15 Icebreakers for High School Students - IcebreakerIdeas (2024)

Providing effective icebreaker activities for high school students can be challenging. You need to access moods, group dynamics, and the comfort level of participants. We have chosen a wide variety of icebreakers for high school students from which you should be able to find the perfect icebreaker game. We have included introductory icebreakers, team building icebreakers, some rather calm icebreaker games, as well as some that are just crazy and fun.

Table of Contents

Introductory Icebreaker Activities for High School Students

Frequently, high school students are grouped or paired with someone they do not know for learning or other activities. Our collection of introductory ice breakers help teens feel comfortable working and socializing with new acquaintances.

Snowball Fight

Each student is given a piece of paper and told to write five facts about themselves. After they have all written down their facts, tell them to wad the piece of paper and begin a snowball fight. When you think they have thrown enough – or they begin to get carried away – tell them to pick up the “snowball” closest to them, read the facts, and try to find out whose snowball they have by asking yes or no questions only. The first one to do so is the winner. Have the students continue until they have all succeeded. This works well for pairing up students for an activity or game.

Fun Facts

For this game, you will need colored candies. M & Ms work well. Assign a different category for each color. You can use the following suggestions, or choose some of your own:

  • Red – family
  • Blue – hobbies
  • Green – friends
  • Yellow – favorite song or singing group

Pour the colored candies into a large bowl and tell each student to take as many candies as they want. You may want to set a limit to make sure the bowl lasts all the way around the group and to control the length of this icebreaker game. After all the students have taken candy, explain that the number of candies they choose equals the number of facts they will share about themselves with rest of the group. They must tell facts corresponding to the categories assigned each color. For example, if a student chose all blue candies, they will share only facts about hobbies.

What Do You Love?

This getting-to-know-you icebreaker game works well with high school students. The goal is to guess classmates favorite things. Give each participant paper and a pen or pencil. Direct students to write their names and record their favorites for some topics you provide such as:

  • Music performers
  • Games
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Foods
  • Sports or athletes

Collect all the papers and read the answers on each sheet. Have the group of students guess to whom each list of favorites belongs. If you wish, you can use this as a team icebreaker activity for a large group of students by giving points for each correct answer. The team with the largest number of points wins.

Icebreaker Games

Hidden Identity

This is a simple and fun icebreaker game that takes very little preparation and works with any size group.

  1. Have each student write down the name of a famous person – an actor, singer, historical figure, etc.
  2. Collect the papers and tape one to the back of each student without letting them know who they have.
  3. The students then circulate around the room asking yes or no questions to identify what name is taped to their back.
  4. They can only ask each person one question, however.
  5. The student who guesses their celebrity first wins.


Shake is an excellent icebreaker to get everyone up and moving and only lasts about 10 minutes.

  1. The leader stands in front to control the action of the game.
  2. The leader gives directions that the group must follow. The leader begins by saying, “Shake your foot,” while shaking his foot. Directions should be given in a crazy or loud voice.
  3. The group shakes their feet saying “Shake, shake, shake your foot.”
  4. Then the leader repeats himself and says, “Shake your foot” and the group responds, “Shake, shake, shake your foot.”
  5. Next the leader says, “Freeze!” The group freezes immediately.
  6. The leader repeats the same set of commands, while the students shake their feet and respond. T
  7. he leader then adds other body parts. For instance, the leader will say, “Shake your right arm,” and the group will respond “Shake, shake, shake your right arm,” while shaking their right arms.
  8. Each command is followed with a “Freeze!” command. Continue until all participants are full of energy.

Sit Down Circle

This is another short energizing icebreaker game.

  1. Have the students form one big circle and tell them to turn right and stand as close to one another as possible. They must be close for this icebreaker game to work.
  2. Tell the students to sit on the knees of the person behind them.
  3. After everyone is settled, instruct the students to move forward around in the circle without breaking the sit down chain. They may need to try several times before they are successful.

Streets and Alleys

  1. Have the students line up in rows, forming a rectangle. Make sure there is room for people to run between the rows and lines.
  2. One student is “It” and chases another.
  3. Have the students put their arms out shoulder height and sideways to form “streets.” If they raise their arms up, same height, but front to back, they form “alleys.”
  4. The person being chased and the chaser run through the maze of people, starting with streets. They cannot cross the lines of hands. S
  5. witch from streets to alleys as often as you want.
  6. When the first two get tired, pick other students to participate.

