How can you use your skills to switch careers? (2024)

Last updated on Nov 24, 2023

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Identify your transferable skills


Research your target career


Fill in the skill gaps


Showcase your skills


Be flexible and adaptable


Enjoy the journey


Here’s what else to consider

Switching careers can be a daunting and exciting decision, especially if you want to pursue a different field or industry. However, you don't have to start from scratch or abandon your previous experience. You can use your skills to transition smoothly and effectively into a new career path. Here are some tips on how to do that.

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  • Jess Sweet, CPCC, CEIP, LICSW The Career Therapist ✦ Using Positive Psychology to Help Your Career Flourish ✦ Award-winning Coach for Empathic…

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1 Identify your transferable skills

Transferable skills are the abilities and competencies that you can apply to different contexts and roles. They include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and creativity. To identify your transferable skills, you can review your resume, portfolio, feedback, and achievements and look for patterns and themes. You can also take online assessments or quizzes to discover your strengths and preferences.

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  • Jess Sweet, CPCC, CEIP, LICSW The Career Therapist ✦ Using Positive Psychology to Help Your Career Flourish ✦ Award-winning Coach for Empathic, Versatile, and People-Focused Leaders ✦ Workshops on Job Search + Mental Wellness at Work

    As Gina Riley mentioned, soft and hard skills are needed for a job at a very high level. Here are some things to keep in mind: 1. My definition: A career change is moving from one industry and role to another industry and role. A pivot is when you only change one of those things, (fully or slightly). So you might be in sales in the software industry, and then move into sales in a different industry. I call this a pivot. Define if you're making a pivot or a change. 2. Making a career change is very hard to do at a high level, because, as was stated, you need both hard and soft skills. 3. Making a career change without the expectation that you'll stay at the same level gives you room to grow your skills. 4. Consider pivoting.


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  • Identifying relevant, transferrable skills is essential to making an actual "career switch" to a different sector, industry, or role. An example would be moving from non-profit to for-profit or vice versa, which can be challenging, particularly at the leadership level.The reason is that decision-makers will typically focus on those with the relevant background that can be immediately applied. Job seekers must identify both the soft or behavioral skills along with some of the hard, functional, or industry-related knowledge to have a strong chance at competing for a role.


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  • One of my favorite topics:I've worked with a number of career pivoters, and the fundamentals are these:. You need to understand that new industry.. You need to align your prior experiences with that new industry, and present them as qualifications. Not just experiences. Qualifications.. It is not the role or the responsibility of the new industry to connect the dots between what you've done and what their industry requires.Spend 3 to 6 months, meeting with and talking to anyone and everyone you can in that new industry. Read everything you can. Be prepared to come in at a more junior level and prove that your prior experience is valuable.


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2 Research your target career

Once you have a clear idea of your transferable skills, you need to research your target career and find out what skills are in demand and how they match your own. You can use online tools, such as job boards, career websites, or LinkedIn, to browse job descriptions, profiles, and trends. You can also network with people who work in your desired field and ask them about their skills, challenges, and advice.

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  • Here is a list of things you can do to research the skills needed to land your idea job:1) Skills inventory2) Research ideal job descriptions3) Conduct informational interviews with people in the role and discuss the essential skills and accumulated business expertise they have found crucial to success in their job4) Consider hiring a leadership, career, or business coach5) Talk with recruiters and/or executive search consultants who understand the role6) Look at your past performance reviews to see if you have soft or hard skill gaps7) Talk with your mentorsUse the research and advice to avoid positioning yourself generically with "communication" or "teamwork" skills, which are generally regarded as necessary no matter the job.


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  • Associations! Yes, associations.Associations are a goldmine when it comes to meeting people in your target industry.People who attend networking events at associations are there to meet and expand their network.They are not, however, there to make YOUR dreams come true, so remember that the goal is not to "get a job", but to educate yourself on your target industry.To find associations, I recommend Bard.


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  • Dr. Jörn Kobus 1.5k+ job offers | The MBB Offer Machine | The Career Transition System | Ex-McKinsey Jr. Asc. Partner

    When considering a career change, it's essential to invest time in researching various opportunities and industries before rushing into applications. Begin by exploring different sectors and the roles within them, even those that might initially seem beyond your reach. This exploration can open up new possibilities and help you understand the skills and experiences required in your target field. Ensure that your professional goals are in sync with the realities of the industry. By thoroughly understanding your target industry, you lay a solid foundation for an effective and targeted job search, increasing your likelihood of finding a role that is both exciting and fulfilling.


