7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (2024)

Prepare yourselves, for the cosmic chaos is upon us once again. Brace for impact as we delve into a period where seven powerful planets embark on their retrograde journey simultaneously.

Yes, you heard it right – Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will all take a step back through the celestial sphere, sending ripples of disruption throughout their respective astrological realms.

But what exactly does it mean when a planet goes retrograde? Although the term may sound ominous, it's important to note that this backward motion is merely an optical illusion.

Nevertheless, ancient astrologers associated the appearance of a reversing planet with significant earthly events, which has been upheld in modern astrology.

Retrogrades often bring forth challenges that compel us to reevaluate our beliefs, habits, and circ*mstances, even if we may not feel entirely prepared.

It's important to remember, however, that not all retrogrades are harbingers of doom. Embedded within their cosmic dance lies an opportunity for reflection, reassessment, and reimagination – the ‘re' in retrograde.

Now is the time to confront any lingering unresolved issues in our lives. Whether it be our physical well-being, communication skills, relationships, career paths, responsibilities, or personal empowerment – the retrograde energy offers a fertile ground for growth and transformation.

Embrace this period as a chance for self-mastery, where you can reclaim your power and steer your life towards a brighter future. Mark September 4th, 2023, in bold on your calendars, dear friends.

During this sprint through the retrograde maze, Mercury, the planet of communication, will form an aspect with Jupiter, the planet of expansion.

It is highly recommended to set aside some moments for introspection, journaling, or meditation. You may be astounded by the profound insights and celestial wisdom that grace your mind during this time.

So, let it be known, that a cataclysmic astrological event awaits us. As the majority of our solar system's planets retrace their steps, expect the unexpected.

This cosmic symphony of retrograde motion promises to shake the foundations of our lives, urging us to embrace the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie within.

Hold on tight, stargazers, for this celestial spectacle is sure to leave its mark.

Let’s go planet by planet, in the order their respective retrogrades will end…

Venus Retrograde 2023: July 23 to September 4

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (1)

As we find ourselves in the midst of this current retrograde, which commenced on July 23, it is essential to note that its influence will be felt until September 4, when it officially concludes.

However, even after this period, the shadow phase lingers, exerting its effects until October 7, almost a month after the retrograde comes to an end.

This specific Venus retrograde takes place in Leo, the zodiac sign that governs our vitality and sense of self. Given that Venus represents love and beauty, it's possible that encounters with former flames or less-than-stellar hair days may come our way.

In order to navigate through these cosmic waves, let us consider some sound advice:

Do: Take the time to reconnect with activities and experiences that bring you joy. Explore ways to express your true identity and creative essence. Prioritize self-care and allow your authentic self to shine brightly.

Don’t: Give in to impulsive urges for drastic hair transformations or make significant purchases on a whim. Trust us on this one!

It's worth noting that the impact of this retrograde will be particularly felt by individuals born under the signs of Taurus, Libra, Leo, and Aquarius. These signs should prepare themselves for a more intensified experience during this celestial phenomenon.

Embrace the transformative opportunities that this period offers and remember to be gentle with yourself as you traverse the intricate terrain of Venus retrograde.

See AlsoHow Uranus Retrograde 2023 - 24 Will Positively Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Mercury Retrograde 2023: August 24 to September 16

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (2)

Ah, the notorious Mercury retrograde! Known for its regular appearances throughout the year, it's no wonder we're quite familiar with its effects.

Brace yourselves, for the next retrograde is just around the corner, spanning from late August to mid-September, with shadow periods extending from August 4 to September 30.

As mentioned before, Mercury retrograde tends to wreak havoc on travel, transportation, communication, and technology.

In this particular cycle, Mercury takes its backward dance through the sign of Virgo, known for its meticulousness, precision, and orderliness. As a result, expect this retrograde to have a direct impact on your daily routines, habits, work processes, and chores.

However, fear not, for it presents an opportunity to reconsider and evaluate these very aspects of your life. When Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, it's time to fine-tune your communication skills, review your plans, and adopt a meticulous approach to your everyday existence.

Embrace this phase as a chance to reflect deeply, organize your thoughts, express yourself clearly, and make decisions based on your inner wisdom.

Allow me to provide you with some valuable guidance:

Do: Take the time to review and revise your plans, enhance your communication methods, and establish a sense of organization in your life.

This is an excellent opportunity to engage in introspection, clarify your thoughts, communicate effectively, and trust your intuition when making important choices.

Don’t: Fall into the trap of long-winded and elaborate communications (emails, texts, etc.). Remember to back up your work and save, save, save to avoid potential mishaps.