The Wave with Foam

This fun ice breaker lasts only about 10 minutes. Most of the students will be familiar with the wave, but this one adds foam. Have the group sit down in a row. The first three students stand up, bend over, and spin their fists over each other. Then they stand up, scream, put their hands over their heads, and then sit down. This continues with groups of three until the end of the row. The last five people are the foam. When the wave gets to this group, these five students put their hands in the direction the wave is going while making a crashing sound. Thus, the wave ends with foam.

Swamp Island Maze

For this game, you will need twenty-two 8×10 sheets of paper, masking tape, and a bell or squeaker toy, The goal is to transport teams across a quicksand swamp. The leader sets up the course and makes a map indicating which squares are safe grass clumps and which are unsafe islands. Each team member attempts to cross the swamp, but must return to the back of their team’s line if they step on an unsafe island. Only one person may try to cross the swamp at a time.

Set up the swamp by having “start” and “finish” squares at each end of a rectangle with four rows of five sheets of paper each. The leader sets up the course with 14 steps that are safe and six that are not. When a player lands on a safe spot, the leader uses a squeaker toy or bell to indicate they are safe. The other team members must watch to determine which squares are safe. The first team to transport all their members across the swamp wins.

Drop the Ball

  1. Begin this challenging icebreaker games by dividing your students into small groups.
  2. Give each group 12 straws, 18 inches of masking tape and a golf ball.
  3. The goal is to build a container that will catch a golf ball dropped from about ten feet. E
  4. ach group selects a “ball dropper” who stands on a chair and hold the golf ball at eye level.
  5. Each team places its container on the floor under where they think the ball will land.
  6. Each group gets three attempts and the group that gets a ball to go into their container and stay wins.

Crazy, Fun, and Sometimes Messy Icebreakers

If you have a group of students who like gross or messy games, this group of icebreaker activities will provide the perfect options. You will need towels for clean-up, plus most of the games take specific supplies and advance planning. However, the outcomes are well worth the effort.

Alka-Seltzer Duel

A fun game guaranteed to generate laughs, use cowboy hats to set the mood for this icebreaker game.

  1. Ask for two volunteers and arm each with a squirt gun loaded with water.
  2. On the forehead of each student, place an Alka-Seltzer tablet with double sided tape or a rubber band around the head.
  3. The two participants stand back to back and when given the command to start, take five paces, turn, and fire their squirt guns.
  4. The objective is to hit and melt the tablet and the first student to do so wins.
  5. Use swim goggles to protect the eyes. The tablet fizzes and foams all over, so have towels for clean-up.
  6. You can repeat this game with new students participating if you wish.

Alphabet Soup

This fun icebreaker game works well with a large group of students. Split your large group into several teams and give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup. For a less messy option, provide boxes of Alphabits cereal. The teams use the letters to make words or number series. Teams gain points by finding one or more of the following:

  • Words of three letters
  • Words of four letters
  • Words with five or more letters
  • Team member names
  • Years – 1914, 2001, etc.

You can give extra points for the longest word if you wish.

Close Shave

As indicated by the name of the game, the goal of this game is to shave a balloon. You need blown up balloons covered with shaving cream, a razor, and plenty of towels for cleaning up, because if the balloon breaks, the shaving cream goes all over the place.

Water Balloon Shave

You can either have 6 volunteers – 3 girls and 3 boys – participate in this icebreaker game or pair up the entire group of students. The boys sit in chairs facing the audience holding a large water balloon on their heads. The girl partners cover the balloons with shaving cream, and with a single edged razor try to “shave” all the shaving cream off the balloon without breaking it. The first pair to succeed wins. Those who fail get dowsed with water.

Feeding Frenzy

This icebreaker game is messy, but a great deal of fun.

  1. Pair up your students.
  2. One student in each pair will sit in a chair and the other will stand blindfolded behind the seated student.
  3. Use a large plastic garbage bag with a hole cut out for the head as a bib for the seated student.
  4. The standing students put their arms under the seated person’s armpits and hold a bowl containing food in one hand and a spoon in the other.
  5. The seated person must keep their hands folded in their lap.
  6. The bowl contains something fun to eat – ice cream, pudding, and Jello all work well.
  7. The first team that successfully empties the bowl wins. You can also award prizes for the messiest eaters, the cleanest eaters, etc.