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3 Fill in the skill gaps

If you find that you need to develop or improve some skills to switch careers, you can take action to fill in the gaps. You can enroll in online courses, workshops, or certifications that are relevant and credible. You can also volunteer, intern, or freelance in your target industry to gain hands-on experience and exposure. You can also join professional associations, groups, or events to learn from others and build your network.

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  • This is really dependent upon the skills.If you are in sales, you can educate yourself on the products in your target industry.If you believe you can switch from sales to finance, e.g., an on-line course is unlikely to make you a better candidate than someone whose career has been in finance.


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  • Dr. Jörn Kobus 1.5k+ job offers | The MBB Offer Machine | The Career Transition System | Ex-McKinsey Jr. Asc. Partner

    Embarking on the journey of learning new skills for a career shift starts with a clear understanding of your objectives. Whether you're exploring a new field, aiming for collaborations across departments, or working on a personal project, each goal necessitates a distinct approach. Time and systematic planning are essential in this process. Reflect on how acquiring these new skills aligns with your broader career vision. This alignment ensures that your efforts are purposeful and directed towards tangible goals. Avoid learning skills just for the sake of it. Instead, focus on how these new competencies will aid in advancing your career and bringing you closer to your overall aspirations.


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4 Showcase your skills

When you are ready to apply for jobs in your new career, you need to showcase your skills effectively and convincingly. You can do this by updating your resume, cover letter, and online presence to highlight your transferable skills and how they relate to your target role. You can also create a portfolio or a website that showcases your projects, achievements, and testimonials. You can also prepare for interviews by practicing your stories, examples, and questions that demonstrate your skills.

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  • Business is all about the numbers. Quantify how you make a workplace BETTER and you will be irresistible.The easiest way to show you can change careers is to do a quick update to your hiring materials with numbers. Avoid talking about tasks and responsibilities. Instead show your future employer the benefits you can bring to the team.


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5 Be flexible and adaptable

Switching careers requires flexibility and adaptability, as you may face challenges, uncertainties, and opportunities along the way. You need to be open to learning new things, trying new approaches, and adjusting to new situations. You also need to be resilient and persistent, as you may face rejection, competition, or feedback. You can overcome these obstacles by setting realistic goals, seeking support, and celebrating your progress.

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  • YES to the importance of networking; no matter how great your resume is, you will be competing with people who have both industry and job function experience. Networking is what can then move you out of the "middle of the pack" into a serious contender.


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  • There is not a one-size fits all approach.That said, the key to making a career switch is to make networking your top priority, talk with many people, and remain open-minded.

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6 Enjoy the journey

Switching careers can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey, as you discover new possibilities, passions, and potentials. You can use your skills to make a positive impact, find satisfaction, and grow professionally and personally. You can also enjoy the journey by embracing your curiosity, creativity, and courage and by exploring your interests, values, and purpose.

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  • Expect roadblocks.Expect struggle.Expect naysayers.If you have invested the time to learn about the target of your pivot, you'll be able to get through and over these.If you are motivated only by hating your current role, it is more likely you will find these obstacles too daunting to overcome.


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  • Dr. Jörn Kobus 1.5k+ job offers | The MBB Offer Machine | The Career Transition System | Ex-McKinsey Jr. Asc. Partner

    Navigating a career transition effectively involves more than just meeting benchmarks; it's also about your level of enjoyment and engagement in the process. A key indicator of progress is how much excitement and interest you feel when acquiring new skills or delving into industry-related topics. This enthusiasm is a strong sign that you're moving in the right direction. However, while passion and interest are important, they should be balanced with systematic decision-making. Avoid relying solely on intuition or making choices based on short-term opportunities. Instead, think long-term and consider how each step aligns with your overall career goals.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • I believe that everyone has a "happy place". It may be where they are currently, or it may be radically different from where they are today.Career fulfillment, like life fulfillment, is a journey.


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  • To win the job, a job seeker needs to ensure they stand out as the top, qualified candidate. One cannot rely on the fact that they "know they can do the job." Refrain from making people guess your capabilities. Show them.I caution to steer clear of generic advice that soft skills like communication and teamwork will be the magic skill formula to cross the chasm, especially at the leadership level.


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  • Transitioning careers can often feel like trying to turn an ocean liner – the process may seem ponderously slow, and the waters unpredictable. It's important to remember, however, that apparent simplicity can be the greatest deceiver of all. What may seem an 'obvious' skill set in one industry could be a rarity in another, hence the adage, 'one person's ordinary is another. It is also crucial to remember - a career changer is not a 'beginner'. You bring with you a treasure trove of experiences, insights, and skills that even the most academically accomplished novice lacks.As a career changer, you are armed with the expertise and resilience of your past experiences.


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How can you use your skills to switch careers? (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.