Gemini and Virgo, pay close attention, for you will feel the brunt of this retrograde's impact more intensely than other signs. Be prepared for some twists and turns along your journey during this cosmically charged period.

As the universe slows down the pace and invites us to reevaluate and recalibrate, let us navigate this Mercury retrograde with patience, clarity, and a keen eye for detail.

Remember, within the challenges lie valuable insights, guiding us towards growth and transformation.

See AlsoHow Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 23 – September 14, 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Pluto Retrograde 2023: May 11 to October 22

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (3)

Prepare yourselves, for the mighty Pluto is currently in retrograde motion, weaving its powerful influence through the realms of Aquarius and Capricorn.

And it doesn't stop there, my friends. This retrograde journey extends until 2023, covering the entire year if we take into account the shadow period from December 10, 2022, to January 21, 2024.

Embrace this Pluto retrograde as a celestial invitation, beckoning you to reclaim your personal power and prioritize purpose-driven actions. Here's some sage advice to help you along the way:

Do: Take the time to delve deep within yourself, examining your inner strength. Release anything that no longer serves you, whether it be negative thoughts, toxic emotions, or outdated patterns of behavior. Let go and make room for transformation.

Don’t: Now, I must caution you against harboring aspirations of world dominance, unless, of course, you fancy yourself a supervillain. Remember, this journey is about personal empowerment and growth, not nefarious schemes!

Keep in mind that true change is an ongoing process, a continuous dance of evolution rather than a singular event.

Embrace this opportunity for soul-level transformation, for it has the potential to reshape your life in profound and meaningful ways.

See AlsoMercury Retrograde In Virgo 2023 Will Take These 4 Zodiac Signs On A Wild Ride

Saturn Retrograde 2023: June 18 to November 4

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (4)

Ah, Saturn, the stern taskmaster of the cosmos, decides to go retrograde once a year, often causing a sense of unease, particularly for those experiencing Saturn's Return.

Brace yourselves as we enter the realm of Saturn Retrograde in Pisces, a period inviting spiritual reflection, inner healing, and a release of limiting beliefs.

During this retrograde phase, Saturn empowers you to commit to rituals and self-care practices that nurture your soul. Here are some guiding principles to navigate through this transformative journey:

Do: Practice self-compassion, my friends, for it is through kindness towards oneself that true growth is fostered.

Connect with your intuition, listen to the whispers of your soul, and engage in spiritual practices that guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself.

Don’t: While it's perfectly acceptable to indulge in daydreams and flights of fancy, be cautious not to completely lose yourself in escapism. Stay grounded in reality and focus on what truly matters in your life.

Capricorn and Pisces, pay close attention, for the impact of this retrograde will be felt most intensely by your signs. Be prepared for profound shifts and lessons that will shape your path forward.

Remember, dear souls, that retrogrades, though often challenging, are potent opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Embrace the wisdom they offer and navigate these celestial currents with grace and resilience.

See AlsoVenus Retrograde 2023 Will Affect These 4 Zodiac Signs the Most

Neptune Retrograde 2023: July 1 to December 6

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (5)

During this period, Neptune will gracefully join Saturn in its retrograde journey through Pisces, deepening your intuition and strengthening your spiritual connection.

The celestial dance of Neptune's retrograde offers you vast opportunities for healing and self-discovery.

To make the most of this transit, it is beneficial to engage in mindfulness practices that help you stay present and connected to the subtle energies around you.

Additionally, tapping into your creative side can enhance your experience, allowing inspiration to flow effortlessly.

Remember to nurture your self-confidence during this time, as it will serve as a guiding light on your path forward.

As you navigate the waters of this retrograde, it's wise to exercise caution when exploring overly mystical crystal shops.

While they may hold allure, they could leave you with an abundance of healing stones and a hefty credit card bill. Trust in your innate wisdom as the ultimate oracle, believing in the power within you to guide your journey.

Do: Practice mindfulness, engage in creative endeavors, and build confidence.

Don't: Avoid overly mystical crystal shops unless you want to walk away with a dozen healing stones and a huge credit card bill. You are the last oracle; believe in yourself.

Gemini, Cancer, and Scorpio are the signs most affected by the transformative energy of Neptune retrograde.

See AlsoHere's How Chiron Retrograde Will Affect Zodiac Signs In 2023: You Turn Pain Into Power

Jupiter Retrograde 2023: September 5 to December 31

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (6)

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, takes a reflective pause as it embarks on its retrograde motion in Taurus, inviting you to delve deeper into your self-esteem and personal growth.

It's important to note that the retrograde period of Jupiter extends until the New Year, providing ample time for self-discovery and introspection. Take this opportunity to evaluate your values and how they align with your goals.