Our selection of icebreaker games and activities for high school students should provide you the perfect game for your party, classroom, or get-together. Remember that if one does not work, move on to a different one.

You may wish to ask some of the students for input as to which games they feel will work the best. The games included in our group of icebreakers for high school students were actually reviewed by some students for age appropriateness. We also wanted to make sure they were not considered “silly” or “stupid” and had the ability to actually break the ice for a group of high school students. Enjoy!

15 Icebreakers for High School Students - IcebreakerIdeas (4)

Susan Box Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

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15 Icebreakers for High School Students - IcebreakerIdeas (2024)


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Two Truths and a Lie is a classic icebreaker game where everyone shares three statements about themselves: two truths and one lie. The other participants then try to discuss and guess which statement is the lie. Once everyone has made their guesses, the player reveals which statement was the lie.

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Funny Icebreaker Questions
  • If you were to choose a fictional family to be with, who would they be and why?
  • If you were to be reincarnated as an animal, what would it be and why?
  • Which celebrity do most people say you look like?
  • You can only eat one food throughout your lifetime, what is it and why?

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Split everyone into pairs and hand each pair a piece of paper. Each pair is responsible for finding 10 things they have in common with one another. Remember to tell everyone that easy cop-outs aren't allowed, like "we both have hands".

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General Ice Breaker Questions

Please share why. ❖ If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be and why? ❖ Do you have a favorite charity you wish more people knew about? ❖ What skill do you think everyone should have?

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Ice Breaker 4: Four C's

Ask each person to name a cartoon character, a color, a car, and a cuisine that best describes his or her personality and explain why.

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Just Five Things - This icebreaker is so versatile and can work for any group. Break up into groups of four or five and tell them they'll be coming up with a list of five things to answer a prompt. Create a question that relates to your group.

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Random Questions To Ask Friends
  • What's the weirdest thing you believed as a kid?
  • If you could relive any moment in your life, would you? ...
  • Do you have any weird habits that I don't know about?
  • What was your favorite part of your day when you were a kid?
  • What was your favorite meal as a kid?
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The oldest player is IT and goes first. Have them think of a person, place or thing, without saying it aloud. Each other player can ask up to 20 yes or no questions to try and guess the answer! After asking 20 questions or guessing the correct answer (whichever comes first, switch turns at being IT.

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Common and unique is an activity where members get into small groups of four or five people and share personal details about themselves. Members then try to determine what personal details they have in common with one another and which details are unique to one individual within the small group.

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Best Icebreaker Questions for Meetings
  • What's is one thing we don't know about you?
  • What is your favorite meal to cook and why?
  • Are you a morning person or a night person?
  • What is your favorite musical instrument and why?
  • Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  • What languages do you know how to speak?
  • Popcorn or M&Ms?
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Parents need to know that Icebreaker, by Hannah Grace, is a light college romance with a lot of very graphic, detailed descriptions of sex between main characters.

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Fun and light icebreakers

What was your last Netflix binge? If you could be a character in any movie, what character and what movie would it be? If you invented an ice cream flavor, what ingredients would it have, and what would it be called?

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Two Truths and One Lie

A simple and classic ice breaker game. Each employee shares three statements about themselves – two truths, and one lie. Then, everyone tries to guess which is the lie by asking questions. Try to find out as many details about the statements as possible and watch the speaker's reactions closely.

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Icebreaker questions for small groups
  • What's your one piece of advice to everyone here?
  • What question do you wish people would ask you?
  • What is one thing we would never guess about you?
  • What's one thing you want to do in life but don't know where to start?
  • What's a cause or purpose you deeply believe in?

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One-word Icebreaker (15 mins)

How: Split participants into small teams (using breakout rooms if you're on Zoom) and ask them to come up with one word to describe, say, your company culture, or a project you're working on.

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ONE GOOD THING Participants introduce themselves and share one good thing (can be work related or personal). Provides a positive beginning and conversation starters at the beginning of a session. Tell participants that they must line up in order of their birthdays. The trick is that they must do it silently.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.