be married! The correct term would be polyamorous but that really implies having sex with multiple partners not just dating multiple partners. So I don’t know if you want to depict multiple sex partners in a YA novel!

      I suggest you write a New Adult novel instead. That theme is common in NA novels, and they call the genre Reverse Harem. So I wouldn’t even try to tackle something that most people would consider immoral in a YA book. Also, you really couldn’t do it justice in YA I wouldn’t think, unless you just want to talk about a teen character dating multiple boys and leave the sex off-camera. Personally I wouldn’t consider it appropriate for YA unless you did it in a very light manner.

  5. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (20)

    Rowan Foxon March 30, 2021 at 5:35 am

    Hi, thanks for this article. I’m writing a YA novel – I’m not sure about the age of the target audience, but the main characters range in age from 13 to 19. I read the section about sex and the one about violence, but I’m wondering about sexual violence. My book is a dystopia, taking place under a totalitarian regime, and I want to make one of my characters, who is 17, a former sex slave. I am even thinking she may turn out to be pregnant later in the story. There won’t be any descriptions of rape or anything, but she will say explicitly that she was a sex slave. Is that too far for YA?

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (21)

      Kaelyn Barronon April 1, 2021 at 11:24 pm

      Hi Rowan, thanks for your comment! I would say if it’s not too explicit, it’s probably ok to mention. That is a real world issue like all the other issues described in the post. I just looked it up and there are other YA books that deal with that theme.

  6. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (22)

    Mariaon March 9, 2021 at 9:57 pm

    HI, and thanks for this article I am actually looking for information to support why teens should be able to rea adult content and not be sheltered from some of the education they actually need such sex, drugs, alcohol, violence etc. thanks for the article.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (23)

      Kaelyn Barronon March 12, 2021 at 11:21 pm

      Hi Maria, I think the article will help support your points :) I hope you found it helpful!

  7. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (24)

    Elizabethon January 28, 2021 at 12:02 am

    Now I know how unethical the YA industry is based on this article. Just as I suspected. What the f*ck? Excuse the language but its in all the YA books.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (25)

      Kaelyn Barronon February 1, 2021 at 5:52 pm

      Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your comment! While some readers might object to the content in some YA books, I’m not sure I would call edgy content unethical. As the article explains, it’s hard to realistically depict the teen/adolescent experience without touching on some complicated themes, such as sexuality or the temptation to try drugs or alcohol. Of course, it can always be taken too far, which is something authors need to be aware of, but most publishers probably wouldn’t market overly explicit or violent books to a general YA audience anyway.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (26)

      Scooon September 9, 2021 at 11:33 am

      The problem is most parents freak about their sexually developed teenager knowing anything about sex, and most would prefer not to teach them anything about sex until they graduate from college.

      Actually, most kids start asking questions about sex between the ages of 5 to 8, yet parents seem to think they kids should remain ignorant of exactly what their parents did to bring them into the world.

      People are just plain dumb if you ask me.

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (27)

      scooon September 9, 2021 at 11:34 am

      Most parents prefer to keep their kids ignorant about sex until they graduate from college is the short answer.

      • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (28)

        Cole Salaoon September 11, 2021 at 6:06 am

        Thanks for your insights, Scoo!

  8. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (29)

    Lea royon January 16, 2021 at 1:15 pm

    Hi, I’m writing a young adult novel. I know I have more leeway than middle grade, but I’m not sure when enough is enough, in general sometimes to. I also sometimes have a weird sense of humor.

    I have a magic system and want to use some wica rituals in it. Some require to do skyclad which is ritual nudity. Nothing about this is going to be describing body parts in detail, or anyhing sexual in the act.

    Or spells that turn people into animals and into people again, but they don’t have clothes when they change back. Again I don’t plan to describe body parts in details or sexul acts between people.

    I also have a protagonist who is really friendly and likes to hug people. But my more unfriendly shorter character gets hugged sometimes and she sometimes puts her boobs in his face without realizing it, but than he scolds her for it. And it kind of goes like that.

    I wonder if I should up my story rating from a Young Adult to a new adult or an adult for situation like that. Or is that something that’s okay with teens?

    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (30)

      Kaelyn Barronon January 18, 2021 at 9:09 pm

      Hi Lea, I think it sounds okay for teens. In general, it can help to get feedback from friends or others who can read your work and offer their opinion regarding appropriateness too :)

      • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (31)

        Lea royon January 19, 2021 at 1:50 am

        Okay, thank you so much. :D I appreciate you telling me.

        • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (32)

          Kaelyn Barronon January 25, 2021 at 2:39 pm

          you’re very welcome! :)

  9. Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (33)

    Deborah Edgetton November 27, 2020 at 3:47 am

    Hey Kate,

    Thanks so much for this write-up. I am in the middle of writing a second book to a trilogy and found the characters getting into some edgy areas. Focusing on the consequences to some of these edgy actions is a great avenue to taking a risky topic and making it a conversation.


    • Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (34)

      Kaelyn Barronon December 4, 2020 at 11:40 pm

      Thanks Deborah, we’re glad you found Kate’s article helpful! :)

Is Explicit or Edgy Content Okay in Young Adult Books? (2024)


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