Set realistic and meaningful objectives, breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps. Remember, mastering any endeavor requires time and patience, so be kind to yourself along the way.

While indulgence may be tempting during this time, it is advisable to avoid overindulging in opulent amenities and decadent treats. By maintaining balance and moderation, you can cultivate a solid foundation for long-term success.

Do: Think about your values and how they align with your goals, then set some goals and start by doing one small thing at a time. It takes time to master it!

Don’t: Overdo it with abundant equipment and fine delicacy.

Taurus and Sagittarius are the signs most influenced by the transformative energy of Jupiter retrograde.

Uranus Retrograde 2023-2024: August 29 to January 27

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (7)

As Uranus begins its retrograde motion in Taurus, a period of profound transformation commences.

This cosmic event urges you to break free from stagnant routines, embrace change, and challenge the status quo on both personal and societal levels.

Embrace flexibility during this transformative time, as it allows you to adapt to new circ*mstances and explore uncharted territories.

Trying new things and going with the flow will enable you to ride the waves of change gracefully.

However, it is essential to find a balance between rebellion and submission. While embracing your individuality and questioning established norms is encouraged, participating in extreme adventure sports might not be advisable.

Do: Embrace flexibility, try new things, and go with the flow.

Don't: Participate in any extreme adventure sports. Find a happy medium between rebellion and submission.

Seek a happy medium that allows you to navigate this transformative journey in a way that is both empowering and safe.

The energy of Uranus retrograde predominantly affects those born under the sign of Taurus, but its impact extends to all zodiac signs as an invitation to embrace profound change.

See AlsoMonthly Horoscope September 2023 for Your Zodiac Sign

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (8)


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7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (9)


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Tags: Mercury RetrogradePlutoSaturn RetrogradeSeptember 2023Uranus RetrogradeVenus Retrograde

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (10)

Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

7 Planets in Retrograd in September 2023, What to Expect (2024)


What happens to people when planets are in retrograde? ›

The planets farther away from the Sun, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are retrograde for about half the year. Because of this, retrogrades from these planets usually don't affect our individual lives too much.

What to expect during retrograde 2023? ›

This Mercury retrograde begins at the same time as the last new moon of the year, which brings in fresh ideas and perspectives. This time is great for starting new things and setting intentions for the future. The new moon in Sagittarius will add some energy and purpose to this confusing time.

What are the results of retrograde planets? ›

Vakri grahas or retrograde planets do not always produce bad results, they impel reconsideration of functions associated with them. When planets are retrograde their power to do good or bad is enhanced, then benefic planets become more benevolent and malefic planets more malevolent.

What does retrograde do to humans? ›

As a result, retrograde motion is thought to have negative connotations in the astrological realm. Some astrologers believe it can lead to: Falling out with friends. Experiencing misunderstandings.

What does retrograde mean spiritually? ›

Retrogrades spin the energy inward. With Mercury, our communications begin to flow inwardly instead of outwardly. This allows for deeper access to our heart, our intuition and our inner compass. Spend time journaling, pulling cards and exploring the inner workings of your mind.

What are the positive effects of retrograde? ›

It's a time to become more aware of our surroundings. Mercury in retrograde urges us to slow down and take a step back from events. On the positive side, this will enable us to be more open and direct in the way we communicate. On the negative side, it can lead to misunderstandings.”

What to do when planets are in retrograde? ›

Just as the seasons shift as the Earth spins her glorious spin, we too, hold all the seasons within us. Many astrologers caution us not to begin anything new or make any sudden changes or big decisions when there are planets in retrograde. Once we emerge from this descent, we do so as more of who we are.

What does it mean when you have planets in retrograde in your chart? ›

It means that the planet's energy and the areas of life it rules will more turned inwardly than externally in your life. Plus, you'll face some karmic life lessons around the themes of the planet. Especially early in life, you may even keep some of the planet's energy hidden or undercover.

What bad things happen during retrograde? ›

It can encompass many facets of daily life, such as relationships and technology. So when Mercury appears to be moving backward, everyday life may get a little screwy. According to astrological interpretations, Mercury retrograde is generally associated with negative energy— confusion, inconvenience, and bad luck.

How does Mars retrograde affect people? ›

Mars retrograde happens when the planet Mars seems to move backward in the sky from Earth's view. People think this affects how we act, feel, and what drives us. During Mars retrograde, our usual energy might feel a bit low. It's like we're not as excited about doing things or starting new projects.

How do planets affect our lives? ›

The Sun is believed to influence career paths, self-worth, and leadership abilities. The Moon is associated with emotions, relationships, and nurturing capabilities. Mars affects energy levels, motivation, and the capacity for action. Mercury's domain includes communication skills, intelligence, and learning ability.


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